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how long..before sellin' in the classifieds?

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  • how long..before sellin' in the classifieds?

    I'am how long before sellin' ? i want to be carefull...I know kramer got alot of flak...

  • #2
    Re: how long..before sellin\' in the classifieds?

    You need to introduce yourself to the group first; I guess you've done that. We aren't really looking for people coming in just to sell, but for people who will participate in the community. You will probably find it hard to sell here until people get to know you, and you need good references for Ebay or some other source, since most recent problems
    with Classifieds deals have involved newbies just coming in to sell.

    Besides that caveat, welcome to the JCF! We'll look forward to your contributions.

    [ October 17, 2003, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: lerxstcat ]
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #3
      Re: how long..before sellin\' in the classifieds?

      Indeed. Put yourself in our shoes - how many guitars have YOU bought from a guy that just popped in the door?
      People here have tried and been fried by douche-bags who were looking to dump their trash, or make off with someone's money, so yeah you have to hang out for a few weeks and join in. If you just want to unload a Charvel or Jackson to buy an ESPee or Ibenhad or other brand, put it on Ebay, we'll see it and if it's priced right someone here will probably get it.
      The same goes for other gear - put it on Ebay, that's what it's there for. The Classifieds are for contributing members - those who are somewhat "known" around here or who have trudged through the mud and the fires and become a part of the community instead of just another member who pops in from time to time.

      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #4
        Re: how long..before sellin\' in the classifieds?

        Article 17, §43.19 of the JCF Bylaws specifically state:

        "No JCF member may post and item for sale in the 'Classified' section until said person has completed one full month of membership. An application process, including a complete body fluid analysis and credit history, is administered by the JCF administrators for 10 full days following the inital one-month waiting period. This application process can be expedited with donations of beer, cash, pictures of naked ladies or a combination thereof to the JCF administration."

        You can pick up your own copy of the 1043-page JCF bylaws at you local JCF recruiting office or by writing:

        Jackson/Charvel Forum
        Dept. of Publications and Smart-Ass Remarks
        357 JCF Circle
        Batavia, NY 14020


        • #5
          Re: how long..before sellin\' in the classifieds?

          cool..makes 'cents. say an ESPee or an Ibenhad ?? no. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: how long..before sellin\' in the classifieds?

            We actually had a few people post only in the Classifieds with "Hey, want to sell a USA Soloist so I can buy an RG320DX" or whatever - selling USA Jacksons to buy the latest Gnu-Metal geetar [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #7
              Re: how long..before sellin\' in the classifieds?

              Originally posted by JimmyApollo:
              Article 17, §43.19 of the JCF Bylaws specifically state:

              "No JCF member may post and item for sale in the 'Classified' section until said person has completed one full month of membership. An application process, including a complete body fluid analysis and credit history, is administered by the JCF administrators for 10 full days following the inital one-month waiting period. This application process can be expedited with donations of beer, cash, pictures of naked ladies or a combination thereof to the JCF administration."

              You can pick up your own copy of the 1043-page JCF bylaws at you local JCF recruiting office or by writing:

              Jackson/Charvel Forum
              Dept. of Publications and Smart-Ass Remarks
              357 JCF Circle
              Batavia, NY 14020
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That is totally made up and false!!!

              I except only beer (Guinness / Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat / Killians Irish Red) and cash (large unmarked bills)...

              Our rules are set to keep those who just join the JCF to sell in the classifieds out and protect our members from predators (not the Charvel variety). We are a community. We want participation from our members. Joining to make a quick buck off of us because you have a Charvel or Jackson to unload is not participation.
              Occupy JCF


              • #8
                Re: how long..before sellin\' in the classifieds?

                body fliud anaylisis ??? O K 'bout 10% blood in my alcholl.. [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] I sweat yukon jack....and irish beer.. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

