OK, Guys...{and ESPECIALLY - ADMINS !!! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] }
I REALIZE that THIS THREAD BELONGS in the "San Dimas Charvel" area, but I FELT that MORE JCFers would SEE IT HERE...
The DEAL between Brett8388 and [email protected] is DONE !!!!!!
...I HAVE... IN MY HANDS ...Brett's NEW SAN DIMAS CHARVEL V !!!!!!!!!!!! :notworthy
{and a BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL PIECE SHE IS INDEED !!!!! [img]graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] }
Glenn Carr AGREED to FOLLOW THROUGH with the results of the E-Bay auction in question, and...AFTER a bit of work, a Doc Dryer SPECIAL SETUP...{and about SIX MONTHS of me TEST DRIVING IT !!!!! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] }, Brett's NEW WHITE SAN DIMAS CHARVEL V will be HEADING HOME to The Lone Star State !!!!!
Now, FORUMITES and ALL that HELPED MAKE THE DEAL HAPPEN for Brett...It is time to CALL OFF THE HOUNDS ON GLENN CARR and [email protected] !!!!!!!!!...Glenn {albiet SADLY for HIM - as he made the "Buy It Now" price WAAAAAAY TOO LOOOOOWWWW} has PROVEN that he is a MAN OF HIS WORD, and a MAN OF HONOR by allowing ME to TAKE DELIVERY of the V...
NOW...Since GLENN CARR KEPT HIS WORD, it is TIME for ALL JCFers to LIGHTEN UP and LAY OFF of him !!!!...
I spoke with Glenn at length while taking delivery of the V, and SOMEONE {we have NO CLUE WHO - if it was a JCFer or NOT - but since the BIG STINK was HERE...ME THINKS SO - IMHO}...went in on E-Bay and HIT the "Buy It Now" on ALL SEVENTY-FIVE {75 !!!} of Glenn's AUCTIONS...What this did was mount him up a SUPER-SIZABLE AMOUNT of FEES in the form of listing fees, and ESPECIALLY FINAL VALUE FEES that is PROBABLY going to take a FULL BILLING CYCLE to be REMOVED by E-Bay {since you MUST wait 10 DAYS BEFORE filing a "Non-Paying Bidder" form, and ANOTHER 10 DAYS for a "Final Value Fee Refund" form...in essence - a TON OF DOUGH TIED UP, and he has to WAIT that FULL AMOUNT of time JUST IN CASE ONE DEAL GOES THROUGH !!!!!!!!...THIS is ENOUGH of the CHILDISH CA-CA, GUYS !!!!...LET IT GO, PLEASE !!!!!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
Glenn ADMITTED that he was a BIT GREEDY at first, but he INDEED SAW THE LIGHT, and did the RIGHT THING in allowing ME to pick the unit up...
SO .....
If NOTHING MORE that a FAVOR to Ol' Doc Dryer , let's let his BAD judgement in the BEGINNING be a THING OF THE PAST, and let BY-GONES BE BY-GONES on THIS ONE, and WELCOME Glenn into our "Little Corner Of Heaven" here....OK ?????
...by the way, BELOW is a pic of the neck pocket {I had to ENHANCE it by DARKENING it so could SEE da BORN-ON DATE !!!!!
10/06/84 !!!!!!!!
...it's da REAL DEAL, GUYS !!!!!
[ October 06, 2003, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: TEKKY ]
I REALIZE that THIS THREAD BELONGS in the "San Dimas Charvel" area, but I FELT that MORE JCFers would SEE IT HERE...
The DEAL between Brett8388 and [email protected] is DONE !!!!!!
...I HAVE... IN MY HANDS ...Brett's NEW SAN DIMAS CHARVEL V !!!!!!!!!!!! :notworthy
{and a BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL PIECE SHE IS INDEED !!!!! [img]graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] }
Glenn Carr AGREED to FOLLOW THROUGH with the results of the E-Bay auction in question, and...AFTER a bit of work, a Doc Dryer SPECIAL SETUP...{and about SIX MONTHS of me TEST DRIVING IT !!!!! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] }, Brett's NEW WHITE SAN DIMAS CHARVEL V will be HEADING HOME to The Lone Star State !!!!!
Now, FORUMITES and ALL that HELPED MAKE THE DEAL HAPPEN for Brett...It is time to CALL OFF THE HOUNDS ON GLENN CARR and [email protected] !!!!!!!!!...Glenn {albiet SADLY for HIM - as he made the "Buy It Now" price WAAAAAAY TOO LOOOOOWWWW} has PROVEN that he is a MAN OF HIS WORD, and a MAN OF HONOR by allowing ME to TAKE DELIVERY of the V...
NOW...Since GLENN CARR KEPT HIS WORD, it is TIME for ALL JCFers to LIGHTEN UP and LAY OFF of him !!!!...
I spoke with Glenn at length while taking delivery of the V, and SOMEONE {we have NO CLUE WHO - if it was a JCFer or NOT - but since the BIG STINK was HERE...ME THINKS SO - IMHO}...went in on E-Bay and HIT the "Buy It Now" on ALL SEVENTY-FIVE {75 !!!} of Glenn's AUCTIONS...What this did was mount him up a SUPER-SIZABLE AMOUNT of FEES in the form of listing fees, and ESPECIALLY FINAL VALUE FEES that is PROBABLY going to take a FULL BILLING CYCLE to be REMOVED by E-Bay {since you MUST wait 10 DAYS BEFORE filing a "Non-Paying Bidder" form, and ANOTHER 10 DAYS for a "Final Value Fee Refund" form...in essence - a TON OF DOUGH TIED UP, and he has to WAIT that FULL AMOUNT of time JUST IN CASE ONE DEAL GOES THROUGH !!!!!!!!...THIS is ENOUGH of the CHILDISH CA-CA, GUYS !!!!...LET IT GO, PLEASE !!!!!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
Glenn ADMITTED that he was a BIT GREEDY at first, but he INDEED SAW THE LIGHT, and did the RIGHT THING in allowing ME to pick the unit up...
SO .....
If NOTHING MORE that a FAVOR to Ol' Doc Dryer , let's let his BAD judgement in the BEGINNING be a THING OF THE PAST, and let BY-GONES BE BY-GONES on THIS ONE, and WELCOME Glenn into our "Little Corner Of Heaven" here....OK ?????
...by the way, BELOW is a pic of the neck pocket {I had to ENHANCE it by DARKENING it so could SEE da BORN-ON DATE !!!!!
10/06/84 !!!!!!!!
...it's da REAL DEAL, GUYS !!!!!
[ October 06, 2003, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: TEKKY ]