So for New Year's eve I was invited over to a little jam session with some local band members we run sound for. A few other guitar players were invited over and all were asked to grab a small combo amp and guitar to bring with them. We then proceeded to run through some 80's hard rock. I took my SL1 in Blood Drip graphic with me. That guitar stays in tune so well its unreal! I took it there after it had been sitting for a few months at home and it was in tune when I got there, stayed in tune after jamming on it for a few hours, stayed in tune even after a couple other guys there wanted to try out a USA Jackson and whammied on the Floyd Rose to their hearts' content. Handed it back to me and it was still in tune
They loved the feel and play and were just blown away by it. I told them this is why I play USA Jacksons
Oh yeah, its still in tune now too
