So I came across a weird looking guitar and wondered if you guys could help. It is a jackson guitar. Bolt on neck. 25 frets. Single coil neck pick up and humbucker bridge pick up. It has a volume and tone knob and two switches, which only turns on and off. Each switch theoretically corresponds with one pick up. The body shape is similar to that of a parker fly. Fret markers are dots. I don't see any writing on it except the Jackson logo. Willing to send a pic to anyone willing to help. Any help will be appreciated. I can't find it anywhere on the internet. The headstock is also prety weird now that I searched it.

The headstock is similar to the middle and right ones.
The body is similar to this.
Please I would like to know what my guitar is. Thanks in advance.

The headstock is similar to the middle and right ones.

The body is similar to this.
Please I would like to know what my guitar is. Thanks in advance.