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GIVING BACK - Official Entry Forum for the Mike Learn Custom Paint Give-Away!!

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  • #31
    Apologies ahead of time if this gets long winded, the story is very important to the concept of the guitar however.

    When I was 17 I was sent to rehab (Billy Gibbons was my roommate!) and after about a week I met a very awesome woman named Joni. She was 10 years my elder and married, very VERY beautiful and we connected almost immediately. I had a rather abusive childhood and as I grew older I was on a path to self destuction, but after meeting Joni and listening to her story I was in shock that someone could go through such things and still be walking the earth and have an incredible personality.

    We kept in touch in the years after I left the facility and helped each out other long distance through various trials in life. As my first marriage was coming close to implosion and me being out of work she happened to fall right back in my life at the time when I was almost at the end of my rope. She had a line on a friend who was in need of help, he had a contract to record several commercials, stingers and other various boring crap, but had injured his hand bad enough that he needed to hire out the guitar work. I sent her a demo and got the gig, however, I had no place to stay as they were located in another state. It was agreed that I could stay with her, her husband and new born son while I did the gig over the course of several months.

    In the meantime I needed more money, and she helped me there my getting a job at the local zoo where she worked as a zoo-keeper. Joni was FASCINATED by tigers, and it rubbed off on me rather quickly. Even though I was not allowed to be in contact with the animals, she snuck me into the inner cage where this monster of a female white bengal was sleeping and let me pet her, and showed me how they "purr". It's not quite like your common house cat, it's more like a wave of labored breathing, it was quite a surreal experience to say the least.

    As my marriage finally came to an abrupt close (some dude answers my phone!), I had to hit the road for an extended period of time to deal with it. As I left, she went to her car and grabbed a little stuffed bunny and placed it on my dashboard looking out over the road. She said that as long as I had that bunny watching out for me I would be ok on the road.

    About a week after I was back home dealing with all the bullshit, I get a call from Joni's sister. Joni, her husband and little baby slid off the road and hit a utilty pole head on, the baby was the only survivor.

    Needless to say, at almost 16 years now I still have that little bunny on my dashboard. I've been through a dozen cars since then, and the butt of a many of jokes about it, but the little dude has never let me down.

    Onto the concept of the guitar, my idea is a Ghost/Spirit Bengal.

    Why not a regular white bengal? People always mistake them for a zebra and it doesn't really have the meaning I'm hoping for. I've got a couple of bengal guitars, but not a fitting tribute to someone that meant so much.

    I'm thinking of combining something like this:

    with this :

    If even possible to have the tiger stripes even be less pronounced, ie, more "ghosted".

    And to really make it for only me, if possible I would love to have something she wrote to me when I left rehab across the top horn, facing me, where only I can see it as I'm playing. If it could even be done from a copy, like this scan and in her script would be fucking awesome, and mean the world to me :

    I guess the whole idea is that I can imagine her in the after-life walking with her (and now mine) favorite animal, and this would be some connection to that. I know it may sound silly to alot of people, and I understand this isn't a usual concept, it's not very intricate, or hardcore demons and shit or anything like that, but there are certain people that come into others lives, sometimes for a short amount of time, that make such a huge impact that it's hard not to wonder if that was part of their purpose on this earth while they were here.

    Mike you're an awesome dude for doing this, and either way I'm determined to get this concept on a guitar, if I'm not chosen please let me know if you are willing do this job for me and shoot me a quote. I have a couple of imports hanging around that this would look great on, in my opinion.

    As an aside, for those that read the story :

    The family contacted me a few years back and asked me if I would be willing to visit their son who was very interested in taking up guitar (his dad was also played and he inherited his guitars). I agreed and spent a couple of weeks with him and gave him lessons while I was there. We spent most of our time playing guitar as he didn't want to talk to much about what happened, so I went with the flow. Fast forward a year and the kid is amazing! At true natural if there ever was one, sadly I lost contact after that, but I know he must be out there shredding the crap out of an old Fender!


    • #32
      Wow, dude. That is a moving story.


      • #33


        • #34
          Thanks for all the submissions everyone. I appreciate the effort very much. Great stories and concepts. We will be consulting some members here and have an announcement at the end of the week.

          Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.


          • #35
            The cut offs midnight today right?

            ok, I don't have the ability to do a mock up. The guitar is a Ke2 (currently trans black). My back story for this goes like this....

            I went through a rather bitter divorce with my ex, who was convinced that I was cheating on her(which I wasn't). She had me arrested several times on BS, causing me to lose a damn good job(that I was at for 9 years). After much legal BS, pre-trial hearings, trials, and motions, my divorce was finalized in roughly a year. The day it was finalized, everything the judge awarded me(Many guitars, basses, drums, amps, cabs, etc... and my clothes and tools) were all destroyed in a fire that happened about 4 hours after leaving the court room.

            She has been indicted on counts of arson 1 and arson 3. I spent the better part of this year trying to get this resolved with the insurance company and the court system.

            Her intent was to deprive me of anything and everything ..... Through FIRE!!!!!

            So you guessed it, a back ground of wicked flames (perhaps with matching head stock).

            The rest of the design I'd envisioned having my lovely wife(New wife and high school sweet heart(this pic is from around 90-91)) and myself much like in this pic (Having this in the pick up area).

            Although I should be zombified a bit, I'm thinking ... And perhaps 4 zombie kids throughout the flames(to represent our 4 children). There would be a lot of room for your creativity on this one.

