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How did it all start?

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  • #46
    Re: How did it all start?

    The first electric I had (in 1985) was a Montoya Les Paul Standard/Custom copy (rosewood board, block inlays) it was a bolt-on Tobacco Sunburst job that I bought from a friend of mine for $50.
    He had guitars left and right.

    He would buy/trade guitars like one every week or so, and he had some nice ones, though they were always lesser-brands/imports (Aria, Arbor, Washburn, etc). He was also a killer guitarist at only 15, able to play any Rhoads solo and a whole bunch of other stuff. He had a Washburn Rhoads (LTD-style, black with blue pins), an Arbor neckthrough B&Y Bengal Explorer, and all kinds of other cool graphic'd 80's guitars (no C/J AFAIR).
    I always like Rhoads' Jackson, and the Charvels were ok to look at, but I liked pointies!
    Anyway, when my mom took me to a music store to buy a case for the LP, they had set a new USA Jackson Dinky/Strat in the door on a stand (you had to watch that you didn't walk over it, that's how close to the door it was). It was in the most awful safety/nuclear orange/yellow with black crackle, ebony board, and black painted neck back. They had a sign on it that said "Sacrifice $600" [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]
    I begged my mom to buy it for me, but she didn't. I had played a Jackson in the same store a few months later, and marveled at how low the action was. That one, I believe, was a purpleburst Soloist with ebony board.

    So anyway, the first "real" guitar I had in 1987 was a Kramer Focus 1000 in Salmon Pink. Bought it from a Pawn Shop for $175 with the big G&G-style hard case. It was a one-hum/one-knob/OFR'd wonder. That's also when I bought my infamous Hot Pink DiMarzio ClipLock [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    I took it over to my friend's house and he offered to trade me a 1976 Gibson SG Standard with case AND a Kramer Striker ST300 with the ORIGINAL Original Floyd (single locking in the bridge, no fine tuners, no locking nut) for the Focus (so let's see, I get 2 for 1 - is this a good deal?)
    I sold the Striker later that year (after experimenting with swapping pickups - Dr Newcenstein's birth [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ) for $100.
    Being a huge Zeppelin fan, I wanted an electric 12 string, so I asked around about how to turn my SG into a 12 string, and was told that because of the shorter neck tenon for 6-strings, the tension of 12 strings would rip the neck out, so I became somewhat disenchanted with the SG (though it did get Iommi's tone a lot better than the Montoya did), and traded it to another pawn shop for a no-name Strat in a cool greyburst with black pickguard and rosewood Strathead neck and v-trem.
    Also at that time, I bought an Aria Pro II XR from another friend (white Strat style, Kramer-style pointy head and Sharkfin inlays), but it was merely "ok". I put the Strat neck on the Aria body, but since it didn't have a Floyd nut, the trem was useless (actually, the trem was a POS to begin with), so I drilled 6 screw holes and mounted the v-trem from the Strat - even then I wanted a Charvel (Strat without the big gay pickguard [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] )

    Sooooo anyway I farted around with crap like that until I decided to spring for a new guitar - an Ibanez EX350 with 24 fret bound maple/rosewood neck, big gay pickguard ( [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ) sharkTEETH inlays, and H-s-H pickup layout. The store did have a Jackson Rhoads, but they wanted $900 for it, and it was used. Funny thing, it had a thick neck like a Les Paul, but was comfy to play.

    5 years pass and in that time I pick up a near mint used LP Standard for $1050 with case, and those two guitars get played daily for quite some time (1992-1997). Somewhere in there I saw the Jackson Custom Shop ad in a magazine - the one with the Warbird Warrior - and fell in lust for every guitar in the picture.
    But, since no one around here had any, and they were still selling for over $1500 when you did find em new, I didn't get one. When the trem on my Ibenhad crapped out, I went to the store I bought it from and ordered a new one. 3 months after I ordered it, it came in, but the day before it came in, I traded the Ibenhad to another store for a used import Kelly (KE3? I think it had satin chrome hardware and a neckplate) anyhoo, that thing kicked all ass, and the store thought I was kidding when I offered to trade both my EX350 AND Ibanez acoustic (PF10) for the Kelly, so they jumped and I jumped and we were all happy.
    That was my first ever Jackson.

    I traded it to my bassist along with a Fender Mexi-P-bass and a Neo Geo system with 21 games (bought that for like $130 from a video store). For a Pedulla Pentabuzz he had picked up for $150, in the hopes that I could sell it on Ebay and get a nice NEW USA Jackson [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
    Sold it for $950 to a guy in Japan [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]
    It was at that time I bought my second-ever Jackson - a 1990 Warrior Pro in Red Pearl (from WarriorX7).

    Long story short: I been hooked by the fins big time and have 13 Jacksons and 3 Charvels (two Model 2s, and a 375) [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #47
      Re: How did it all start?

