A few months ago it noticed that one of the trem posts had sunk on my reverse soloist. I was able to pull the trem bushing using the helpful sticky post on the Tech QA section, but I had a chip of paint come off in the process. So I had a soloist that now was unplayable and needed a repair that I'm not set up or comfortable to do. I wan't super stoked about the graphic when I purchased it but it's a CUSTOM Jackson Reverse Soloist; I had to buy it!
I always said I could get it redone in the future and now I had a great reason to do it.
So I did the only logical thing one could do in this situation and contact Mike Learn. Yeah buddy! So he fixed my trem bushing issue and is gonna do another graphic for me.
I'm really excited as I've never sent a guitar out for a custom paint job, Mike Learn is doing the paint and it's my other USA Soloist that's gonna look soooo bad ass when he's done. So here's a little something to look at in the meantime while Mike dose his thing.

Ready for paint

That's all for now

So I did the only logical thing one could do in this situation and contact Mike Learn. Yeah buddy! So he fixed my trem bushing issue and is gonna do another graphic for me.


Ready for paint

That's all for now
