Back story-
My wife surprised me around 9 months ago with an acoustic guitar. She knew I always wanted to learn to play, so she encouraged me to.
Fast forward to around Christmas time, I was cruising around on craigslist and looking at electric guitars. I seen a MIJ Jackson and fell in love with it. My wife seen me looking at it and must had mentally noted it down. My wife and I usually don't exchange gifts for Christmas because our income is limited. I work full time and she has to take care of our son 24/7 (2 years old and was born with various medical conditions). So needless to say I wasn't expecting anything, which was fine. A few days later she surprises me. I get home from work to see the guitar sitting on my side of the bed. She had been saving up for months trying to figure out what she could get me, and after she seen how much I loved that guitar, she got it.
So I have the MIJ Jackson guitar, serial #-9667052, in my hands. I plug it in and notice that it is in drop C tuning. I have been playing my acoustic in standard and sometimes drop D. I end up loosing the guitar locking nuts, and start to tune it back to standard. I tune one string, then another, etc etc. I go back to recheck and notice all the strings are out of tune. I see something near the B string tuner and my heart sinks. There is a long crack. (See pictures below). It looks like the guy ended up cracking the neck, trying to fix it himself, and then just rigging it up and selling it. Is there anyway to fix this without having to purchase a new neck? I can't really afford a neck at the moment. If I can't fix it, is there a place where I could find a used neck, if so how much would they cost me?

(TLDR: Wife secretly saved up money to purchase me a MIJ Jackson on craigslist. Found out Guitar neck is cracked).
My wife surprised me around 9 months ago with an acoustic guitar. She knew I always wanted to learn to play, so she encouraged me to.
Fast forward to around Christmas time, I was cruising around on craigslist and looking at electric guitars. I seen a MIJ Jackson and fell in love with it. My wife seen me looking at it and must had mentally noted it down. My wife and I usually don't exchange gifts for Christmas because our income is limited. I work full time and she has to take care of our son 24/7 (2 years old and was born with various medical conditions). So needless to say I wasn't expecting anything, which was fine. A few days later she surprises me. I get home from work to see the guitar sitting on my side of the bed. She had been saving up for months trying to figure out what she could get me, and after she seen how much I loved that guitar, she got it.
So I have the MIJ Jackson guitar, serial #-9667052, in my hands. I plug it in and notice that it is in drop C tuning. I have been playing my acoustic in standard and sometimes drop D. I end up loosing the guitar locking nuts, and start to tune it back to standard. I tune one string, then another, etc etc. I go back to recheck and notice all the strings are out of tune. I see something near the B string tuner and my heart sinks. There is a long crack. (See pictures below). It looks like the guy ended up cracking the neck, trying to fix it himself, and then just rigging it up and selling it. Is there anyway to fix this without having to purchase a new neck? I can't really afford a neck at the moment. If I can't fix it, is there a place where I could find a used neck, if so how much would they cost me?

(TLDR: Wife secretly saved up money to purchase me a MIJ Jackson on craigslist. Found out Guitar neck is cracked).