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I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

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  • #31
    Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

    Mmm - Jasmine and Jenna in the same pictures. Hey, you know, we could throw in another couple of hot chicks, some cars, and video the whole thing. Hmmm...

    <Goes home to watch "Built For Speed"...>

    Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


    • #32
      Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

      Originally posted by Accept2:
      I've never seen so many complaints about T&A before.....When did this turn into the Jackson Gay Forum?
      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Only a couple people have complained... but you're right, they need to shut the h*ll up and let us enjoy our pornstars! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


      • #33
        Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

        Originally posted by Black Mask:
        When I originally said "she could sell me a balalaika" I was using hyperbole. I love Jacksons, so since I'm here anyway, why not enjoy Jenna, too?

        You really are making this way too academic. Every company that wants to make money (that's ALL of them) will try to lore people in using some sort of hook. For some, it's a pro using their gear. For others, it's a hot girl. For some, it's user testimonials in their ads. There's no one unimpeachably correct way to approach advertising.... if you don't like the Jenna ads, then fine, but it's hard to fault Jackson. This is a capitalist country, so you can expect advertisements and the like.

        I'll reiterate that no one likes Jenna because she is obviously the source for guitar knowledge. But if you want to make an ad that LOOKS GOOD, you should hire Jenna instead of Mustaine. Besides, we all love and appreciate the female form. Let us have our fun! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yeah, but advertising something with sex makes the whole thing look so cheap. I totally agree with boxcar on this one.


        • #34
          Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

          Originally posted by Boxcar Willie 84:
          Sorry, I just don't see how Jenna Jameson is gonna make a kid want to play a guitar...if anything he'll go watch porn. More people play Fender, Gibson, and PRS these days because of how they play, big names attached to them, etc, not because of some skin flick girl holding one in a catalog. Maybe I AM overanalyzing this, but I think this is sort of insulting to the intelligence of people who would typically buy and play Jacksons. It's kind of like how you hear mostly beer and condom commercials during rock shows on the radio...the advertisers assume that that's the only thing that the listeners buy, like they're the lowest common denominator...
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">First, I think you may be influenced by the overly-PC environment of a college campus. Sometimes it seems you post what
          you think you should be seen as feeling,
          like a manifesto rather than your own feelings. Maybe it helps you pull the college chicks. [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

          Second, I think Jackson, ESP and Ibanez
          are all currently targeting the kid who started on a Squier Strat and now has a couple years under his belt, wants something better and maybe now has an afterschool job where he can save up for his first high-quality guitar. For you to feel that a teenager is lowest common
          denominator because the hot chick might catch his eye, which then wanders to the guitar, is a bit elitist, don't you think? It's not PC to be elitist, is it?
          Maybe it is, I don't know. If you think a promiscuous drug addict rock star is better than a promiscuous drug addict porn star, well I don't know what to make
          of that.

          Lighten up man, rock music is not about stiff-necked Puritanism!
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #35
            Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

            Originally posted by Monk:
            Yeah, but advertising something with sex makes the whole thing look so cheap.
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Companies do it all the time. Movies do it, bands do it, guitar companies do it, so do car companies... I can't even begin to imagine how many times we buy stuff because someone sexy told us to. It's human nature to be attracted to gorgeous women. As long as you're interested in Jackson for the right reasons, who's to say it's wrong to like Jenna, too? Even if you're only interested in Jackson because of Jenna, does that make Jackson BAD? Does it hurt the guitars? Like I said before, as long as you understand the situation, everything's fine. No one is being tricked and since everybody uses sex to sell, it can't possibly look THAT cheap.


            • #36
              Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

              Well, when I see those ads the first thing that strikes me is that they are doing it only because they dont have any famous endorsers to put there instead. Thats why I think it´s cheap, because its their only way to sell their products. I dont blame them though, they need to sell guitars to go on with their business.

