I bought another another Charvel today ('06 USA San Dimas) and it's configured with 1 hum as well as an OFR. I've been thinking about doing a Nagel-esque graphic on it but I'm not sure if I want to stick with the single hum or not.
I've got Charvels in HH and HS configurations and with the right pickups, I like either one as much as the other. I could configure this latest Charvel in HSS but I'd worry that would get in the way of the graphic. The same could be said for the HH config as well, but to a lesser degree. That leave either 1H or HS.
Part of me want to go classic and stick with 1H. That was how my very first Charvel was set-up and aside from a Kramer Baretta back in their hayday, I've not had a single hum guitar. Then again, I do like having a neck pickup when I want to get some bubbly tones and a single coil doesn't take up that much graphic real estate.
Chime in and see if you can sway me either way.
I've got Charvels in HH and HS configurations and with the right pickups, I like either one as much as the other. I could configure this latest Charvel in HSS but I'd worry that would get in the way of the graphic. The same could be said for the HH config as well, but to a lesser degree. That leave either 1H or HS.
Part of me want to go classic and stick with 1H. That was how my very first Charvel was set-up and aside from a Kramer Baretta back in their hayday, I've not had a single hum guitar. Then again, I do like having a neck pickup when I want to get some bubbly tones and a single coil doesn't take up that much graphic real estate.
Chime in and see if you can sway me either way.
