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Seems like the strategy is working

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  • Seems like the strategy is working

    First let me say that in the last 5 years that ive been going to guitar center in okc, ive only seen maybe 1 or 2 jacksons each time, if any. When they do its the js model dinky usually.

    Yesterday, they had 2 rr's, 2 dinkys, a kv, and a soloist, all X series.

    Now i thought that was pretty awesome, but what was even more cool is that they were being played. When i first got there someone was buying a dinky, and when i was checking out, a teenager and his parents were in front of me, buying the teen an RR. I looked at him and his eyes were lit up with excitement. It was pretty cool
    I'm going to give you the keys to the Lamborghini

  • #2


    • #3
      That's great to hear, just hope this catches on around the world.

      It matters not if they show up here in Oz, I'll still buy online coz our prices are purely wallet rape.


      • #4
        The x series might not be a bad thing then... When I first started playing guitar, Jackson was the holy grail for me. It was the guitar that all other guitars were judged by. The problem was the floyd rose models were outa my price range.

        The x series might help Jackson get more new customers. Their fairly cheap, have an awesome selection of shapes, have cool paintjobs and are available in tremolo and hard tail models.
        Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
        Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85


        • #5
          Good points about Guitar Center... Just about every time ive been in there, they have a couple of the crappiest jacksons they could find on the floor, and I always think how pitiful that really is, because these young guys have no idea how good a REAL Jackson plays, and probably won't ever know... Its like going to en exotic car lot to buy a Porsche, and the only ones they have are banged up 914's... Geez. I am glad to hear that they rolled out some of the better models in your store. After all, we all fell in love with our jacksons because they stood out in the music store, and they made us feel like real rock stars when we strapped them on.


          • #6
            I asked this shop in Mufreesboro, TN how the new MIC Charvels are selling. They said they got their shipment in late fro Christmas (like in Feb). Another issue they said is that not many young players even know what Charvel is. I guess Charvel has a brand recognition problem with the younger crowd.
            Last edited by DonP; 06-10-2012, 12:19 PM.


            • #7
              Looks more like GC is grabbing more profit per sold X-series than they did with the **3-series

              ...or Fender is putting a gun against their head
              "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

              -"You like Anime"



              • #8
                I'll have to see if mine got more in. They only had one x series when I went in and the next time it was gone. Other wise they put all Jacksons hanging off an archway above one of the isles.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
                  Looks more like GC is grabbing more profit per sold X-series than they did with the **3-series

                  ...or Fender is putting a gun against their head
                  Possibly, because i dont think i ever seen them have a new mij jackson, and the only thing they carry on the up scale pricing is strats, les pauls, and a few prs
                  I'm going to give you the keys to the Lamborghini


                  • #10
                    My GC has a MII soloist in burnt cherry (quilt) and its nice playing guitar.
                    The Charvel Desolation I sold them sold quickly.
                    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
                      Looks more like GC is grabbing more profit per sold X-series than they did with the **3-series

                      They push what they're told to.
                      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by xenophobe View Post

                        They push what they're told to.
                        ...or which one gives the better bonus

                        "Hi, I'm your salesman, and if I sell this brand's amps 30 times this year, I'm getting $100 extra at the end of the year,
                        and even if I can't, my boss gets a discount for this brand so he will make a bigger net profit om them"
                        "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                        -"You like Anime"



                        • #13
                          I just figured it was a safer move for the stores to stock the cheaper ones because lets face it, you dont sell as many $1k-$2.5k guitars as you do $200-$600 guitars. And the majority of people that are buying high end guitars are buying strats, les pauls, prs, and taylors. GC in okc has about 10-15 taylors that cost over $1500 and a plethora of the others i named. About 90% of the rest are sub $500.
                          I'm going to give you the keys to the Lamborghini


                          • #14
                            Im not intending this to be a GC bashing post, but I see GC as 2 things, the beginners store and a store for someone who wants a whatevers popular guitar, or an amp. Sucks to say it, but Jackson/Charvel just isnt a popular brand anymore. If they want that to change, the artist endorsement dept is going to have to get their ass in gear and get Jackson/Charvel into the hands of some more recognizable artists. The artists signed now are mostly recognizable to an aging or niche clientele. The younger guitarist wannabes, the next line of brand loyal customers, buy based on what their favorite artists play.

                            Furthermore, they need to offer more incentives to those signed artists to use their product. Is Jackson a better guitar than an ESP? IMO, hell yes, buuuuut, ESP offers better incentives than just a 10% over cost pricing structure, or whatever the hell the deal is now. ESP from what Ive heard just throws guitars at you.

                            If they can get their name back on the radar, youll see more Jackson/Charvel on the wall at GC and maybe well see a Japanese factory reopen. Until then, our beloved Jackson/Charvel brand name is one generation away from extinction.
                            HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
                              ...or which one gives the better bonus

                              "Hi, I'm your salesman, and if I sell this brand's amps 30 times this year, I'm getting $100 extra at the end of the year,
                              and even if I can't, my boss gets a discount for this brand so he will make a bigger net profit om them"
                              Same difference really. GC profitshares with their GMs, so the product that makes them the most money gets the prime display slots and are within easy reach...

                              And I'm not bashing them, GC here in Santa Clara used to be really great at the old location with the old GM. They used to get some nice used CS Jacksons in...
                              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

