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Where's the Misha Mansoor sig?

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  • #76
    hmmm... Immolation has some pretty neat things going on, don't like how some of the chaotic and lead parts are executed but the overall vibe and riffs are pretty damn cool.... haven't listened this stuff a long time... weird to see core bashing here, this stuff grew directly out of NY "core crap" as did Carcass, Napalm Death etc. from UK's equivalent
    "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


    • #77
      I love everything about that Periphery Custom except the paintjob. It probably works nice in real life but in those pics it looks terrible. Like old TV static.
      All men play on 10. Never gonna turn down again.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Devotee View Post
        And just so you know, there's absolutely nothing wrong with clean vocals, strange rythms and melodies in Metal:

        zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....snork...huh? whu?

        sure, if it's done well. After about 4 minutes I started skipping ahead to see if anything was going to happen.

        I could only sit through about 3 & 1/2 minutes of that Portal video, waiting to see what interesting shit was going to be done with 8-strings. 6-strings, 8 - sounded like everything else in the genre. Entirely forgettable
        Hail yesterday


        • #79
          Relax guys, I like Immolation too

          Dawn of Possession is one of my favourite albums.
          I like EL34s.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Endrik View Post
            weird to see core bashing here, this stuff [Immolation] grew directly out of NY "core crap" as did Carcass, Napalm Death etc. from UK's equivalent
            There's no denying that, but something happened to hardcore in the late 90s and early 2000s, and I think it directly corresponded to the small boom in popularity that punk experienced around the time.

            Suddenly hardcore went from being this:

            To something more like this:


            • #81
              absolutely true, when i was a kid my friends and i *in the 80's) would emulate to the palm muted sound of a guitar with our mouths with the word DJENT DJENT DJENT......ala Anthrax, Metallica...etc..nothing new


              • #82
                Originally posted by Grim View Post
                Relax guys, I like Immolation too

                Dawn of Possession is one of my favourite albums.
                I dunno, for some reason Unholy Cult is probably my fav, but I love all the albums. I'm glad there are a lot of Immolation fans here
                The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by VanHoosen View Post
                  Suddenly hardcore went from being this:

                  To something more like this:
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by evilfrenchy View Post
                    absolutely true, when i was a kid my friends and i *in the 80's) would emulate to the palm muted sound of a guitar with our mouths with the word DJENT DJENT DJENT......ala Anthrax, Metallica...etc..nothing new
                    we must've been using a different tone. Ours was more like JUG JUG JUGJUG. I don't know why they didn't christen it "JUG".
                    Hail yesterday


                    • #85
                      So Chugga-Chugga and Ding Din-ga-Ding music influenced Swedish band generated Djent but that combined with Groooawl decade later we get Bwhaaad Haaaiiir Cuuuut
                      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                      • #86
                        Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's more-or-less what happened.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                          So Chugga-Chugga and Ding Din-ga-Ding music influenced Swedish band generated Djent but that combined with Groooawl decade later we get Bwhaaad Haaaiiir Cuuuut
                          sounds like an Engl or VHT choked down hard with a noise suppressor. Hell, two noise suppressors, one each side of the preamp. You want dead silence with your stop/start riffage.

                          Bwhaaad Haaaiiir.....Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut............ Cut Cut Cut
                          (circle pit forms on cue)
                          wanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewa nglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewang lewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewangle wanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewa nglewanglewanglewanglewanglewanglewangle
                          Hail yesterday


                          • #88
                            Couple that with chopping in your DAW in the studio and don't forget the compressor so that your palm muted chugging can be at exactly the same level as your sweep picking!
                            It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                            Originally posted by RD
                   now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                            • #89
                              Jug jugga jug jugga jug jugga jug jugga jug jugga JAH JAH!


                              • #90
                                Beep sqwak bwoww beep beep beep sqwak bwowwwww ..chink chink...chinkchinkchink. Beeep sqwaaak bwooww beep beep beep squak bwoww.....ect