              Correct me if I´m wrong [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


              • #37
                Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                They're lacking endorsers, but que sera sera. If they wanted to, they could slap Scott Ian's bald mug in the book... it would keep some people satisfied, but most people would prefer Jenna. They're keeping the fans happy! [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] The hallmark of good advertising.


                • #38
                  Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                  Lersxt I posted the same way when I was in high school...I write what I think, how I feel. Just because it's different than what a lot of the rest of you think doesn't mean that I'm faking something. College has nothing to do with it. If you think I'm overtly-PC because I think it's lame to have a porn star in a guitar ad, then you go right ahead thinking that.


                  • #39
                    Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                    Maybe I AM overanalyzing this, but I think this is sort of insulting to the intelligence of people who would typically buy and play Jacksons. It's kind of like how you hear mostly beer and condom commercials during rock shows on the radio...the advertisers assume that that's the only thing that the listeners buy, like they're the lowest common denominator... [/QB]
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">You're wrong, they know their market better than you. A large number of Jackson's market are rednecks and/or neanderthals. Do you know how many people actually believed Fozzy's gimmick (that Maiden and Priest stole their songs)?

                    You'd be surprised. If anything, you're overestimating the intelligence of the average 'shredder' guitar buyer.

                    [ September 17, 2003, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Jerry From Ghana ]


                    • #40
                      Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                      So you're saying the ONLY people who would respond to an unbelievably sexy woman like Jenna Jameson are neanderthals and rednecks? Gee, that doesn't sound elitist or anything.


                      • #41
                        Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                        Boxcar, I'm just thinking your spiel would go over better at the Daisy Rock Forum! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        Basically, your underlying theme is that WE are lame if we like it, while YOU are superior for NOT liking it. THAT's what
                        I think is lame, and I WILL go right on thinking that.

                        [ September 17, 2003, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: lerxstcat ]
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • #42
                          Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                          Rednecks play Jackson?!? Last time I checked they all played banjos and their Fender Teles.................


                          • #43
                            Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                            You don't know what I'm thinking Lerxst...I never said any of you were lame for liking it. If that's what makes you happy then that is fine with me, but suddenly I'm making up a "spiel" because I don't like it? I just think the ad is lame, that's all. If you think that my thoughts and opinions are a spiel, you outta think again. Sorry I can't be just like you and like all the same things that you like...perhaps you'd rather I "go straight home and hang myself"?


                            • #44
                              Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                              Willie - Relax. You need some porn to calm you down. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                              • #45
                                Re: I play whatever Jenna tells me to play

                                Originally posted by Boxcar Willie 84:
                                You don't know what I'm thinking Lerxst...I never said any of you were lame for liking it. If that's what makes you happy then that is fine with me, but suddenly I'm making up a "spiel" because I don't like it? I just think the ad is lame, that's all. If you think that my thoughts and opinions are a spiel, you outta think again. Sorry I can't be just like you and like all the same things that you like...perhaps you'd rather I "go straight home and hang myself"?
                                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">It's easy to infer that if you think the ad is lame you'd think it'd appeal to lame people, Boxcar. it's a bit disingenous to deny that, and I notice you DIDN'T deny it, only said I don't know what you're thinking, which sure seems like an evasion. Why all the suicide references lately, though? First
                                you're jumping in the lake with your San Dimas, now you talk of hanging yourself!
                                If you're really feeling this way, you should talk to a counselor right away.
                                I definitely don't want you to harm yourself because our opinions differ; that's a bit melodramatic of you to say that!

                                You can say and think what you want, but don't then sidestep the implications. That is not taking responsibility for your own opinions. If you say that some
                                THING is stupid, or cheap, then you say that those who LIKE it are stupid, or cheap. That's what lowest common denominator has come to mean in terms of
                                our entertainment/leisure culture; sell it to the idiots, there are millions of them! That's in effect what you're saying to us about the Jenna Jackson ad, no matter how you rationalize your way around it.
                                Ron is the MAN!!!!

