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Jacksons must be selling really well at GC... Not

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  • #16
    I have and theres none to be found anywhere near me, and Ive got 6+ GC's within 100 miles. Atleast GC, I havent checked Sam Ash.
    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


    • #17
      ....and I'm not saying it's been this way all the time. I bought my first Jackson DK2 during xmas 2007 and they had at least a dozen various Jacksons on the wall. My brother-in-law bought his Jackson two years ago and they had the one he wanted on the wall too. I'd say in the last year they've thinned out in the GCs in my area. I have four within 30 miles of me.
      Last edited by gerryl98; 12-19-2011, 01:20 PM.


      • #18
        Here's my one and only Guitar Center guitar purchase. It was discovered by Jacksonluvr at the West Palm Beach location through their used gear website. I had them ship it to me, and was treated fairly throughout the process. That being said, their used gear listings are pretty crude and pale in comparison to what eBay offers.

        "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
        - Ken M


        • #19
          I see the same things here in FloriDUH.
          I go to GC & Sam Ash often at many locations.
          Same inventory. Sam Ash does have a better selection of used stuff, but nothing high end.


          • #20
            I bought my Charvel wildcard 6 brand new from GC. They had to order it. Didn't have any in stock.


            • #21
              Originally posted by RobRR View Post
              I have and theres none to be found anywhere near me, and Ive got 6+ GC's within 100 miles. Atleast GC, I havent checked Sam Ash.

              Maybe it's shit regional distribution or they're actually selling out.

              Here in Texas they have a few on the pegs but almost all models short of any USAs in the back according to their store locaters


              • #22
                It's the 80/20 Rule and most chain stores live by it. The rule states that 80% of the customers will buy 20% of the available products. Thus, the bean counters have determined that what everyone wants is entry-level Squiers and Epiphones. They've also determined that the big-ticket buyer wants THE BEST! AND THAT'S GIBSON AND FENDER! EVERYONE KNOWS IT! They've also decided that if you buy a guitar with some rock star douche bag's name on it, YOU'LL SOUND EXACTLY LIKE THE DOUCHE BAG ROCK STAR!

                Me: "Why don't you carry any of the higher-end Jacksons?"
                GC: "They don't sell."
                Me: "Why not?"
                GC: "We don't have the market for them."
                Me: "Have you ever carried them?"
                GC: "No."
                Me: "Then how do you know they wouldn't sell?"
                GC: "Let me show you this $299.00 Ibanez, DUDE! It kicks ass!"
                Member - National Sarcasm Society

                "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


                • #23
                  Au contraire, no guitars on the wall or anywhere in the store means they MUST be selling well.


                  • #24
                    I asked at sam ash about the charvels and they didn't know anything about them. same with the jackson x series at GC no knowledge they exist. this was November I think. I even left my email address with the 2 stores when they came in and still nothing.


                    • #25
                      I think its the scene that dictates what gets hung up on the wall. Jacksons have mostly been known for heavy metal and up. As metal gets put into the background so does its weapon of choice. True Ibanez was in the hands of many metal players, but theyre also found in rock, jazz, blues, etc. So when it comes down to it, a store wants to sell something that many types will buy. Who here doesnt play some form of metal first and foremost?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jdr94 View Post
                        I think its the scene that dictates what gets hung up on the wall. Jacksons have mostly been known for heavy metal and up. As metal gets put into the background so does its weapon of choice. True Ibanez was in the hands of many metal players, but theyre also found in rock, jazz, blues, etc. So when it comes down to it, a store wants to sell something that many types will buy. Who here doesnt play some form of metal first and foremost?
                        Yet they wont carry high end Ibanez either.
                        HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                        • #27
                          CG is the Wal-Mart of music stores. If you want something quality go to a local music store. You will probably find out the guys that work in those stores actually know a little about the products they sell.
                          addicted to Jackson guitars since 1993


                          • #28
                            Last Time i went to GC i Needed to buy a twenty foot cord as i was away from home and one of my cords went dead. Right off they were rude, and then had to go in the back to get me the one i wanted, and when i tried the new cord it didnt work it was dead. I had to drive all the way back and get a refund (40 miles). I really dont like to go to GC anymore. When i first went to GC many Years ago they did have some fantastic guitars and Gear in their stores. Nowadays at least the stores ive been to , their inventory pretty much sucks , especially when it comes to jackson guitars . what happened guitar center?
                            Last edited by sebulak; 12-20-2011, 02:38 PM.
                            ​Play Like A Rock Star And Turn it Up !


                            • #29
                              Hey, I bought this guitar hanging on the wall at GC:

                              But yeah, that was pure luck. They haven't stocked new USA Jacksons in decades...
                              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                              • #30
                                ^^^ damn that's a helluva quilt on there!
                                "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                                - Ken M