      Black Mask ... who you callin' old young whippersnapper! I was playing in bands in the 60's covering Stones, Who, Yardbirds ,Byrds, The Kinks etc. etc.
      If this newfangled Jackson/Charvel geetar appealed to an old guy like me and now to a youngun' like you. I would have to say that they are timeless. Perfection is forever.
      If I'm not mistaken Stradivarius violins are still the most sought after instrument of their kind! and they don't even make them anymore.(the guy died about 200 years or so ago)
      We are fortunate to be in this space and time
      Jackson .... simply one of the best! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


      • #48
        Re: How did it all start?

        I think its a safe bet, that I am the only one here who bought a Charvel because of Vic Vergat.................And then I started to like Jackson, because Kelly started playing his custom jobbies from Jackson, so I learned of Charvel and Jackson from non-mainstream players. Thats what you get when you listen to Vic and Heaven instead of Ozzy.............


        • #49
          Re: How did it all start?

          No glorious "my guitar hero had one" stories from me guys...but a pretty sad one I guess.

          I wasn't really into guitars at all before february 2003. I had "messed around" with a few acoustic and electric guitars on and off since 1990 through about early 1996 and then I just dropped it.
          I always wanted to be a drummer.
          In fact I consider myself a natural talent for drumming. (prolly my dad's genes as he was a 20-year drum veteran before hanging up his sticks when he married my mom)

          The guitar was my little brother's.
          21 years old, he slowly went completely psychotic over the last 3~5 years and last february he jumped off his 4-storey student dorm to his death.
          I inherited all his gear.
          I can't sell the guitar 'cuz it was a part of him since he bought it in june 1995.
          Learn to play all over again.

          Although I must say I've grown to love the RR4 and cannot imagine owning anything else but a Jackson.
          The spare-parts situation is taking a toll on my enthusiasm but still...a Jackson is such a unique, timeless beauty...*snif*

          I've been making mental short list of other brands I might want to try if I give up on waiting for parts but none quite fit the bill 'cause they all miss one thing or another that's crucial to me.
          Styling (which is unique), build quality/assembly, pedigree/history (!!).


          • #50
            Re: How did it all start?

            750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
            Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

            Why do I still want MORE?


            • #51
              Re: How did it all start?

              I had probably seen and heard plenty of Jacksons and Charvels without paying much attention, but joining a grunge band in high school, probably around `92, gave me my first experience with them. I joined as a guitar player, but ended up trading places with the bassist, as he actually had more experience than my two years. He had a Charvel Tele copy (Model ?) that was a sweet guitar, but in a fit of stupidity, he sold it and bought a low-end Ibanez RG. He ended up hating the RG, but by the time he came to his senses and went to track down the Charvel, it was already sold. Meanwhile, I was just getting into Megadeth, and saw a photo of David Ellefson with his black Jackson Concert Bass. Although I was stuck with a Yamaha for quite some time, the Jackson headstock shape intrigued me.

              It wasn't until after two years of tech college and then joining another band that I bought my first Jackson. I was still playing bass, but was writing my own material on the side, and wanted a new axe. Oddly enough, I had bought a Lotus L686, a cheap Dinky clone, right down to the headstock. One of my new bandmates had a Charvel Model 6, and prompted me to go out and finally buy my first Jackson. It was just a $200 JS1 Dinky Reverse at Guitar Center, but that really started the ball rolling. After that I quickly pickup up a Concept JDX-94, then another. I also got into Hamers a bit (still have two Californians), and tried Deans as well. Ultimately, I did end up finding a Charvel 3B bass that looks close enough to Ellefson's old Jackson to satisfy me.

              Total J/C count today: 7 Jackson guitars, 2 Charvel basses, 1 Jackson Apogee 50 amp.


              • #52
                Re: How did it all start?

                Toby lives in Europe. The NO-stratheads policy only applies in the U.S!

                I got into Jackson by seeing Kirk Hamster with one! Then I found a USA Jackson for 380 $(IN SWEDEN!!!). I bought it and now I'm hooked [img]graemlins/help.gif[/img]


                • #53
                  Re: How did it all start?

                  Originally posted by Greg Crowe:
                  Toby, how did you get the Custom Shop to build you that strathead after FMIC's "NO STRATHEADS!!!" ruling?
                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I ordered the guitar before the FMIC buyover. Since I am living in Switzerland, and the Fender rights on the Strathead don't apply here in Europe, I was able to order a Strathead. AFAIK, Fender agreed, but they said this is the very last one. When the guitar has been completed, the shipping of the guitar was delayed because of the Strathead had to be released by the FMIC legal dept. first.


                  • #54
                    Re: How did it all start?

                    Toby, that is beautiful and you suck for having it. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                    EVH made me want my first Charvel and Robbin made me want my first Jackson.
                    Seeing Robbin just killing the chicks in the front row, while playing that about a lasting impression. That was August 1984.
                    Tarbaby Fraser.


