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Andreas Kisser 1987 Charvel Model series

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  • Andreas Kisser 1987 Charvel Model series

    Anyone know which Model Andreas has used all these years. The one with all of the stickers on it. I am a huge Sepultura fan and have always wondered what it is!

    I am guessing a Model 2....which is what I have(same year to). If so I will be stoked.
    Too bad Sepultura is not Sepultura anymore.

  • #2
    Yup....that'd be a Model 2!!


    • #3
      Yeah without the Cavalera brothers they aren't Sepultura anymore. I was a huge fan back when they were still in the band. With all the stickers who knows if there are pickup routes there just covered but it does look like a Model 2
      It's pronounced soops


      • #4
        Originally posted by 84sups View Post
        Yeah without the Cavalera brothers they aren't Sepultura anymore. I was a huge fan back when they were still in the band. With all the stickers who knows if there are pickup routes there just covered but it does look like a Model 2
        Agreed on the Cavalrera brothers note, and yeah I'd say a Model 2 most likely.

        Jackson DK2M (07')

        Jackson PS-4 (99'?)

        Charvel Model 5 (86')

        Randall RG50TC

        Maxon OD-9


        • #5
          Googled it. It's a model 2 that he thinks is so special that he only records with it now, no touring. EMG Floyd


          • #6
            No Max/Igor = No Sepultura!!!!

            Thanks guys! I may just sticker up my bare model 2 instead of a refin! Andreas rules!


            • #7
              grimriffer i fully agree , i hung out with them , years ago on the bus , 1994 ? las vegas , great guys , max was cool , they all were , i am a huge fan of old sepultura ! we hung out all night , before and after the concert , see ya , alz / 2013


              • #8
                I was listening to Arise last night...I liken Andreas' style to what the Slayer guys would sound like with better technique-all the cool riffs and noisy stuff, but much more precise with the fast playing. He is killer! Here's his stuff back in the early 90s showing that Charvel and his Jackson Rhoads...


                • #9
                  He is playing a similar guitar on the new Del La Tierra video. No stickers but cool as Andreas always is.


                  • #10
                    Andreas IS cool, although I always picture him with a Rhoads.

                    Sepultura went down the pan when Max and Igor were still there. Arise was the last classic, and Roots was just a nu-metal abomination. I'd rather listen to a Derrick Green album than Roots.


