...as I've been usually just following on the Facebook pages for new models but today I was sadly shocked! I was looking thru the USA Series models as I recently sold off a 2000 RR1 Cherry Sunburst Flame maple with matching HS. I only chose that guitar to sell because it had a Floyd which I really don't use, and that I knew it would sell fast and being out for surgery and temporary disability takes a month to pay....and the mortgage had to get paid. 2 days after the sale the money came in, but the mortgage was already taken care of. So now I'm searching for either a Rhoads or other USA Jackson V with flame or quilted maple top and no trem. To my surprise, Jackson only makes the V's and Kellys (as well as soloists) in Black or White, yet every description says "(flame maple top and chrome hardware on trans finishes)." What trans finishes? While I like the Pro Series guitars (love my Monarkh) let's not kid ourselves, the tops aren't great. They look good from a distance, but have no depth. My custom Chinese King Kelly copy has a way better top on it than the Monarkh or my KVXT. What the hell happened that there is only choices of Black and White???? Even the custom Select guitars, no trans finishes to be seen. So if I want a maple top trans finish I have to go full on custom or masterbuilt? Is that really how it is now or is the website just bad? REALLY DISSAPOINTED!!!!
