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Jackson SL7 coil split sounds good!

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  • Jackson SL7 coil split sounds good!

    I had a little play-around with the coil split in the SL7, into a Fender DeLuxe amp model, and have to say it's a real little heartbreaker. It's strange to see this djent machine in this context, but it really sounds sweet, so I thought I'd share it!

    - Andi Kravljaca -

  • #2
    That was great!

    I also watched your "I Want Out" video and you have a killer voice! You sound as if Kai Hansen sang the song instead of Michael Kiske!


    • #3
      Well done! I love your sound man, u got some talentzz.
      Lot of feeling into ur melody and bends


      • #4
        Thanks a lot, guys! That means a lot.

        I've been experimenting with various Fender amp models and the coil split, and I'm really surprised with how versatile this guitar is. It djents with the best of them, but there's something really nice and buttery there if you dial it in right. I'm becoming more and more convinced that this was an unexpectedly good purchase - even though I was expecting it to be good!
        - Andi Kravljaca -


        • #5
          Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

          Check out the new band at -


          • #6
            Great job!

            I just listened to this album for the first time in years last night. Coincidence? I think not.
            '95 Charvel San Dimas USA Model I Koa - BKP
            '91 Charvel 650 Custom - EMG 85/SLV/SLV+SPC
            '92 Jackson Soloist Pro MIJ
            '91 Charvel 475 Exotic Cherry Sunburst - Duncan PATB set
            '90 Charvel 475 XL
            '10 Charvel San Dimas MIJ Style 1 2H - JB/'59
            Mesa Boogie Quad Preamp/Stereo Simul-Class 2:90
            Mesa Boogie MkIII+ Simul-Class & MkIVb with Mark Series stack
            Marshall JVM410H

