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With much trepidation. . .

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  • Re: With much trepidation. . .

    Let him call Paypal. email me if you need more details as I am an expert on the subject.

    I think he just has a case of buyers remorse. Burns me when people think they can try before they buy when it's not part of the deal.


    • Re: With much trepidation. . .

      Yes I did. Did I send you $ for shipping?


      • Re: With much trepidation. . .

        Yeah, you put into my Paypal account. Thanks!
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • Re: With much trepidation. . .

          Originally posted by KMaynard:
          </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by charvelguy:

          I do say this with care...but it does seem when the "banned ass" avatar came about, there was alot of "I've already banned two accounts today, anyone else want to try?" type of posts coming out. So if people perceive something negative may come out of it..could it be possible it may be because of some other reason?
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Your semi correct here. The problem we run into, is when there are numerous problems on the board at once we sometimes get caught in the "this looks bad so everything is bad mentality". Simply put we can become hypersensitive to issues when major issues happen. It has caused us at times to be a little less patient with certain lesser posts. We are all human and we sometimes get dictated by the days events.. hey it happens .. The admin moniker doesn't mean we aren't allowed to make mistakes.. we do as much as anyone.

          We also get hypersensitive at times due to what we are doing on the board and the feedback we receive. One case in point was I was in process of trying to update the gallery and got slammed by a member for not getting his stuff in there right away. It caused me to have the who cares attitude and walk away from the updates. We ran into this with the guitar giveaway.. some guys felt it was fun while others had the .. it's only an indian made pos ... this kinda leaves us scrtching our heads as to why we do it. but it's pretty rewarding when we do a decent job and you guys are happy there's a flip side to everything ..

          This is not an excuse but an explanation as to why we react at times ..
          </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I agree with the fact your human and we should have tolerance to all things that go along with tht. I also appreciate your points as everyone reacts to a comment about their work or a job they take seriously. I guess it (what you deal with from various members) goes with the turf, if you worked in a prison, you'd probably get death threats everyday. It's a two way street on every issue. Maybe if more board members were delegated a given role in what you have to deal with in some respect, they'd have more appreciation for your jobs. Anyways.. thanks for the reply.

          [ October 15, 2003, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: charvelguy ]


          • Re: With much trepidation. . .

            Let him call Paypal. email me if you need more details as I am an expert on the subject.

            I think he just has a case of buyers remorse. Burns me when people think they can try before they buy when it's not part of the deal.
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Dude! HAve you not read any of the stuff I am writing? I said I wanted a 1 hum Charvel and a plate. I have 18 guitars total, 15 are Charvel and Jackson. I obviously don't have remorse with that many guitars. [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] Just ask my wife [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/fart.gif[/img]


            • Re: With much trepidation. . .

              Personally, unless I've read this wrong...I think the slander issue is reaching a bit. Typically, that is something that someone was to do in a public format, I really haven't seen anything that Mark has written to be slanderous.. matter of opinion, but that is all.
              I think airing the emails and what was said is fair for complaining if it offended you, but really, that is about it. If he's upset, and feels burned, I can understand someone being unpleasant but it's not like this was something to trash your business reputation, from my understanding, you sell as a hobby, not as a living.

              [ October 15, 2003, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: charvelguy ]


              • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                So I was walking down the street in the city yesterday, and an old homeless man grabbed me by the leg. While my first thought was to give him a temporary brand of my shoe sole on his forehead, I looked at him and saw that he was crying. I felt sorry for the man, so I asked "Why are you crying dude?" He held up his said "Will work for Food," but I noticed that the stick that he'd been using for a handle had been worn and broken. He looked at the handle, then looked at me, and looked at the ground and started crying even harder. I felt really sorry for the guy, so I went to the office supply store and bought him a nice yardstick and a roll of tape to help fix his sign. He thanked me and gave me a hug. As I walked away, I tripped on a broken part of the sidewalk and fell into a puddle of mud, ruining my favorite pair of Dickies...then I realized, that the reason he grabbed my leg was to keep me from tripping and falling into the puddle.


                • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                  Lovely non-sequitor there Box.


                  • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                    So he was crying because you were going to fall in the puddle? [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


                    • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                      [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] i love it when he tells these stories....

                      Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                      • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                        So Box, what you thought he was doing out of selfeshness turned out to be something he was trying to do for you? That's a great story bro, and I suggest everyone here read it and think about it. (myself included [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] )
                        My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                        • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                          but wait a damned that I think about it......if he really gave a sh!t about you tripping over that sidewalk wouldn't he have warned you about it a second time? (especially after you went and fixed his damned sign)...hmmmmm........well...that greedy conniving bastard!! After he got what he wanted he forgot all about you huh! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          [ October 15, 2003, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: mm2002 ]
                          My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                          • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                            Ah, from the new pics the route does not look as good as it did in the first pic. I can understand not being happy with it.


                            • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                              Originally posted by KMaynard:

                              I want to say a couple of things here ..

                              1) I apologise for the comment about the swear filter.. I mixed 2 different posts up here and it wasn't you who brought that up ....

                              2) I'd like to address you attitude and why I've "picked on you" as you would believe..

                              This statement

                              </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> I agree wholeheartedly...I love visiting this board but it's like friggin sunday school censorship every time a few words or said or a dispute of some kind is discussed. How lame. If wanted everything to be censored like on Sesame St. I'll head over on to the Les Paul forum or PRS.
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I take my duties as admin here very seriously. This comment set me off simply because it isn't true. If it was true you would not be allowed to post the remarks you have posted here today without it being deleted. I take it personally when me or any other admin are treated like we treat the members or this board disrespecfully ..We don't do it .. we do the best we possibly can ..maybe not always with the most popular vote but still ..

                              When I'm addressing an issue and a member (in this case you) posts out of the blue regarding what I'm talking about in a derogatory manner I take it as a personal attack or a "flame" I honestly believe the Sesame St comparision was not only disrespecful, it makes each admins duties here comical in your remarks .. I don't appreciate it ..

                              What does this mean is simple... you don't post in this thread ..and then when you do it is a pointed post about how the admins run the board... To me that looks like your starting trouble ...

                              I also take offense to the fact that you throw the so called "Banning" issue around like spare change .. I never once threatened to ban you or even mentioned it regarding your issue and it was childish to even bring that up. I can honestly say it's almost as if your challenging me to ban you ... You have made a point of making it sound like I'm attacking you without merit and your pure in this whole thing .. Well that isn't further from the truth and to be honest, You don't HAVE to feel any respect for me .. but on this board you WILL abide by the rules just like anyone else ..whether you agree with them or not .
                              </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Fair enough, my remarks were harsh but I did not mean to offend anyone personally. I'll chalk it up as a misunderstanding on my part and let's move on. No sense in beating a dead horse and slinging heated posts especially against admins. I understand where you guys are coming from and I will try to think about how seriously you guys take your job in the future before coming out and making comments. If I voice my opinion in the future I'll try to do it with out offending anyone.

                              I respect that you guys are letting me voice my opinion and that says alot...I'm sure there will be disagreements between people in the future but at least maybe we can not let things get aggravated and personal.

                              Back to regular programming.


                              • Re: With much trepidation. . .

                                You can send any pics you want hosted to me at any time.

                                jimshine @

