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Jackson Dinky Reverse (JAPAN)???

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  • Jackson Dinky Reverse (JAPAN)???

    Hi! I would like your assistance in identifying if this guitar is authentic - there is a chip on the top of the headstock but that's about it - just minor scuffs and minor dings.
    I'm really interested on this guitar but i am just hesitating if this is authentic (JAPAN). I supplied some pics that i took when i was inspecting the guitar - the pick ups both works - no static or buzz - frets have little wear. Does NOT come with the whammy bar. Price range would help as well. Thank you!

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  • #2
    That's a 2001ish DXMG. Yes, that's a Japanese serial number.

    I'm gonna' pass on the value speculation.
    96xxxxx, 97xxxxx and 98xxxxx serials oftentimes don't indicate '96, '97 and '98.


    • #3
      Thanks! that's a relief! He wanted like $200 - i know you did not want to speculate but is that close to the value - i was thinking close to $175ish . Since i got to get the whammy bar for
      about 20 bucks right?


      • #4
        Contrary to what craigslist unit flippers try to cram down your throat...
        Being made in Japan does not make it the be all end all. Being authentic japanese doesn't mean squat.
        Some Japanese Jackson models are selling for over a $1000. Others, like your DXMG, are selling for peanuts.
        I bought a DXMG from a junkie for $100. I took everything off of it that could be taken off, and sold the guitar (body and neck) for $100.

        They are not the Japanese models that make us drool.

        As far as the $25 difference ---
        Did you ever stop to consider that he marked the price down from $225 to $200 for that very reason - you need to buy the bar?
        I would be more concerned about the $100 that you are going to need to spend at the shop getting a setup done (as evidenced by the trem that isn't parallel to the body).


        • #5
          Thanks! That is good to know - so now i could actually negotiate less - with that bit of knowledge that you just gave me - I know it was going to cost like a $100+ for the setup and getting the guitar back to playing order. So with that in mind i better get a better deal! THANKS FOR YOUR INFO!!!


          • #6
            yeah, it's a standard Japanese DXMG as already stated. In that condition, I wouldn't spend more than $100, personally. There's a million other ones out there in better condition that you can buy for what he's asking, and even cheaper. I got a black one in very good condition with a SKB HSC for $125. They show up on craigslist and ebay all the time. This particular model was slightly above the JS series and were priced cheap, so lots of kids bought them and then never learned to play them. Now they show up used for decent prices.


            • #7
              Depending on your location, Craigslist can be a goldmine for Pro Series Jacksons in the $300 range.
              Finding one for much less isn't out of the question if you're patient.
              96xxxxx, 97xxxxx and 98xxxxx serials oftentimes don't indicate '96, '97 and '98.

