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Hi from the UK and NGD

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  • Hi from the UK and NGD

    Hi All,
    My name is Mark and I’m from the other side of the pond. Here’s my new Charvel Model 4 in black cherry.

    I’ve always loved Charvel guitars and I bought my first Charvel Model 4 24 years ago. It cost me a lot of money at the time and I played it for many years and the guitar was in mint condition. Unfortunately over time the neck twisted. Also a crack developed on the neck, behind the headstock trussrod nut. So I ended up selling it with the case for $80. However I’ve recently bought a new Model 4 and this one has a straight neck and no cracks. It’s been gigged quite a bit and it has scares to prove it, but it plays and sounds great.

    I’m looking forward to learning more about Charvel guitars here.

    Here’s a pic of my old Charvel Model 4:

    And here’s my new one:

    Last edited by Thin Lizzy; 08-24-2012, 04:38 AM.

  • #2
    Welcome...sweet axe the color...
    -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


    • #3
      Welcome to the madhouse Mark!

      Nice model 4 you have there, love the Black Cherry finish.
      Whereabouts in the UK are you?


      • #4
        Oooh, nice. Black Cherry always looked classy! Grats!
        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


        • #5
          Hey Thin Lizzy-Mark, plenty of us in your side of the pond! Unless you're referring to the English Channel. Which probably isn't a "pond" however you look at it... anyways! Welcome to the forum. From what I've seen, Model series Charvels get a lot of love on JCF. 4 is my personal favorite: it's the top end bolt-on model.

          I'm gonna join the Black Cherry Fan Club. Sweet color!


          • #6
            Black cherry is a great color. Congrats and welcome to the forum.


            • #7
              Thanks for the welcome and comments. I'm from Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire. I love the tone of these things and the necks are beautifully made and a pleasure to play. Black cherry does look good, looks like a proper shredder.

              I was a member here about 10 years, however when the Charvel neck twisted I got disillusioned, man I was so pissed off. Still I've got me a good guitar this time and I'm back!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Thin Lizzy View Post
                I was a member here about 10 years, however when the Charvel neck twisted I got disillusioned, man I was so pissed off. Still I've got me a good guitar this time and I'm back!
                That really sucks. It might have been interesting to have an autopsy to find out what went wrong with the neck. A lot of people in the UK are complaining about high humidity. I wonder if that might be a factor.


                • #9
                  Could well be. It's damp for 6 months of the year over here, especially where I live.

                  I worked for 2 months to pay for that guitar, that's why I was so mad!

                  Most of the Charvel Model 4's I've seen here have a crack behind the truss rod nut too, which can open under stress (like using the JT-6). This one didn't, so I jumped at it.


                  • #10
                    The weather must be a factor. I have an 86 Model 4, an 86 Model 2, a model 1 and a 275 neck and none of them have issues like that. Very dry here, been droughts all season and we are heading into a heat wave.


                    • #11
                      Welcome to the forum of GAS. Say goodbye to your wallet.
                      Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                      "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                      • #12
                        Welcome. Wish they still did black cherry. It's gorgeous.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DonP View Post
                          A lot of people in the UK are complaining about high humidity.
                          I think "constantly pissing down" would be more accurate!

