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  • SixstringKing
    Originally posted by vector View Post
    Per Matt- word from the horses mouth-
    >We are only building Stars and San Dimas guitars with bolt on necks.
    >I would say let's go with the Jackson Custom Shop, but you would
    >need to change the headstock to the pointy Jackson version.
    >Joe Reynoso
    >Sales Manager, Custom Division
    >Fender, Gretsch, Jackson, Charvel
    >USA & CanadaSad fucking state of affairs.

    Oh well, I'm sure somebody out there can build what I want...
    What difference would it make if it was Charvel/Jackson Custom Shop when they are one in the same!?!??! WTF!?!?!? I say, What a crock of sh!t!!

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  • shreddermon
    Wow, that's really disappointing. I guess that confirms the prior rumors, though.

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  • vector
    Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
    It's a bummer you can't get exactly what you want from them.

    You could go Ran, that guy doesn't believe in any kind of design ownership...
    Damn straight! While it certainly ain't the end of the world, it IS fubar. Whatever happened to unabashed, crass capitalism where businesses would do almost anything to make a buck?

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  • Hellbat
    It's a bummer you can't get exactly what you want from them.

    You could go Ran, that guy doesn't believe in any kind of design ownership...

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  • toejam
    Ah, that's a bummer.

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  • vector
    Originally posted by toejam View Post
    Cool. I did a search and found a thread about it from 2003, but there's no more pics in the thread. Didn't realize it was that long ago you got it! Post pics when you can.
    Per Matt- word from the horses mouth-
    >We are only building Stars and San Dimas guitars with bolt on necks.
    >I would say let's go with the Jackson Custom Shop, but you would
    >need to change the headstock to the pointy Jackson version.
    >Joe Reynoso
    >Sales Manager, Custom Division
    >Fender, Gretsch, Jackson, Charvel
    >USA & CanadaSad fucking state of affairs.

    Oh well, I'm sure somebody out there can build what I want...

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  • toejam
    Cool. I did a search and found a thread about it from 2003, but there's no more pics in the thread. Didn't realize it was that long ago you got it! Post pics when you can.

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  • shreddermon
    Yep, that's it - sorry, would've posted a pic of it, but can't access my Photobucket account from here.

    And, agreed, IMHO that'd be disappointing if they're not allowed anymore.

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  • toejam
    Originally posted by toejam View Post
    Why wouldn't Charvel do a neck-thru? They did for someone's Custom Shop here a few years back.
    Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
    Yep, that was me - Charvel custom shop pointyhead neck-through. Great guitar. They've done a couple of NT Charvel surfcasters previously, too. Otherwise, a NT Charvel custom shop is extremely rare.

    Not too long after my build, though, I did hear rumors they might've changed the rules and now no longer allow them through the Charvel brand. Not sure if that's true, though. Vector, if you get a definitive answer from the custom shop, I'd be very curious to hear it.
    I remember now. It's the 24-fretter with red ghost flames with pau ferro board, right? It would be a shame if they stopped doing neck-thru Charvels in the Custom Shop.

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  • vector
    Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
    Might as well try ordering this, too...

    I'm about to order some o' this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	patron.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	4.9 KB
ID:	2445615
    And then I'm gonna get one a them Boo-teek guitar builders to make me a NT Star with a reverse heady and I'm gonna have it painted up to say, "F*ck Gibson & FMIC lawyers!

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  • shreddermon
    Might as well try ordering this, too...

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  • vector
    Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
    Hamer had a pre-existing licensing agreement with Gibson, prior to FMIC acquiring them. Not sure if the agreement has an expiration date (most likely, yes), but don't be surprised if - at some point in the future - Gibson nixes an extension, and Hamer can no longer build Gibby-like models. That latter part is partial speculation on my part, though.

    Yep, that was me - Charvel custom shop pointyhead neck-through. Great guitar. They've done a couple of NT Charvel surfcasters previously, too. Otherwise, a NT Charvel custom shop is extremely rare.

    Not too long after my build, though, I did hear rumors they might've changed the rules and now no longer allow them through the Charvel brand. Not sure if that's true, though. Vector, if you get a definitive answer from the custom shop, I'd be very curious to hear it.

    With all that being said I can't understand why FMIC-owned Charvel/Jackson can't then do a Star with a FMIC-owned Hamer Standard-style head stock. Seriously, is it THAT f*cking complicated?

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  • shreddermon
    Originally posted by Chad View Post
    BTW, since Fender now owns Kaman (who owns Hamer), isn't that technically breaking the "gentleman's" agreement since one of Fenders subsidiaries is copying a Gibson product?
    Hamer had a pre-existing licensing agreement with Gibson, prior to FMIC acquiring them. Not sure if the agreement has an expiration date (most likely, yes), but don't be surprised if - at some point in the future - Gibson nixes an extension, and Hamer can no longer build Gibby-like models. That latter part is partial speculation on my part, though.

    Originally posted by toejam View Post
    Why wouldn't Charvel do a neck-thru? They did for someone's Custom Shop here a few years back.
    Yep, that was me - Charvel custom shop pointyhead neck-through. Great guitar. They've done a couple of NT Charvel surfcasters previously, too. Otherwise, a NT Charvel custom shop is extremely rare.

    Not too long after my build, though, I did hear rumors they might've changed the rules and now no longer allow them through the Charvel brand. Not sure if that's true, though. Vector, if you get a definitive answer from the custom shop, I'd be very curious to hear it.

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  • vector
    Originally posted by toejam View Post
    Why wouldn't Charvel do a neck-thru? They did for someone's Custom Shop here a few years back.
    That's what I thought but some contributor stated emphatically that they wouldn't do it. Matt at Matt's Music Center is looking into it for me. If they say, "yes" I'm pulling the trigger.

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  • toejam
    Originally posted by vector View Post
    and yeah, the hs sez Jackson because it's gonna be a neck-thru. Charvel apparently doesn't do those.
    Why wouldn't Charvel do a neck-thru? They did for someone's Custom Shop here a few years back.

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