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Does Jackson have any 7 string Baritones available?

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  • Does Jackson have any 7 string Baritones available?

    I'd love to add one to my lineup but I'm not finding any online that are worth considering. Are there any you guys would recommend from Jackson?

    This one I found seems really cool but I can't be sure how good it is and it's an E-II.

  • #2
    According to Jackson's site, they do have new baritone 7s.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #3
      If that's an actual ESP and not an LTD, the quality of those are really amazing. Beautiful guitars that have excellent necks, superb fretwork and they usually sound great too. Immaculate build quality. At the very least, equal to Jackson CS.

      I don't think you could go wrong if you're looking for a high end baritone. Slope heads build great guitars.
      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


      • #4
        Originally posted by toejam View Post
        According to Jackson's site, they do have new baritone 7s.
        Yeah I would need to play that one first but it is on my list. I love everything I see about it but reviews have been mixed at best concerning their tonal quality. If we have some owners of that model who would speak on it here at the forum that would be cool.

        Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
        If that's an actual ESP and not an LTD, the quality of those are really amazing. Beautiful guitars that have excellent necks, superb fretwork and they usually sound great too. Immaculate build quality. At the very least, equal to Jackson CS.

        I don't think you could go wrong if you're looking for a high end baritone. Slope heads build great guitars.
        Everyone I know has said the E-II's are Standard Series ESP and if that is true they will be tough to beat. Totally agree with your description and they are due for release in April.

        Here's another one with Washburn getting in to the game. Expectations for this one are very low but they are due to make an impact in April as well. It isn't a Baritone though.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ZL1hawk View Post
          Everyone I know has said the E-II's are Standard Series ESP and if that is true they will be tough to beat. Totally agree with your description and they are due for release in April.
          The E-IIs are indeed just a rebranded version of the Standard Series, which itself is really just an export version of the Edwards line in Japan. They are made at the Fujigen factory in Japan and are basically at the same level as the Japanese Jacksons were. In other words, a small step below USA Jacksons or custom shop ESPs, but still very nice guitars. I'd probably check out a Jackson B7 before going for one of those, but then my problem is the exact opposite--all the sevens coming out now seem to have extended scale, when I only want 25.5".


          • #6
            Ah, I only said that because a while ago I checked out a couple of Eclipse Customs, one of them looked just like that 7 stringer, but it only had 6 strings. Build quality was fantastic.

            And Washburn... every once in a while they can put out a pretty awesome guitar. But yeah, I wouldn't raise my expectations for them or you'll likely be disappointed. Looks nice though.
            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


            • #7
              I'm with ya xeno! This one looks pretty cool though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by pro-fusion View Post
                I'd probably check out a Jackson B7 before going for one of those, but then my problem is the exact opposite--all the sevens coming out now seem to have extended scale, when I only want 25.5".
                I only want a 25.5" scale 7, also, so I've got a Carvin (though, they've now got extended-range 7- and 8-string models with 27" scale). I also have an LTD AW7 which is very good and 25.5" scale.
                All 3 guitar players of Whitechapel have 25.5" LTD 7-string models at decent prices, and the only way you'd know they were signature models is by their small signatures on the headstock.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Whitechapel.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	33.1 KB
ID:	2447553
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ZL1hawk View Post
                  Here's another one with Washburn getting in to the game. Expectations for this one are very low but they are due to make an impact in April as well. It isn't a Baritone though.

                  The Ola Englund sig model looks awesome! That guy is a monster player.
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    In addition to the Jackson B7, E-II Horizon, and Carvin's new 27" scale 7, you may want to check out Ibanez's new RGD7UC. Bare Knuckle Aftermaths, Ebony board.

                    Last edited by Richard W; 02-17-2014, 01:05 PM.


                    • #11
                      Ive seen these that are throughneck and they are cool..

                      Last edited by darkshredder; 02-17-2014, 05:20 PM.


                      • #12
                        Are there any problems you guys have run in to with Baritones? Or is it just preference that you don't use them?

                        One friend mentioned to me that finding the right string gauge for a Baritone can be tricky, his tone would either flub out or his guitar would struggle to hold tune. Any of you run in to issues like that?


                        • #13
                          I just prefer standard scale length on 7s. If I were to use an 8-string, then I'd use at least 27" like on the Ibanez RG8. And as far as strings for a baritone, you can typically use lighter gauges since the longer scale works well with them and keeps them tighter. I normally use 10s or 11s, but would maybe go with 9s on the longer scale.
                          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by toejam View Post
                            The Ola Englund sig model looks awesome! That guy is a monster player.
                            I like everything I've heard from him so far. Have you seen this Washburn vid with his sig?

                            My Facebook page: Blog:http://www.olaenglund.comFeared band page:http://www.fearedband.comSignal chain:Washburn PX Solar170...

                            Originally posted by Richard W View Post
                            In addition to the Jackson B7, E-II Horizon, and Carvin's new 27" scale 7, you may want to check out Ibanez's new RGD7UC. Bare Knuckle Aftermaths, Ebony board.
                            I most definitely will. Ibanez was very good to me in the past.

                            Originally posted by darkshredder View Post
                            Ive seen these that are throughneck and they are cool..

                            There are so many to consider I feel a brain freeze coming on. You guys are spot on with this thread!

                            Any drop tunings you all prefer? I you had a Baritone to experiment with how would you go about it tuning wise?


                            • #15
                              I think that different artists experiment with the tunings. Thats what makes it creative ;-)