            Anyway thanks for considering my idea and this whole contest is very cool of you!!!!
            Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


            • #36
              Wow! firey bitch huh? glad you got out of it man!


              • #37
                Ok...Let's call it midnite Mountain time.
                Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.


                • #38
                  Entry two
                  After going through for my part in the old pirateden in 2000 -2001 the feds thought it would be a good idea to indict me in 2003, forget about me till 2006, lock me up from 2007 -2009 and then 3 more years of federal supervised release. In the 12 years of waiting, serving my sentence and post release, i lost everything...wife, kids and sanity. To top it off, my wife who was 50% of the crimes but i refused to implicate her, decided that once i was out, she and her new BF could live happily ever after if I was not around. So she made it a point to call my PO and lie to her to try to get me locked back up. this finally ended when she called my PO and said i was at her house harassing her at the same time my PO was at my house for a home visit.
                  i was thinking your take on Frank Miller's lonely guy in the cell as a reminder
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	2446389
                  “But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Evol View Post
                    Apologies ahead of time if this gets long winded, the story is very important to the concept of the guitar however.
                    Wow, that was a great story.

                    You absolutely need a bunny somewhere on the guitar if you win.

                    I love bunnies. lol
                    The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                    • #40
                      Reason/Story: The matrix made me do it.

                      I don't have a strong reason or any story remotely close to the other guys and sure hope one of them would win, but I just have to participate! Also, as much as I love this guitar, it needs some repairs. Anyways, its a great thing you're doing Mike! Rock on!


                      on this.



                      • #41
                        No stories here, just a middle class white dude who grew up in the 80s and 90s listening to hardcore, punk rock and metal.

                        I would go for something along the lines of skinhead boots (Dr Martens) and maybe the Fred Perry laurel wreath.



                        • #42
                          Retired / Disabled ..Cleveland Police Dept Cop. Chewed up and spit out like a piece of fuggin' gum. Now I eat Peeps and pull my Pud...or is that visa versa. I dunno too many painkillers..15 a day for 12 years and going. Cool!

                          I want Vicoden inlays. ..and the guitar covered in pudz and peeps!...Yeah..Noooooooo..

                          With that said. I'm pullin' for he went thru hell recently..literally...with fire...and firey divorce-like chaos!


                          Me? I'm just dying slow. Mike, can I have a graphic of my Smith and Wesson '38 bodyguard in my mouth? With my skull, and brains spraying from the back of my head? With bullet inlays...with me chasing the reaper with my pud? Now that's a fuggin' graphic.

                          That's fun for the whole family!

                          I would like that!
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #43
                            As my dad used to say to me, I’ll be late to my own funeral…which really isn’t such a bad thing, right?!

                            My idea is for a warbird paint job commemorating the B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber. The inspiration for this goes back to discussions I used to have as a kid with my father regarding WWII. I’m no historian but was fascinated as a kid about the different weaponry the military used. And, like a lot of others, I thought the B-17 was one of the coolest looking. However, my father, who was overall well-read in many topics, pointed out to me that even with all their gun turrets, they could not adequately defend themselves during raids against the luftwaffe and not until the P-51 long range fighter was introduced did the bombers have a fair shot at returning. So, the guitar is more of a remembrance of the discussions I had with my father.

                            So why not use the P-51 as the subject matter if it was so important? Well, I actually did that one first, or better put, Mike painted (and partly restored) that guitar about a year ago, the Old Crow:

                            So, the B-17 motif would be the second part of this series, which has a father and son undertones, which is what I think of when I think of these planes. My dad was not a guitarist (he played the accordion!, which is freaking way more complicated if you ask me), but he supported my playing though he was no fan of WHAT I played! More importantly, he respected that music and the guitar was important to me…something I wish my wife and in-laws would do more. And, if my son so chooses (and his mother allows it!), it’ll be something he can think about when he picks up these guitars.

                            Anyway, regarding the specific design, one of the greatest things about Mike is you just need a kernel of an idea and Mike will run with it and make it awesome! For the P-51, I really did not do much more than say “uhh P-51” and he did freaking great work. Most of the B-17s I’ve seen were mostly green in color, so I would go with that base color, similar to this one:

                            I would like to similarly use a specific B-17 as the subject matter, like the Old Crow. Actually, it’d be super cool to use one of the bombers that was protected by Bud Anderson’s Old Crow, which I know of a couple.
                            And the donor is a plain jane white soloist whose paint is really messed up.

                            Again Mike, thanks for setting up such a cool contest!
                            "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                              Wow, that was a great story.

                              You absolutely need a bunny somewhere on the guitar if you win.

                              I love bunnies. lol
                              I have the bunny and all, and hopefully always will. The reason I didn't want it on the guitar was that and along with the fact that I've felt terribly guilty for letting her give it to me. I know it's total superstition, and sounds silly and it was all just a horrible accident, nothing but a weird coincidence, but still I wish I would have had her keep it. I'm sure nothing would have changed, other than me feeling bad about having it, but it is what it is.

                              Poor bunny has a flat head now anyway, from all the years of being squished against a windshield lol. I think even RacerX (Ron, ya big goof) even poked fun about it in my truck years ago, but then again I just play along with people when they jest about it and don't even tell them the story.


                              • #45
                                I vote for Evol
                                Really? well screw Mark Twain.

