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New and old Admins

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  • New and old Admins

    A decision has been made to bring back and add some new administrators to the board. Please welcome

    Kurt Dudley - Hellraiser6502

    Kurt is a longtime member and former Admin of the JCF. He was an integral part of JCF01, JCF02 series guitars and well respected with his history in the JCMI brand

    Todd Mills - Tekky

    Todd is a former admin and well versed in Model series imports as well other Charvel/Jackson products

    Chris Mauro- Firebird V

    Chris is a longtime respected member as well as one of the former JCF buyers club

    Mike Hill - Hossman

    Mike is a longtime member, a former member of charvel central as well as owner of the Jacksoncharvelworld domain. He has a long history with Jackson guitars.

    We are adding these longtime members to the administration so help out so if you have any question feel free to contact them, myself, Joe or Jeremy with any issues you need resolve or help with ...

    Thanks and welcome guys
    Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~

  • #2
    Thanks- all over this!!!


    • #3
      Awesome! I have met some of you guys before and recognize all the above names!


      • #4

        I keed I keed!


        • #5
          Oh god no. Sorry.

          I'm not against anyone personally, well maybe Tekky a bit :p, but that's old news and under the bridge. I have no issues with him actually being reinstated.

          It's just that... the last 12+ years have been completely fucking stagnant... and it's pretty reprehensible that people are actually paying for what is at best, a board that has languished in mediocrity and is just one step above completely fucking abandoned status.

          People need to come in here and fucking work for the improvement of the community. You know, I fucking love this place, but a lot of the deserved hate JCF gets is warranted.

          Of course, I don't want to see this place completely rearranged... well sort of, because it's a clusterfuck and has been for over 15 years.

          The only thing that will change my opinion is if they're all-in on actually making this place better making necessary changes and improvements.

          Update the vbulletin, re-add old content that should be there. /rolleyes x 100,000,000 Add in cheap/free plugins like tapatalk or mobile access, why no itrader? And someone needs to regularly back up the system. Add new forums for Fender USA and Imports and try to broaden the spectrum of the board a little more. They are now part of the "family".

          And at least set up a wiki area so the community can rebuild a new MOAIP. (Mother of All Information Pages, for all those who have absolutely no clue)... at least I think that's what it used to mean. It's been SO long.

          Sorry for ranting, but yeah, shit really should start improving here.

          On a side note, Grats Hoss!

          If you guys get your act together and actually improve this board, the byproduct of doing so would end up equating to much more ad traffic profit.

          Sorry if I've offended anyone... but yeah, we don't really need new moderators, we need new admins who will actively make improvements... and be given the powers necessary to make improvements.
          Last edited by xenophobe; 05-02-2015, 09:09 AM.
          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


          • #6
            I'm sorry for being an asshole. I'd just like to see this place grow a little and get a little better.
            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


            • #7
              it did seem to be a lot busier before...i blame the lack of activity on myself, lack of newc and lack of racerx (ron) ...d.m.



              • #8
                Welcome back to the long-time members and now new admins. Congrats to all, and the help is appreciated.

                Xeno, I hear ya on the board's stagnation over time. A different topic better left for a separate thread, though, don't you think? And I'm not sure the admins - new or old - have much of a say, anyway? Just a suggestion.


                • #9
                  Hope to help- I will do what I can.
                  Cheers all-- I have some learning to do here.


                  • #10
                    Hey Hossman, I see you're from VV, an admin in town!!
                    Last edited by BayRocker; 05-13-2015, 09:34 AM.
                    My Charvel/Jackson Family


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Open letter from a a new/old Admin.

                        First off thanks for adding me back as an admin.....I always wanted to further the interest and enthusiasm for the brand, going back to when i was one of the original admins of the JCF. Having said that, way back when, before I got OLD. Mainly due due to assholes and douchebags who INSISTED on carving out their 'personal territory' and sucking the 'enthusiasm' out of the forum...the very LIFE of what we were trying to achieve.

                        I left because of those idiots who sucked the life out of this place, only to firmly place THEMSELVES in the forefront....their 'schtick' and their 'territory'....driving away many new and upcoming enthusiasts.

                        In SHORT, you shouldn't SHIT where you eat and sadly there are some....who for now shall remain nameless who still want to take a SHIT and point fingers at others for the 'failure' and 'lack of growth' of the forum.

                        If this strikes a chord with YOU ...maybe you should look in the mirror.

                        All of us 'oldies' love the brand and love the history. So why did we leave in droves? Because it got less and less about the guitars and more about certain 'personalities' and their agendas.

                        I think the success of the FB page is because us 'oldies' prefer to go back to the roots and focus on the REASON we all love these instruments...and leave all of the old bullshit behind.

                        Thank you.
                        Kahler...Killing guitar values DEAD since 1981.


                        • #13
                          Congrats to all !!

                          As thru life, I'm a love or hate kinda guy. I don't care, because it works.

                          But I do bring traffic, mediate the worst shitstorms. If God and Satan were to ever shake was of my doing.

                          I think this site is awesome. The brand is awesome, the JCF members, their love for metal/hard rock and shred from the beginning to current bands and styles. It's my life-long obsession, enthusiasm..and contribution.

                          I know ALL things Heavy Metal, shred and gear. These are facts

                          I like talking about my balls. Most people think about my balls..but I have the balls to talk about 'em. Especially at the bank.

                          like anywhere, at the water cooler..people want to laugh. Everyone wants to laugh..because laughing is nice! Especially during 3 minutes of sexual acticity.


                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