                    • #55
                      Re: How did it all start?

                      my story is similar in that when i wanted one, i couldn't afford one. my favorites were randy's white v, jakes white strat, big red, and warren's grey snakeskin guitar. the first charvel i ever played was in 89, a maple necked nuclear orange spectrum... it was the best playing guitar i had ever played, next to my guitar that i had made for me a few years earlier. i remember playing that spectrum for a few hours (i was friends with the store owner, so he didn't mind), and messing with the midrange control and making the crazy wah wah sounds. kirk woulda loved it! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] jk.

                      i couldn't afford to buy it, so i admired it from afar. i joined a band who's guitarist became the singer, and he had insisted on me using a guitar with a whammy bar... so i had to play his charvette, which actually played nicely. my tech in that band had a model 4, and i liked that one too.

                      the first jackson i bought was an LTD in 1992, and i've been a fan ever since.

                      Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                      • #56
                        Re: How did it all start?

                        Originally posted by Jimmy B:
                        Toby, that is beautiful and you suck for having it. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Jimmy, that was my good luck. But here in Europe, under condideration of shipping costs and custom fees, these guitars co$t much much more than in the USA.


                        • #57
                          Re: How did it all start?

                          I have an appendix to my first post.

                          After falling in love with Charvels and Jacksons, I noticed Vivian Campbell, Jake E. Lee, Gary More, Iron Maiden and ... and ... playing Charvel/Jackson.


                          • #58
                            Re: How did it all start?

                            I started playing in 81, Randy Rhoads (for Jacksons) Vivian Campbel, Gary Moore and Warren DeMartini Charvels. I couldn't afford a USA Charvel (prefered the Strat shaped guitars, still do) so I customized my strat and later bought an import Charvel model 3 in 86 when they first came out.


                            • #59
                              Re: How did it all start?

                              Seeing Jeff Beck in a Rod Stewart video,Infaution I believe,Steve Stevens and Mister Gary Moore when he played only Jackson and Charvel's.Also the cover of Guitar World with Carlos Cavaso red "V".Oh how could I forget Steve Vai's Orange eye guitar.Plus the ninja turtle RR in Kerrang [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] I love other guitars,but just the feel of a soloist neck,it makes me hard [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                              • #60
                                Re: How did it all start?

                                My path to Jackson was a little different than many here. Although I graduated from high school in 1985 (right in the prime L.A. hair metal years), when I started playing guitar in 1982, I was mostly a fan of '70s hard rock guitarists, such as Iommi, Page, Lifeson and Blackmore--especially Iommi. In fact, my Iommi fixation was so strong at the time that I was not very fond of Rhoads, simply because he was in "the other camp" in the Ozzy/Sabbath media wars of the time (a lot of mudslinging in 1980-83, if you'll recall).

                                As such, I started with a cheapo Les Paul copy and went on to play nothing but Gibsons and Fender strats for several years. I was a Les Paul guy. I admit, I thought the poofy-haired L.A. guys with their graphic guitars were kind of gay-looking. I was into *DARKNESS*, baby! I remember seeing strathead Charvels (including a beautiful Star) on the wall at Apple Music in Portland, OR in the early '80s *and not being that impressed*...they were merely "overpriced Strats", after all!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                                What happened, oddly enough, was Yngwie Malmsteen and Joe Satriani. Although my logical musical path would have been to go into speed metal from my Sabbath roots, I was a serious wannabe lead player and was immediately blown away by Yngwie, and later Satch. A lot of the Shrapnel guys were playing hotrod Kramers, Jacksons, and Ibanez, and that got me into shred-type guitars. Although I had a Les Paul as my #1 guitar for much of the late '80s, my second guitars were shredders. After awhile, I ditched the Paul. Here is the progression: 1986 Japanese Strat w/locking trem -->1987 Kramer Focus 6000-->San Dimas Soloist w/Kahler and EMGs. The Soloist was my first C/J guitar, and it blew me away.

                                For awhile before I got mine, I had been admiring Soloists,but they were so rare, exotic, and pricey in Oregon that I never thought I'd own one. When I found a used one at Portland Music in 1989, I had to grab it even though took every cent I had at the moment and a trade-in of the Kramer. I had just graduated from college and was working odd jobs over the summer to save money to move to L.A. I paid $900 for that used Soloist (a lot of money for a used guitar back then--you could get a fantastic used Les Paul for about $600 at the time). I immediately fell in love with it. Unfortunately, it was stolen a little over a year later--I decided to go try other models, such as PRS, because I veered away from metal for a time--and I did not get another Jackson (an LTD. 1988) until about three years ago.

                                After also getting a Model 5 as a project, I came here looking for help/advice, and this board really fully kindled my love of Jacksons--I can't believe I didn't play one for so long after my Soloist was stolen, because the necks and sound are so perfect for the way I play.

