WOLF'S HEAD Jackson RR24XT, take a look!
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WOLF'S HEAD Jackson Rhoads!
Yeah, it's a cool guitar, but honestly, I could have done something like that back in high school in 1984 in shop with silk screening.I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.
I dig it. Font looks like Trajan, and if someone's going to silk screen it between smoke breaks it better be... Cutting custom fonts is a bitch.
I fell off of your books after latest kid was born- couldn't have the lights on with all of us sleeping in one room for a while and silly me I bought the actual books, not the e-reader version. Gotta get back in- was enjoying the story.
Wow- just google stalked you- this whole thing has taken off for you big time huh??
Originally posted by Vass View PostI dig it. Font looks like Trajan, and if someone's going to silk screen it between smoke breaks it better be... Cutting custom fonts is a bitch.
I fell off of your books after latest kid was born- couldn't have the lights on with all of us sleeping in one room for a while and silly me I bought the actual books, not the e-reader version. Gotta get back in- was enjoying the story.
Wow- just google stalked you- this whole thing has taken off for you big time huh??Yeah, I managed to sell quite a few on the Kindle and Amazon UK put the first book in their Monthly Deal and it took off from there. Their audiobook side have promoted those too and generally Amazon have just been really good to me. All I need now is the books to be made into a movie and I'll get a USA Jackson with a nice custom paint job, rather than a Chinese one with a sticker
One thing - if you have a Kindle, or a smartphone or tablet with the Kindle app on it you should be able to get the ebook for free. Anyone that buys the paperback gets a free download, or at least they SHOULD. Try it out, and if it doesn't work, let me know? Also, if you want a free copy of the audiobook download of any of my books give me a shout, I have free codes for those. I have a 1 year old son in the bedroom too so it's ebook or audiobook all the way for me!
Originally posted by ZL1hawk View PostI like it! The BL's are great pups to add, I personally love string thru V's, and I think any kind of fancy artwork would have been a mistake. It's done right and that V is lethal. Perfect!I think I'll spray some clear laquer over the decal to protect it - just played some Behemoth on it and I think it'll wear off easy.