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With much trepidation. . .

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  • With much trepidation. . .

    I feel the best way to handle a current "bad deal" I've got going w/ a fellow forum member who shall remain nameless at this time, is to bring my case straight to you guys. I will try to synopsize my case, obviously from my perspective, but with as much objectivity as I can muster. About 3 months ago I offered up for sale one of my guitars, minus the SD neckplate, for sale as a parts guitar. It did not sell for what I believe was a very reasonable price, so I offered it at a much reduced rate w/ the plate to the forum so I could attain the remaining cash to pay for my GMW Hotrod Flames ( a very cool guitar guys, one for another post) Anyway, I sent pics out of the guitar to a whole bunch of people on both occasions, with said individual offering to buy just the neck and plate on the first occasion, but then deciding on the whole guitar when I offered the whole thing w/ plate. Ok, so I hold the thing for him and ;told at least 3 other people that I'd sold the guitar and their offer was now off the table. Then the guy takes like 2 weeks to come up w/ the money, which I understood and was cool about. Then money comes but he doesn't include the $20 shipping that was in my ad here on the forum. Not wanting to ***** about it, I ate the shipping, shipped the guitar, sent the money off to pay for my GMW. I go on vacation out of town for 2 weeks, had lee hold the shipping on my guitar, etc. I get back to he doesn't like the "horrible floyd route" and wants me to make it up to him in some way. Ok that's thte basic sitrep. The guitar was advertised as a parts guitar, added floyd, Wayne replacement neck. As to the so called horrible floyd route, the guitar was originally a vintage trem, the route was perfectly symetrical, rectangular, like just about every added floyd I've seen with the hole hanging a little bit below the edge of the handle side of the plate on the floyd itself, EXACTLY LIKE MY BRAND NEW GMW DOES RIGHT NOW, albeit it's not rectangular on the gmw, as it's also original to the guitar, not added to a vintage trem guitar, which everyone knows here, had originally larger holes than current floyds due to the larger block. The guitar was also refinished to the original electric blue color. All this was how I got the guitar a couple years ago from another reputable forum member here, except that I added the Wayne replacement strathead neck. I advertised it as a parts guitar and took a hit to get the money quick to pay for my gmw.
    Now this guy comes back, says the AAA birdseye neck is worth $150, the plate worth $200, the body worth less than a 100 (a sandimas body?) all the original parts (sg36 tuners, knobs, strap buttons) and a brand new Anderson pickup and he wants me to give him $125 or he's going to call paypal, trash me on this forum etc. Of course, not wanting to be a dick I told him that I'm not Walmart, that he had tons of pics of the guitar, he took time to get me the money, and to me is complaining about an issue that is not an issue. Had it been advertised as anything than a "parts" guitar I'd feel more for him, but I turned down at least 3 offers after I committed to sell to him and ;he now wants me to refund all his money and stick me w/ a guitar to sell, which I could have done in the first place to others (including the guy I bought it from in the first place) or ebay'd the parts myself? What do you guys think I should do? I didn't want to be a dick to the guy, but I also don't think I should be on the hook for it either. It's not like it's a butcher job on that floyd either. It's a clean route and refin to factory color. Back when I bought it I called the factory (when you could still do such things) and they had the serial # w/ the color it is and the floyd on there and it's obviously an added one. Anyway, there's more details I could flesh out but this whole thing is getting tiresome. Any words of advice? I've contacted my attorney about it in case he tries to slander me, but not much I can do unless and until. Peace.

  • #2
    Re: With much trepidation. . .

    I agree with the reputation thing, however why should he have to take something back because someone did not want the guitar any more?


    • #3
      Re: With much trepidation. . .

      He does not have to take it back...

      Hey may want to just to put this issue to rest but he does not have to. Taking it back is not in any way an admission of wrong dueing

      It just may be the most practical solution.

      We are just speculating at this point without the buyers input.
      It's not a competition, it's a community


      • #4
        Re: With much trepidation. . .

        Taking it back, does make him look bad per se.

        I do feel that if he does not want it, have HIM sell it, not try and swindle the seller out of him hard earned money.


        • #5
          Re: With much trepidation. . .

          Everybody who has already passed judgment needs to chill out until you hear both sides of the story.
          I for one have an opinion on the matter that differs from the lynch mob already forming, yet you haven't heard the details, have you?


          • #6
            Re: With much trepidation. . .

            Which is why I used words like "appears" and "perhaps".


            • #7
              Re: With much trepidation. . .

              Link to the ad, please?


              • #8
                Re: With much trepidation. . .

                Here you go


                • #9
                  Re: With much trepidation. . .

                  Please do not think I am pointing fingers at anyone.

                  I am going off of what I heard, maybe it is different.

                  Here is the bottom line.

                  If the guitar was represented properlly, and the guy *hates it* and wants his money back, maybe he should have to deal with selling it.


                  • #10
                    Re: With much trepidation. . .

                    If the buyer is not happy with his purchase why doesn't he just resell it?
                    It sounds like he may be able to even make a profit if the seller lowered his price in order to speed up the payoff on his GMW.

                    You would think that the other party would step forward about now and present his side!


                    • #11
                      Re: With much trepidation. . .

                      The buyer may be unaware of this thread at this point in time. He also may want to read this and work it out with the seller before posting....
                      It's not a competition, it's a community


                      • #12
                        Re: With much trepidation. . .

                        Originally posted by Chuckracer:
                        Everybody who has already passed judgment needs to chill out until you hear both sides of the story.
                        I for one have an opinion on the matter that differs from the lynch mob already forming, yet you haven't heard the details, have you?
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Chill out too Chuck...most everyone has said something to the effect of " based on what you posted and not hearing the other parties side"

                        Lets have the other party come forward and post his side of it all so we can make an accurate unbiased opinion


                        • #13
                          Re: With much trepidation. . .

                          Sounds like buyers remorse to me. Happened to me with a guitar I bought from a forum member here. It turned out to be a nice guitar, but not to my liking and I think I paid too much. Did I send the seller complaint letters? NO!!! I sucked it up and sold it for what I thought it was worth. Did I take a hit on it? You bet. Tell him (buyer) to get over it and move on.
                          Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                          • #14
                            Re: With much trepidation. . .

                            Originally posted by Shawn Lutz:
                            Lets have the other party come forward and post his side of it all so we can make an accurate unbiased opinion
                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">For all we know he/she is ironing his seal costume, probably wants to look good for if/when he/she jumps into the shark tank... [img]graemlins/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
                            Occupy JCF


                            • #15
                              Re: With much trepidation. . .

                              I think that unless the buyer comes forth on this thread and states his side of the story it's pointless for any of us to try and help resolve this issue or even post an opinion one way or the other. If he doesn't do that then it should be worked out between the buyer and seller. period.
                              My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.

