When I had my indecent it became more profitable to get high repair quotes. They depreciated the value of80's guitars due to them being "so old" like an old 80's Buick or something. You will need to talk to the insurance adjuster to find out how that company looks at things.
No announcement yet.
Disaster....looking for a little help.
So, this afternoon at the advice of a few I am headed to guitar center to talk to someone about finding an appraiser. So damn depressed about all this.Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers band....it's been a while and this should get NASTY!
Check out the new band at - https://www.facebook.com/PerfectStormMetal/?fref=nf
They will low-ball, especially if you low ball yourself. If the guitar has been damaged tell them its a write off. Its unplayable, garbage. Unless you really believe it can be restored\fixed properly. Sorry for your lossesHorrible story.
-Now....shut up n play yer guitar
Originally posted by VoiceX3 View PostThanks Joe. Just sitting here with the Mrs talking about just how surreal it all seems. Never imagined anything like this happening. Funny thing is that I cut down my gear a bunch to get a decent down payment for a newer car by selling off all my bolt-on's aside from the PS3. The only amp I kept aside from the stack was a GK250ML for practicing. I still don't think the magnititude of what I am going to have to replace. No cabs, Heads....hell even half my PA speakers......ugh!I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.
Joe, right now, the head is upside down on top of an empty dog cage to hopefully run all the water out. Other than that I've been told not to do anything with any of it until the adjusters see it. I actually shouldn't have moved any of it out, but the ceilings hadn't collapsed yet and first thought is try and save what you can. So I really won't know anything about the head until after then. Everything I didn't remove from the room is going to be a total loss as the ceilings did come down so I still have a lot to go thru during cleanup to list. Sucks because my house is now half taken up by open drying cases and guitars lying out to dry but I can't even clean them up until they've been inspected, not to mention the cabs I know are shot staring me in the face every time I go past the dining room. Just going to be a waiting game for now......
Rob, thanks. I appreciate it. Funny how that Warrior is now one of my 2 surviving guitars with my KV2T.Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers band....it's been a while and this should get NASTY!
Check out the new band at - https://www.facebook.com/PerfectStormMetal/?fref=nf
Kinda weird how things work out man... when I first started reading the post, I was hoping the warrior wasn't one of the damaged ones, Id have felt even more horrible! Seriously though, I used to be a contractor and my drummer is a professional painter, so once the adjusters are out, if you need anything done, let me know. We'll take good care of ya.Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...
Keep in mind that you are not necessarily really intending to fix anything. Its just that in my case that was the way I was able to "Speak the insurance co language" And get more money out of them.
In my case I played a few of my guitars with a ding or whatever and made quite a bit of money for other things that were a total loss. In your case you need to raise all the money you can by figuring out how the insurance co thinks.
I'm extremely sorry to hear about what happened, ESPECIALLY that Soloist. I could never even imagine any of my gear getting destroyed like that, or stolen... Especially if I owned the fucking thing for 30 years and bought it brand new... I can't add anything to this other than my deepest condolences.
So, today I was finally able to test out gear for the first time and my cabs all survived. Here's the shocker....the Bugera had dried out so I crossed my fingers and hooked her up and GOD DAMN!!!!!! The freaking thing still sounds great! Say what you want but this thing is turning out to be a tank.
The guitars go to the shop for repair appraisals this week after the storm.Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers band....it's been a while and this should get NASTY!
Check out the new band at - https://www.facebook.com/PerfectStormMetal/?fref=nf
Good to hear about the amps man! Electronics are pretty resilient.
I had a couple expensive guitar pedals submerged in a pipe flood this winter and after a couple weeks of drying they both work fine! Hopefully you can get $$$$$$$$$$$$ for those guitars, and even better, hopefully some of them are still playable! Keep us updated.
The guitars right now I know this.. The acoustic is unsalvageable, the PS3 is unsalvageable, Mustaine Pro needs all new pots and maybe pickups as they are quite tarnished (Nickle Mustaine Duncans) remarkably the Kahler is unaffected, the KV2 needs all new pots and a new Floyd. The Soloist??? It and both KV's go to the shop this week to see just how much of a structural each may have. Not too hopeful for the Soloist, aside from a total rebuild, not too sure what can be done for it.Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers band....it's been a while and this should get NASTY!
Check out the new band at - https://www.facebook.com/PerfectStormMetal/?fref=nf
Yeah Joe, overall I think the KV's will be okay after a complete dryout as long as the finish doesn't crack. Really sad about the Soloist, but other than that one I really only lost the PS3 and the Acoustic. Me and the Mrs talked about it and decided that regardless of what comes from the insurance company I'll replace those 3. So I get to shop which I haven't done in like forever. It'll be a cheaper knock around to replace the Rhoads, a mid range acoustic and a higher priced USA or Custom to replace the Soloist.
The 1 lucky thing I did find out this week is that since I am not in a band working much more will be covered.Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers band....it's been a while and this should get NASTY!
Check out the new band at - https://www.facebook.com/PerfectStormMetal/?fref=nf
Clean or clear water is not very hard on electronics once you let it completely dry.Coke, beer and other syrupy liquids will really do some damage as the sugar remains on the connections when the liquid drys and will usually short things out. It's actually better to rinse it off when it gets that kind of contamination and then let it dry out thoroughly.
If you are a giging musician or have ever used your instruments to make money generally your home owners policy will not cover them. They make you carry a seperate rider so be careful what you tell your adjuster and make sure you know your policy well before you divulge too much info to them. Even then most home policies if they do cover they usually have a cap and you may have do decide what you really need fixed or replaced so you may have to choose what's most important to you.........best of luck,I hope the best for you...I feel your pain.