Hey Dudes whats going on? Just wanted to wish all of you METAL HEADS out there a VERY MERRY X-MAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR! I will try & make this Short....Wondering what some of you would do? My MINT (90's) Kelly KE3 with Reverse Sharks-JT580LP Trem Etc for a (90's) Rhoads EX Pro? Both have the same Trem & from the 90's Etc. What do you guys think? I LOVE my Kelly for sure! It plays Awesome & the Neck is KILLER! I know it's not a U.S.A. or Collectors piece but I think the Rhoads (Down the road
) will be worth more? The Rhoads looks to be in very good condition (A little dusty) but looks good with NO Issues. Any info would be appreciated...Thanks & LONG LIVE THE M-E-T-A-L! \m/ 
My Kelly

Rhoads EX Pro

My Kelly

Rhoads EX Pro
