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New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

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  • New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

    Well, given recent news, I'm guessing whatever the new Charvels are going to be for `04 is getting close to being locked down. But I'm still curious what the opinions are out there in JCF-land for preferred specs. And, heck, if we're lucky and it's NOT too late, maybe this will influence the product planning just a teensy, weensy bit.

    Only looking to address a possible new USA Charvel line here, nothing else. Trying to be realistic, here's what I'd like to see...

    #1. Strat body bolt-on, 2 hum, non-recessed Floyd, pointy head. 1 volume, and a 3-way toggle.

    #2. Strat body bolt-on, 1 H & 1 SC (neck), non-recessed Floyd, pointy head. 1 volume, and a 3-way toggle.

    Your choice of maple or rosewood fretboards (22 only, please), and black or chrome hardware. And same finishes as for the Jackson USA Selects, but with with a few "classic" Charvel exclusives, too, like...

    Plain janes: Dweezil green, Jeff Beck Orange

    Transparents: purpleburst, blue and greenburst

    Graphics: green & black snakeskin, hot wheels flames, vintage tigerstripe (not Lynch-like).

    I'll shoot for the moon and ask for strathead versions, as well. But, if not, at the very least please allow custom shop strathead orders.

    If the line sells well, then maybe add star bodies later. And possibly a 3 SC pickguard'd strat w/Floyd or vintage trem.

  • #2
    Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

    Pointy head, SD neck profile, Strat body (PLEASE NO DINKYS) 1 hum, H/H, H/S/S pickup options. Volume only on the single hum, Vol/tone on the rest. 5 way switch (Split hum in the 2 and 4 positions) non recessed Floyd. Basically the same thing as the Model 2,3, and 4 guitars.

    I'd also like to see something new, How about a plain jane Made in the USA players guitar? Price around $800 Something like the satin finished Strats, and faded Gibsons. I don't think I'd buy one but the fenders and Gibsons are selling pretty good.

    How about some high end bolton neck versions of the Swee-tones?

    [ September 11, 2003, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: Hotrodder ]


    • #3
      Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

      I'm with you all the way on that one!
      Just a couple of additions to the Graphics -
      Pink/Black Bullseye and the good ol' Rising Sun!


      • #4
        Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

        I don't think you could get any better than that right there.
        I would like a three way blade switch instead of the toggle though.
        I too want a strathead, but baring that, this would work great.
        Details: They have the SD Templates-use them. I want correct body contours and neck shapes.
        And I really want stratheads! Did I mention that?


        • #5
          Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

          Originally posted by Chuckracer:
          ...They have the SD Templates-use them. I want correct body contours and neck shapes...
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Good point, Chuck. I meant to say something along those lines, and forgot. They have to be as reasonably close to the original SDs as possible. Not looking for absolute perfection of every screw and nut, but accurate body and neck shapes are must-haves. IMHO, the Bullseye Reissues are pretty much there, too.

          Hotrodder: I wouldn't mind Dinkys. They're certainly "accurate". But I'd also prefer strats to start.

          As to Sweetones, Jacksons, imports etc., please save those discussions for different threads.


          • #6
            Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

            1 hum/ 1 s-c, floyd, 3 way gibson style toggle, 1 3/4" wide flat neck...d.m.



            • #7
              Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

              Which is wider 1 3/4 or 1 11/16" [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] Not the best at these things [img]graemlins/poke.gif[/img] I would like to see a Model 2 USA with Charvel pointy, small logo,but with 24.75 scale, and 22 Jumbo Frets, 1 Volume knob, i`d even go for a Kahler Pro, but Floyd is fine, I like them both [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] SD profile all the way for sure. Jack.


              • #8
                Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

                1 3/4" is 1 12/16" - 1/16" difference. 1 5/8" is 1 10/16" - again, 1/16" difference.

                I'll throw out a coupla suggestions jusferthehelluvit:

                -2 hum Strat style rearloaded non-recessed Floyd with Pink & Black bullseye and black Strathead

                -Hum/single Strat style rearloaded non-recessed Floyd with Lynch Bengal with the single hidden in the stripe (see the one Pete did a coupla years ago) reverse pointyhead or normal Strathead

                -Green. Meanie. (white pickguard and shaved lower horn)

                -The Three Jakes. Purpleburst solid top with reverse angled pickups and mathcing Strathead, Blueburst same way, white Srat with black 'guard reverse angled pickups and matching Strathead. All 3 vintage hardtails or one with a v-trem (which one had a trem, the White?)

