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New guy with a pic of my old Charvel!

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  • New guy with a pic of my old Charvel!

    Thinking about fixing up this old guy.
    What would you do to it?

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum. What's wrong with it that it needs fixing?
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #3
      Awesome guitar. Firecrackle is badass. I have wanted a clean one for ages.


      • #4
        Nice firecrackle! I wouldn't do much to it other than polish the frets, change the strings and play the heck out of it.


        • #5
          Great guitar! Play the hell out of it!


          • #6
            I really like that crackle with the maple board and dots - alot. Mine had rosewood board and sharkies.....this is what I was always used to and thought that the sharkies were a little too "busy" with the crackle finish.

            "Hail to the Wasted".......Zinny J. Zan


            • #7
              Looks to be in good shape, need a Schaler style tremolo arm set up though.
              Any way you could possibly put more shit into your sig?


              • #8

                Here's some other pics. I had the neck put on in 1988 I believe. It hasn't been played in years. The pots are scratchy as hell and I thought I would go ahead and replace those. I was thinking about replacing the pickups with something else why I'm at it. This has a Jackson licensed Floyd, would that be the JT-6?


                • #9
                  That is indeed a JT6. Also, your three locking nut pads seem to be the wrong way. They should be vertical (up and down) and not horizontal.
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    You have active circuits in there - I'd stick with what you got.

                    What's wrong with the tone?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DonP View Post
                      You have active circuits in there - I'd stick with what you got.

                      What's wrong with the tone?
                      It doesn't sound bad, just curious what it would sound like with a JB in the bridge.


                      • #12
                        Is the finish called Fire Crackle or Lava Crackle? I've seen both terms used. I also used to have a Model 6 with a three- color crackle finish. I think it was a red, yellow, bluish-green mix. Looks like the tremolo bar is broken off in the bridge. Will a regular floyd bar with a new bushing fit the JT-6?


                        • #13
                          Those Performance necks were really the hot ticket back in the late 80's. One of my shredder friends had one and all he did was rant and rave about how awesome it was. He was a huge 48th St ESP guy too.
                          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

