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Jackson Charvel Body Size Question

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  • #31
    7/8 is a 3D aspect ratio. You've been looking at 2D. The thickness and the contour cuts create a 7/8 size , to know for sure one would have to do a volume test with a dunk tank lol.


    • #32
      Originally posted by AAEA View Post
      7/8 is a 3D aspect ratio. You've been looking at 2D. The thickness and the contour cuts create a 7/8 size , to know for sure one would have to do a volume test with a dunk tank lol.
      Very astute but I don't believe the body thickness was cut down on the Dinky from the ones I've looked at. The contouring difference would make a small difference. Since the Dinky has sharper edges, that would only increase the volume slightly from the 92% number anyway.

      If you still dispute my research, dunk away.
      "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
      - Ken M


      • #33
        Originally posted by Axewielder View Post
        Hey man I did a quick tracing of your traces and converted them to a two-color image. The Strat shape in blue completely encompasses the Dinky shape in red. That allowed me to run a histogram analysis and count pixels:
        The problem I have with this dinky image is the top horn is closer to the neck than on both of my dinkys and the curve is much more shallow. And my dinkys both have a lower horn that is shaped more like a strat than the dinky outlined with an actual flat spot on the horn.
        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


        • #34
          Xeno - Bro, it's like the saying goes... "You're entitled to your own opinions, but you're not entitled to your own facts."

          Axe - Nice way to look at it, and boil it down to numbers. So, as expected, the Dinky is more like 9/10s. Not the old 7/8ths myth. Again, I've always thought that was just a verbal shortcut to describe the difference. Nothing wrong with that. But, over the years, people have assumed it meant an actual measurement. And it's not. But now we have one, at least a reasonably accurate approximation. Nice job.


          • #35
            Thanks, glad we could finally "settle this once and for all" for the OP.
            "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
            - Ken M


            • #36
              Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
              Xeno - Bro, it's like the saying goes... "You're entitled to your own opinions, but you're not entitled to your own facts."

              Axe - Nice way to look at it, and boil it down to numbers. So, as expected, the Dinky is more like 9/10s. Not the old 7/8ths myth. Again, I've always thought that was just a verbal shortcut to describe the difference. Nothing wrong with that. But, over the years, people have assumed it meant an actual measurement. And it's not. But now we have one, at least a reasonably accurate approximation. Nice job.
              I backed up my opinion with photographic proof. I'm sorry you're blind. Both of my custom Dinkys have a strat shaped lower horn and have a larger radius on the upper. Not like the Custom 22 fret soloist I posted. Oh, that's right, you don't know the difference between a Custom Jackson and a Custom Shop.
              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


              • #37
                When is a neck thru dinky not a soloist? When it's a Dinky.


                Not trying to be a complete ass, if I didn't specify the old template Dinky, I would have received a 22 fret custom soloist like the one I pictured above. That actually was part of the conversation I had directly spec'ing Jackson over this build. That was actually by design because they would have gotten it wrong. So please try harder.

                Last edited by xenophobe; 04-11-2018, 09:41 PM.
                The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                • #38
                  22 fret dinky masterbuild vs 22 fret soloist masterbuild:

                  Whatever. :P

                  Last edited by xenophobe; 04-12-2018, 04:30 PM.
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • #39
                    I'm not doing any more volume calculations! So Jackson has been all over the map over the years with these slightly different Dinky and Soloist shapes. No big surprise there. I guess I'm a little lost as to what the controversy is?
                    "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                    - Ken M


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Axewielder View Post
                      I guess I'm a little lost as to what the controversy is?
                      And 7/8 is so much easier to say and remember than 91.56749655972637%.

                      Also, 59/64 boils down to 7.375/8, so it isn't that far off, especially considering the rough drawing.


                      • #41
                        Apparently, he "dropped the mic" so poorly, that he had to pick it back up again twice more over the course of an hour. Oh, where to start. Might as well go in order...

                        "I backed up my opinion with photographic proof."

                        No, you didn't. You posted a pic of one guitar that you own and custom spec'd. One. And a random google image for some other custom guitar, who's specs you have no idea. For all you know, that guitar was spec'd as a 22 fret Soloist with longer 24 fret horns - because that's what it looks like to me. The only thing you've "proved" is my prior point that there are always exceptions to the rule in J/C land. But we're talking about "the rule" here, not the "exceptions". And you posted exceptions.

