Originally posted by Learn Guitars
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What was it like the day you got your first USA Jackson?
Amazing, Felt like joining a family. Had several Charvels (japanese) then a Black RR1, A white RR1, finally an amazing Cherry Arch-top, and, most recently a trans black Soloist with 2 hums in mahogany. I've always considered this company the pinnacle of hot rod guitar and literally had looked to the moment when I could "join the ranks" as it were. All my metal friends "ooooo" when those instruments come out.
I've only had a ton of Jap units, never a USA
But, my first one, compared to anything else I played before was my first taste of heaven.
I'm relatively new to the USA select series, I got my first one (GMG WR1) in 2010, and it's always been like one of my dream guitars, and the day I got it, I felt like how stupid I was for not getting one before, especially in the late 90's!
Nothing felt like it, the quality, the perfection, the pure metal tone, the sustain, the playability factor and certainly the looks, everything was just over the top for me. The year after, I went ahead and placed a special ordered from CMC-guitars for a second beast (AO WR1), and since then I never been more content.
Of course I'd love to have an arsenal of these including Custom Shop, but life is a bitch at the moment, and my budget isn't really allowing me to spend it on 2k-4k guitars, hopefully one of these days I'll figure out a way...Last edited by DarkkWarriorr; 09-27-2012, 10:42 AM.-Metal wouldn't be the same without Pointy guitars-
I walked into a local pawn shop and saw this beat up, extra volume and tone control holes, 1 pick up missing, a single coil pickup cover screwed in between the pup cavities, all metal parts dipped in gold house paint including the floyd ,metallic majenta Jackson guitar that had a made in U.S.A on it. I figured it would be worth some money. Found JCF that day and was told I had just purchased an SL2H for a hundred bucks.“But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat
$100 bucks for an sl2h!I don't know many people that can beat that.
Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85
Way to go Len!!! Good score and revival bro.Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.
I got my first one in 89 (87 purple crackle soloist) second one in 90 (87 blue crackle soloist) third in 91 red/black 85 SD soloist - stupidly painted it because thought it was hideous. still have all three love them all just got an mii soloist and was amazed at how well built it is. plays as good as my USA's. but the feeling holding the first one the first day you buy it - 20+ years I still look at it and smile.
Originally posted by mottobur View PostThat's exactly what happened to me!! Trip out.
I saw my first one in the flesh in 1987, when I bought my BC Rich Warlock. As above, I saw an ad in the Recycler, went round to see some poser who had about 12 BC Rich ST3s for sale, in various custom paint finishes and graphics. (He was apparently some hot-shot who had got them all for next to nowt. I like to think he never "made it", because he was so fucking full of himself). Anyway, the Riches were nice, but the snakeskin Jackson he had made me cum in my shorts. Too expensive for me, but the whole year afterwards I worked hard, saved every penny with the intention of going back to LA and buying a snakeskin finish Jackson (just like that, because there would obviously be loads of them lying about).
In 1988, I duly went back, went into Guitar Centre in Hollywood, where, as if by magic, a snakeskin Strat was sitting, all forlorn. Being a pissed up idiot, I told the assistant I was leaving with it, so he'd better re-think his prices, forget about sales tax (because I was taking it out of the country) and throw in a case. He obviously told me to fuck off and not to darken his doorstep again.
From there, I staggered over to the bank, and cashed in some travellers cheques. Finding my legs again, I ran out like Linford fucking Christie, pleased that the dozy bint in the bank had given me $100 more than she should have. Straight back to GC, waving my wad, and my knob.
Several hours of intense negotiation, in the way that only a drunken Englishman on holiday with dollars in his hand can possibly negotiate, resulted in the salesmen breaking down in tears and giving me my lovely Jackson strat, and case, and strap and spare strings, he he, all for under $500. (and a lifetime ban from Guitar Centre)
Re-fucking-sult!So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!
I nearly broke her back
RE What was it like the day you got your first USA Jackson?
I got my first Y2kV in Red Ghost flames finish back in 2000. Then in 2001, I got a KV2 in Amber korina finish. Then in 2002, I was able to get my hands on a 2nd hand 1998 KV1, a Dave Mustaine signed 2000 KV1 in Korina finish AND a second hand KE1. In 2004, I ordered a double neck KV thru USA custom shop. Things changed drastically for me in 2005. Due to financial difficulties, I had to sell ALL of them at a much reduced price. Things are much better now, and I recently acquired a Japanese Grover Jackson snow white KV. (22 frets with signature from Marty Friedman). At the end of this month, I will be obtaining a 1999 second hand USA KV1 in black finish. I love Jackson guitars, and I can sum up my feeling when I got one for the very first time: THIS IS THE REASON WHY I WORK SO HARD, AND WHY I ENDURE MY DIFFICULT WORK ENVIRONMENT. Oh yeah!!! This time, I am planning to be more financially responsible so that I will NEVER have to sell my guitars again.Last edited by megameta2012; 10-10-2012, 11:45 PM.