:think:Picked this up at a pawn shop for 99 bux while here on vacation. I am a collector of sorts and I have looked at all the pics on Fleabay etc. Hope someone here can clue me in. It has what looks to be a reverse headstock with profesional on it. It has Jackson script on the back of the tuners. It has emg selects x 2 and looks like a humbucker at the bridge with a floyd tremolo unit. The neck inlays look to be backwards but there are dot markers in the correct position on top of the neck. It looks like a Dinky shaped body but I could find none with a pickguard like this with 3 pots and a strat style selector switch too? The back is missing the floyd cover but it is a standard Jackson cover (ordered part) No other rear covers and the neck plate ia an aftermarket custom shop job with no help or numbers anywhere. I figure the neck and pups were worth the 99 bux but it's a strange axe indeed
