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SSS Strat with J/C compound radius fretboard? What are my options?

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  • SSS Strat with J/C compound radius fretboard? What are my options?

    I've been craving a traditional Strat sound lately, but I like the 12-16" compound radius fretboard of my J/C guitars as well as the awesome necks themselves. What are my options? I'm aiming for as inexpensive (ie - don't want to pay a tech if possible). My limitation is that I have no soldering experience. (One day, I will learn. Been saying that for almost 15 years though.)

    1) Find a Model 1A.
    Pro: Exactly what I want in stock configuration.
    Cons: Difficult to find. Arguably, basswood body is not "true Strat".

    2) Swap the bridge humbucker on my Model 1C for a humbucker that has single coil character. Initial search results tell me the DiMarzio Humbucker From Hell might be a candidate. But, at <6KOhm, I'm concerned it's too weak, especially considering the stock J100 single coils (neck & middle positions) are >6KOhm.
    Pro: Probably the least expensive option.
    Cons: Not a true single coil sound, and I already have a coil split on the bridge DiMarzio PAF Pro. I'd need to solder.

    3) Buy a Warmoth (or other aftermarket) body and put the Model 1C neck on it. While I don't have anything negative to say about the Model 1C's basswood body, I'm thinking I might as well go all the way and different by getting an ash body with hardtail bridge and 3 single coils.
    Pro: More authentic Strat feel and vibe.
    Cons: Probably one of the more expensive options. I'd need to solder.

    4) Buy a Warmoth (or other aftermarket) body and put one of my So-Cal necks on it. Same as #3 above, except the locking nut would be rendered redundant.
    Pro: Same as #3 above.
    Con: Same as #3 above.

    5) Buy a replacement pickguard for one of my So-Cals.
    Pro: I get to keep stock body/neck mating.
    Con: I can't escape soldering SOMETHING (output jack, I think).

    6) Buy a replacement body that comes preloaded with pickups and electronics.
    Pro: No soldering.
    Cons: Could be one of the most expensive options. I'd need to wait for the right combination (body wood, bridge type, color, pickups, etc.) to become available.

    7) Buy a Fender Strat, preferably hardtail with an ash body and maple neck/fretboard.
    Pro: True Strat.
    Cons: Omits the great feel of a 12-16" J/C compound radius fretboard. Probably the most expensive option.

  • #2
    I own several USA Stratocasters, including two of them with the Fender 9.5" to 14" compound radius necks and they're really great guitars. The micro-tilt neck adjustable necks option allows you to make them play smoother than any guitar I've ever owned; in fact I'm seriously considering adding the micro-tilt guts to my Charvels too.

    But, if you're looking for less expensive options, you should just look towards the Model 1A's or the single coil swap out for one of your So-Cals.


    • #3
      The Jim Root signature strat has a 12-16 fretboard radius and you just need to swap out the pick guard since it comes as a 2h config


      • #4
        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


        • #5
          A bunch of the new Fenders have compound radius boards.

          A G&L Legacy or S-500 are also a great S/S/S real Strat option, can be had with alder or swamp ash bodies, but they usually have a 12" radius as standard. Plus you can get them in hardtail or trem versions. Leo Fender actually got that trem right to where it really stays in tune great.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            You have more than 1 SoCal, seems like a no brainer to me.


            • #7

              Just saw this with only 1 hr left.................


              • #8
                Check out this one, still has the clear plastic on the pick guard.


                • #9
                  I would go for it myself, but I've got Stratocasters already, really looking for a white San Dimas or SoCal MIJ.


                  • #10
                    Man, that's nice. I haven't bought anything big/valuable from eBay in a while. Damn, it looks like that seller blocked non-Americans (I'm Canadian) from contacting him. I can't even send him a question.


                    • #11
                      Just did a google search for ya, Here's his phone number, I'd give them a call, maybe you can work something out.
                      (336) 273-9696


                      • #12
                        That guy's from North Carolina and had been spamming that Charvel and another one on the JCF FB page on and off for awhile.
                        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                        • #13

                          The dude has a music store and they had some nice NOS Model Series Charvels in inventory,
                          Here's the ones they've sold on ebay in the past few weeks.

                          Since the OP was looking, I just thought it might help, hope its cool, ok?

