I've always been into two style guitars. One is the Charvel Promods since their relaunch in 2008 and the other are your EVH style guitars- at the top of that heap is the EBMM Axis. I've played them all and that guitar rules! Having said that, a Charvel Promod is an EXCEPTIONAL value! I've used them as a base for experimenting with different pickups and pots and tremolos. The've been a great test best for me. With my last build, a red MIJ Socal, I finally nailed the tone I've been hearing in my head all these years. I put a Dean Baker Act pickup in the bridge and a Dimarzio Area 67' in the neck. And the guitar just wails! I think I'm in love with this pickup, the DMT Baker Act. Its a cross between an Axis/ Fred/ JB pickup. Its compressed but not. Big and ballsy and has grind. High output that sounds great distorted but that's really it. to get it to clean up, I need to combine it with the neck pickup which gives it some added treble and lowers the output slightly. But what it does do, it gives notes and chords clarity. Where the Axis is compressed, the DMT is big and open.
But that brings me to the EBMM Axis. Its my #1 guitar. I love the neck! The PU's sound awesome and I really have no complaints. And its the best of the EVH models, Fender and Peavey included.
I recently sold one of my charvels (a MIJ Primer Scream wildcard- it wasn't doing it for me anymore.) and I want to replace it with something cool. I can do another promod or another axis and I dunno. The Charvel really is a test bed for me. It gives me something to do and I like to tinker. But with my last build, I nailed it and don't want to change a thing. So maybe I get a different body wood and mess with the neck PU, but the Baker Act is a total keeper! But then for a few hundred more is the Axis, and its nearly perfect! But as someone who likes to tinker, I don't really need to change anything with the Axis. Its the most perfect stock guitar I've ever played. Decisions decisions.
How are the mexican promods? I've only owned the USA and MIJ versions. Maybe one of the Ash bodies. I've never owned an ash guitar. I'm just thinking aloud.
But that brings me to the EBMM Axis. Its my #1 guitar. I love the neck! The PU's sound awesome and I really have no complaints. And its the best of the EVH models, Fender and Peavey included.
I recently sold one of my charvels (a MIJ Primer Scream wildcard- it wasn't doing it for me anymore.) and I want to replace it with something cool. I can do another promod or another axis and I dunno. The Charvel really is a test bed for me. It gives me something to do and I like to tinker. But with my last build, I nailed it and don't want to change a thing. So maybe I get a different body wood and mess with the neck PU, but the Baker Act is a total keeper! But then for a few hundred more is the Axis, and its nearly perfect! But as someone who likes to tinker, I don't really need to change anything with the Axis. Its the most perfect stock guitar I've ever played. Decisions decisions.
How are the mexican promods? I've only owned the USA and MIJ versions. Maybe one of the Ash bodies. I've never owned an ash guitar. I'm just thinking aloud.