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Chris Broderick Signature delivery

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  • #31
    One thing I learned long ago is much gets lost in text as opposed to voice. I'm not apologizing for anything I said but I can see where I (as well as others) can misunderstand things said. Thing is though, there's no set time to be a member before you can make cracks about what people say. Others do it and it's ok but since I'm new it's not allowed? Sorry but I don't play that way. Remember, what's good for the goose...
    In memory of Gary Wright 9/13/2012


    • #32 a fistful of Ron?
      "Today, I shat a brown monolith ..majestic enough for gods to stand upon" BillZ aka horns666


      • #33
        Originally posted by CowboyFromHell View Post
        One thing I learned long ago is much gets lost in text as opposed to voice. I'm not apologizing for anything I said but I can see where I (as well as others) can misunderstand things said. Thing is though, there's no set time to be a member before you can make cracks about what people say. Others do it and it's ok but since I'm new it's not allowed? Sorry but I don't play that way. Remember, what's good for the goose...

        RacerX was totally kidding, thus the smiley. THe whole get the whole guitar in the shot seems to be a ongoing joke around here that I picked up pretty fast. I think it's funny.
        2003 Jackson SLATQH Custom (cobalt cabo), 2002 Jackson SLATQM (burnt cherry), 2011 Jackson Chris Broderick Soloist (transblack 7), 2007 SL2H (black)
        Mesa Road King, Bogner Uberkab, Mesa Lonestar Classic, Kemper Profiling Amp, Eventide H8000


        • #34
          Ok, now knowing that I will apologize. Not knowing all of these guys as good as some of them know each other, it came across more as a scolding to me, thus why I spoke up. As I stated above, sometimes things don't come across as intended in text.
          In memory of Gary Wright 9/13/2012


          • #35
            Hi CFH, no prob, slob, it's just there are a few (lots?) things that are pet peeves of mine, and cutting off a part of your axe in a pic is definitely high on the list!

            Rant on: Especially nowadays, when everybody & their little cousin has a digital camera, either a little point 'n shoot, a DSLR or a cellphone camera, one can easily check the shot *right after taking it* and see if it all came out OK. Why would you take a poor shot, keep it, unload it, and then post it?

            And especially with Jacksons & Charvels...the pointy headstock is a very well known, iconic, and to me, thrilling part of the JC experience, we really better damn well get in there!
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #36
              At least bare feet/toes aren't in the pic. That's my number one guitar pic pet peeve. I won't even consider buying from somebody who has bare feet in an ad.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Animus View Post
                THe whole get the whole guitar in the shot seems to be a ongoing joke around here that I picked up pretty fast.
                It's not a joke...
                Action Jackson


                • #38
                  No Junk In The Shot
                  Jackson KV2
                  Jackson KE1T
                  Jackson KE1F
                  Jackson SL1


                  • #39

                    Tits In The Shot (this is encouraged)
                    Jackson KV2
                    Jackson KE1T
                    Jackson KE1F
                    Jackson SL1


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Chad View Post
                      At least bare feet/toes aren't in the pic. That's my number one guitar pic pet peeve. I won't even consider buying from somebody who has bare feet in an ad.
                      Bare feet are nothing compared to the one ad where you could see the dude's balls reflected in the chrome tuning machine close-ups!
                      GTWGITS! - RacerX


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
                        Bare feet are nothing compared to the one ad where you could see the dude's balls reflected in the chrome tuning machine close-ups!
                        In memory of Gary Wright 9/13/2012


                        • #42
                          CFH, If Ron (RacerX) pisses you off ask him about the mini-charvel.
                          I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


                          • #43
                            what about the mini charvel Ron?
                            2003 Jackson SLATQH Custom (cobalt cabo), 2002 Jackson SLATQM (burnt cherry), 2011 Jackson Chris Broderick Soloist (transblack 7), 2007 SL2H (black)
                            Mesa Road King, Bogner Uberkab, Mesa Lonestar Classic, Kemper Profiling Amp, Eventide H8000


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Nimitz View Post
                              It's not a joke...
                              oh i† isn't? well that makes it even funnier then. :-)
                              2003 Jackson SLATQH Custom (cobalt cabo), 2002 Jackson SLATQM (burnt cherry), 2011 Jackson Chris Broderick Soloist (transblack 7), 2007 SL2H (black)
                              Mesa Road King, Bogner Uberkab, Mesa Lonestar Classic, Kemper Profiling Amp, Eventide H8000


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by CowboyFromHell View Post
                                Remember, what's good for the goose...
                                Originally posted by Axegrinder87 View Post
                       a fistful of Ron?
                                Hail yesterday