                -All of those as imports with Stratheads, or make the import versions pointyheads and the USA Stratheads - this protects Fender's "virtue" or whatever by keeping the Strathead on the more expensive USA version, but allows the po' folk to at least get close [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                My Blog:


                • #9
                  Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

                  same as above, BUT ide love to see some SOLID FLAME OR QUILT MAPLE bodies, not tops. maybe a nice amber goldish color w/a vtrem or OFR single hum 1 volume & a strat headstock maple or ebony board. thats been the SD charvel ive always wanted & could never find or afford. ive never been a big fan of graphics so pretty woods is IT for me.


                  • #10
                    Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

                    Originally posted by shreddermon:

                    Hotrodder: I wouldn't mind Dinkys. They're certainly "accurate". But I'd also prefer strats to start.
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Me no likey dinkys [img]graemlins/baby.gif[/img] , I Just want them to make a Strat body first as they don't have any in the current J/C lineup

                    Originally posted by shreddermon:

                    As to Sweetones, Jacksons, imports etc., please save those discussions for different threads.
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I meant a Sweetone style Charvel, Figured wood, maybe an archtop, bolton. Think Tom Anderson

                    I just don't want Charvel to become *just* a retro line that will only last until the folks on this forum all get their fill of SD style.


                    • #11
                      Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

                      Pointy head, SD neck profile, Strat body (PLEASE NO DINKYS) 1 hum, H/H, H/S/S pickup options. Volume only on the single hum, Vol/tone on the rest. 5 way switch (Split hum in the 2 and 4 positions) non recessed Floyd.
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">How about a hard tail version! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                      Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                      • #12
                        Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

                        1 hum, 1 volume control, recessed floyd rose, pointy head stock, strat body with lower horn scallop for easier access, unfinished maple neck and rosewood fret board. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                        93 USA Soloist EDS
                        USA HT6 Juggernaut
                        Charvel DK24FR


                        • #13
                          Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

                          I would like to see full size Strats, body wood alder for solid finishes and ash for transparent finishes, rear routed, choice of Strat (with skunk stripe on back of neck) or pointy head, choice of 1H/2H/HSS, Seymur Duncan pu's, choice of vintage trem or Original FR, 22 jumbo frets, oil finished necks, SD neck profile, original SD graphics

                          Standard series: quartersawn maple neck with choice of maple/rosewood board, chrome hardware

                          Deluxe series: birdseye maple neck with choice of birdseye/brazilian rosewood board, gold hardware, matching headstock, abalone dot inlays

                          Figured top series: like deluxe line, but with alder body with choice of quilted/flamed maple top, transparent finish on top of body and solid on back of body

                          Solid Figured series: like deluxe line, but with choice of solid quilted/flamed maple body

                          Signature series: authentic replicas of the stars San Dimas Charvels


                          • #14
                            Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

                            Gimme stars! I'm small and your Strat bodies confuse and frighten me (that's why I sold my Model 1), but the freaking STARS, MAN! One of the ugliest shapes ever but dammit they feel nice. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] Gimme one hum with a non-recessed Floyd (stars just don't look right with ToM's or recessed trems), a volume knob, and I'm good to go. Pointy headstock or whatever, I don't care. As long as it keeps the strings on, it's all good. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: New USA Charvels - what do you want to see?

                              a charvel missile in every sense of the word
                              strat body (no dinkies please)
                              single, or double hum
                              one knob
                              toggle switch
                              non-recessed floyd but with a little give for sure, or thick vintage bomber bridge, brass of course
                              maple/maple with big dots, 1 3/4
                              any finish you want
                              strat, or reverse strat headstock
                              any hardware you want
                              black strat headstock
                              red strat headstock
                              white strat headstock
                              green strat headstock
                              purple strat headstock
                              regular strat headstock
                              blue strat headstock
                              royal topaz strat headstock
                              majestic magenta headstock
                              autumn wheat strat headstock
                              any strat headstock will do etc.
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!

