Anybody see Warren on That Metal Show? It's great to see him, as I think he's one of the best players they've had on there. At one point they asked him what the secret to getting his great tone is. Now, this is a guy with not only a signature guitar line, but a signature pickup model as well. He sort of shrugged and said something to the effect of "I dunno, humbuckers, tube amps, and practice". Any Fender marketing bigwigs watching must have thrown their remotes at their TV's.
Sorry Warren, love your playing buddy, but the correct answer should have been: "Why, the secret is the Charvel Warren Dimartini Signature Snake, Bomber, Skulls, and Crossed Swords of course, which are loaded with the Seymour Duncan Warren DiMartini Signature RTM pickup". In fairness, he did at least bring a few of the Charvels to show off.