                        "Both of my custom Dinkys have a strat shaped lower horn"

                        That's clearly not a Strat-shaped lower horn. Get your prescription checked, and then compare it to my tracing of a Strat body horn. Not even close. To my eye, that sure looks like the same 22 fret Dinky lower horn in my tracing.

                        "Oh, that's right, you don't know the difference between a Custom Jackson and a Custom Shop."

                        Really, this goofy debate again? See, I've made those choices enough times (on both sides) to understand that the debate says more about the owners than it does about the guitars.

                        "When is a neck thru dinky not a soloist? When it's a Dinky...if I didn't specify the old template Dinky, I would have received a 22 fret custom soloist like the one I pictured above. That actually was part of the conversation I had directly spec'ing Jackson over this build. That was actually by design because they would have gotten it wrong."

                        So you may have custom spec'd an exception to the rule. Thanks for disproving your own argument, by your own admission and with your own words.

                        Although, to my eye, it seems to look the same as my 22 fret Dinky tracing. Just sayin'.

                        As to that hang tag and case candy? The only thing that proves is that J/C tries to keep the customer happy. "The customer is always right", you know. They wrote down what you told them you wanted - a Dinky. And it's not "wrong", per se. Because, after all, a Soloist is a neck-through Dinky and vice versa. I can just imagine the conversation in the custom shop...

                        Shannon: This one's done. Write down "custom Dinky" on the tag and certificate.

                        Co-worker: But it's a neck-through. Isn't that a Soloist?

                        Shannon: Yeah, whatever. The customer asked for a "Dinky", so that's what we're giving him as far as he knows. Just shut up and write Dinky.

                        And, oh by the way, about 15 years ago I spec'd and ordered a neck-through "Dinky" myself. I spec'd it as a "Dinky" because it was a Charvel. Yes, a masterbuilt neck-through Charvel Dinky with 24 frets. And guess what? It's the same as a freakin' 24 fret Soloist. Yeah, it was one of the ones I compared to the tracings. Of course, that was pre-certificate days, so I don't have any other "proof" to show besides the guitar itself.

                        Really my friend, while this has been fun, the debate has veered off into strange land. Like flat-earther strange. Believe what you want to believe. The rest of us can see the facts for what they really are.
                        Last edited by shreddermon; 04-12-2018, 07:48 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by pianoguyy View Post
                          And 7/8 is so much easier to say and remember than 91.56749655972637%.

                          Also, 59/64 boils down to 7.375/8, so it isn't that far off, especially considering the rough drawing.
                          Hey if you want to take the blue pill and go back to the comfortable, familiar simulated reality of the world of the 7/8 strat then please feel free.
                          "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                          - Ken M


                          • #43
                            I want my 7/8 strat on flat earth!
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • #44
                              Water it and it will grow, throw it in the dryer and it will shrink, is this really that difficult??
                              A few Charvels, a bunch of Jacksons, JVM full stack, valve king half stack and an 4000 watt PA for a home stereo, my neighbors love me....


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
                                Really my friend, while this has been fun, the debate has veered off into strange land. Like flat-earther strange. Believe what you want to believe. The rest of us can see the facts for what they really are.
                                Wow. You sure tl;dr me. You're a real idiot.

                                You've always acted jealous or butthurt because of this custom order, it's actually quite funny. When did you last have a convo with Jackson staff about the body shape of a 22 fret soloist? Hahahaa.

                                Please post pics of your 22 fret masterbuilt Soloist to compare.

                                Until then, your babbling opinion doesn't compare to the scrutiny of this. Of course, they're both the same.

                                The body of my custom was spec'd to the original SD Dinky template. The 22 fret soloist pictured is a couple of years older than mine and is what I would have received if I didn't spec the SD Dinky template. Prove me wrong.

                                Which guitar does this body shape most closely resemble?

                                Like I said, you're blind. And Jelly. And an idiot.

                                22 fret neckthrus aren't Custom Select CNC, which is why you don't understand.

                                When is the last time you got a Trophy with a Masterbuild? How often does that actually happen?

                                Do you even realize that Jacksons are built in Corona instead of Ontario? Your paper scribbling are meaningless for more than a decade now.
                                Last edited by xenophobe; 04-13-2018, 02:28 AM.
                                The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

