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Question about Charvel Body, and Crackle finishes in general

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  • Question about Charvel Body, and Crackle finishes in general

    I will try to make a long story short. I bought this body in '03 as part of senior project for school. I wanted to build a EVH Frankenstien. But I was young and dumb. I bought an Ibanez neck to put on it and it never really fit quite right so I ended up just buying an Ibanez body and putting the neck on that. This body then sat in storage for the last 13 years. I actually thought it was lost but I found it in my moms basement this weekend. Now that I' am older and have some spare cash, I'd like to finish it as I originally envisioned, with a nice maple neck.

    Anyway... came here hoping for some background on this body. I am 95% sure it was a Charvel body. I bought it on ebay in '03. It had a blue/red crackle finish (you can still kind of see the finish in the pickup cavities and neck cavity). I really liked the finish at the time but it was beat up pretty badly with lots of big dents and scratches. And I wanted it to look like EVH's guitar... So I painted it.

    Was hoping for some insight as to what model this could have been, and more importantly, what kind of neck do I need for it?

    As you can see in the pictures its HH configuration, with 3 knobs. I can't remember if I drilled holes for an extra knob or two but I don't think I did. Switch is a 3 way, but again, not sure if that is original or not.

    Bonus questions about the Crackle finish:

    Was there a particular line of guitars with this finish?

    Did other manufacturers do crackle finish besides Charvel/Jackson?

    Do the colors of the finish give any clue to what the model was? This one was just blue/red, but most pictures I've found are either 3 colors, or one.


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    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users.

    Thanks Guys

  • #2
    Some of the lower-level import brands like Series 10 and GTX did Crackles.

    That does not look like a Charvel body to me due to the rounded corner of the neck pocket and the control cavity route shape.
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    • #3
      Originally posted by Newc View Post
      Some of the lower-level import brands like Series 10 and GTX did Crackles.

      That does not look like a Charvel body to me due to the rounded corner of the neck pocket and the control cavity route shape.
      Thanks Newc, I was kinda afraid of that. I thought I remember it being listed as a Charvel body, but it was a long time ago.


      • #4
        That looks like a Series 10 ST body. They originally came with a crappy single locking Floyd knock off trem.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	oszdhotajtworqir2zbz.jpg
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Size:	64.7 KB
ID:	2448183

        Click image for larger version

Name:	lrhziafojp8zysfldefm.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	55.0 KB
ID:	2448182


        • #5
          Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
          That looks like a Series 10 ST body. They originally came with a crappy single locking Floyd knock off trem.



          Thanks! I think thats it. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I rounded the neck joint to better fit the ibanez neck I put on it.

          Also I didnt mention before but the bridge was added by me. It does have post holes for a floyd.

          Anyone know anything else about these Series 10 guitars? Is it worth it to invest $200 for a neck to put on it?

