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Update to UPS Thread

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  • Update to UPS Thread

    I have in my possession a cheque for $1091 (insurance + shipping cost) from UPS for breaking my Deco Dream.

    Moral of the story is stick to your guns and they will back down, it might just take 7 months!

    On another note, is something going on with the site? I couldn't find the old thread to add the update.

  • #2
    Did they keep the guitar?
    Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

    Check out the new band at -


    • #3
      Originally posted by bratfink View Post
      On another note, is something going on with the site? I couldn't find the old thread to add the update.
      The forum crashed and had to be upgraded. Posts were lost going back to last August or September. So if it was in that time frame, then they were lost in hyperspace somewhere...
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #4
        Ah ok, Thanks Toe.

        And no they did not keep the guitar. I still have it. The quoted cost of repair was more than the cost of the payout, so they they ended up just paying and letting me deal with it as I please.


        • #5
          Fix that guitar. Every guitar can be fixed. Look what the Mad Axeman did to his main guitar just for a photo shoot (way back before Dean).


          • #6
            Originally posted by ulijdavid View Post
            Fix that guitar. Every guitar can be fixed. Look what the Mad Axeman did to his main guitar just for a photo shoot (way back before Dean).
            That was a copy.
            I've held his original guitar in my hands at his house in Paradise Valley when my wife worked for his manager as her assistant.
            Road worn, but never broken and repaired.


            • #7
              Whoa whoa whoa!!!! Back up! You've been in Michael Schenker's house AND were holding his #1? That's freaking awesome!!!!
              Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

              Check out the new band at -


              • #8
                "Holding his #1"
                "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                -"You like Anime"



                • #9
                  Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                  That was a copy.
                  I've held his original guitar in my hands at his house in Paradise Valley when my wife worked for his manager as her assistant.
                  Road worn, but never broken and repaired.
                  I am probably wrong, but I have read articles where he stated it took three hits to get it to break and said it was his main guitar. The broken guitar on the album cover also has his standard strap from that era which always had duct tape on it to prevent slipping. Sorry....I am a huge Schenker Fanboy. He also stated he had many of the same Vees over the years. You won't find many people that have had more than one block inlay 70's Vees. I have also read articles where Joel Danzig rebuilt and painted numerous guitars for him over the years.

                  Here, you can see "one" of his many Gibson Block Flying Vees with another ugly neck repair (approx. 7:14 into the video):

                  If you watch videos of the "Rock will never Die" tour, you can see his black and white with the dots with an incredibly ugly repair of the headstock - an aluminum plate that covers almost the entire headstock. Not a truss rod cover.

                  I am EXTREMELY jealous of the fact that you got to play one of his guitars.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by VoiceX3 View Post
                    Whoa whoa whoa!!!! Back up! You've been in Michael Schenker's house AND were holding his #1? That's freaking awesome!!!!
                    His house wasn't all that great (upscale track home on the edges of PV)... I remember that Dave Mustain lived a few blocks away. (No, I've never met him).
                    Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
                    "Holding his #1"
                    I just threw up a little.
                    I was informed he loved to sunbath nude, I personally was never around for that.... thank god!

                    As for which guitar this was, the one I got to hold was his "baby" as I was told by Bella, his manager at the time.
                    I'm sure he has had many over the years and that was probably the case here.

                    I did get to play his Ovation. Not bad. And yes, I was totally starstruck at first.
                    But he was an eccentric little man (he's very short) who was really a dick at times to people.
                    Especially his manager who busted her ass to keep him happy. Oh the stories my wife would tell me.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by z1n
                      I don't Know anything about his guitars but the one in the video has dot inlays not block. ive seen him with both tho
                      The first link has the "fixed" block inlay.


                      • #12
                        well that escalated quickly... lol


                        • #13
                          LOL.. yeah. Sorry for the hijack.

                          Glad you got the cash and got to keep the guitar to.


                          • #14
                            Same here - not trying to start a shit storm. If that guitar could be fixed yours could to.

                            No disrespect Rjohnstone


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ulijdavid View Post
                              Same here - not trying to start a shit storm. If that guitar could be fixed yours could to.

                              No disrespect Rjohnstone
                              None taken.
                              Just sharing a very cool part of my life with everyone.
                              Still a huge fan of his music... him not so much anymore.
                              That's the problem with hero worship... sometimes you actually get to meet them and they turn out to be douche bags.

