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Jackson Charvel Body Size Question

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Axewielder View Post
    I'm not doing any more volume calculations! So Jackson has been all over the map over the years with these slightly different Dinky and Soloist shapes. No big surprise there. I guess I'm a little lost as to what the controversy is?
    For some reason Patty has been butthurt about this guitar for a while. I'm just posting the difference between a current 22 fret dinky that I had to spec compared to a 22 fret masterbuild soloist I would have received if I didn't spec for the old Dinky template. It actually had to be spec'd or I would have received a soloist like I pictured, for some reason he can't grasp that concept.

    I said I knew Mike kept all the original templates and said I wanted it built off the early 22 fret SD Dinky, but this is how they worded it on the work order. Look at my tracing below to see how consistent the shape is.

    Last edited by xenophobe; 04-13-2018, 04:14 AM.
    The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


    • #47
      Originally posted by shreddermon View Post

      Yeah, even compare your "dinky" upper cutaway to both an original template 89 and my 2015, which is just a hair wider.

      Is your 22 fret dinky a MIJ?

      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


      • #48
        My best attempt at an overlay. Your 22 fret Dinky is not consistent with either my 89 or 2015, both of mine are consistent, 26 years apart.

        I question your whole methodology.

        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


        • #49
          Oh, and if you're wondering why you only see one input jack on my outline....

          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


          • #50
            Originally posted by toejam View Post
            I want my 7/8 strat on flat earth!
            Add a "spalted maple bridge" and I'll join you on the group order.

            Also, when are we going to discuss the Rhoads, Double Rhoads, King V, and XTRR shapes in relation to each other? Also, the Demmelition King V, which has cutouts which I'm sure affect the silhouette and volume of the guitar body.

            Relevant thread:

            Same with the King Kelly, intermediate/mid-sized Kelly, and the current/Marty Friedman Kelly dimensions... (the below quoted post summarizes them)

            Originally posted by Number Of The Priest View Post
            Kickass Kelly! Had no idea there were intermediate-sized ones.

            So if we have it right, there are three sizes?

            -King Kelly (with and without cutouts)
            -Mid-sized Kelly like j2379's new guitar
            -"Dinky" Kelly from Marty, which is now the standard/common size

            (Not counting similar body styles such as Kelly Stars, Explorers, Stars, or upside-down/reverse Kellys of course.)

            /me runs for opening many cans of worms
            Last edited by Number Of The Priest; 04-13-2018, 08:03 AM.


            • #51
              Bruce Dickinson says run to the hills!
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


              • #52
                Xeno, first off I want to thank you for the personal insults and attacks. Thought we had known each other here on the forum for long enough, bro, but...congrats, way to douche it up. Stay classy, San Diego.

                As to me being jealous of your guitar. Saaaay what? Where is that even coming from, dude? Sorry, but that's a figment of your own imagination. Or possible late night drunk posting? Why would I be jealous of something that I wouldn't be interested in ordering for myself? That's not a dig - it's a great, unique guitar. I'm happy you like it so much, cool for you. And that's the point of custom shop guitars - it's what you wanted. But jealous? If it's not something I'd want for myself, um, no. Cool for you, but just not my bag. Or, what, maybe this is the part where I'm supposed to be goaded into debating who's got more, better, cooler guitars? You know, the recurring "that isn't a 'real' custom shop" and "is it an import"-style dig attempts? Is that where this was going? Suddenly, it's like a middle school lunchroom here! A middle-aged Pokemon-style throwdown? No, thanks. I don't require that kind of validation.

                No, it seems like you may be the one who's butthurt here? Somehow - and it's a mystery how or why? - it's like you've taken this discussion as some kind of personal affront to your guitar. As if - if you had to acknowledge the facts - it would somehow make your guitar less special or unique somehow? Less "custom" - is that the fear? And, the weirdest part of all is that - if you stop for a minute and open your mind - it simply acknowledges that - yes! - your old-style, non-standard spec maybe makes it more unique, custom. It's an "exception", not the "rule"! As you've readily admitted yourself repeatedly, that's not the current 22 fret Dinky style. So cool for you! But that's not what we've been talking about all along - we've been talking about the "rule": the current style Dinky. Apples and oranges, that's all. Or, maybe red delicious apples and macintosh apples, would be a better analogy.

                I'm done debating, though. This got strange enough a ways back, so I'm just done now. Peace.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
                  Xeno, first off I want to thank you for the personal insults and attacks. Thought we had known each other here on the forum for long enough, bro, but...congrats, way to douche it up. Stay classy, San Diego.
                  Wow, what a fucking hypocrite. You started with the ad homs about worthless opinions and being a flat earther and now you're trying to act better than that?

                  You lost comprehension of what the discussion was even about.

                  Apparently you think you know Jackson body shapes better than Mike Shannon. And your anti-Jackson company comments makes me even wonder why you're a fan of the brand.

                  The specific body shape of my neck-thru was retired from bolt-on Dinkys in the early 90's and as far as I know, that template hasn't been used since the body was updated. If you order a 22 fret soloist right now, you're not getting an 80's Dinky body shape, as I clearly show in comparison. Anyway your point is moot because all 22 fret neckthrus are Masterbuild, there is no 'standard production' to even base your claims on that you can't even get tracings of.

                  If someone has a 80's 22 fret Soloist, I'll be happy to send my template for a picture of a new outline placed on it just for the sake of curiosity. Not because I give a shit about an opinion either way, just to make a factual connection.
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • #54
                    Era: 1998 22 fret USA Select Student Soloist vs 1997 22 fret DK2.

                    Is 97-98 Ontario a close enough comparison for that given time period? That's actually a standard production U serial 22 fret soloist, so you can say that body style is official. I should note JStarr823 for posting the perfect guitar at the perfect minute. Thanks! The DK2 is a known standard body shape. Looks like the body shapes aren't the same. This also reflects against your outline that I updated with my Dinky shape. But...

                    I'll rule this inconclusive because of perspective distortion. You can also see lens distortion where some of the frets don't line up. But it's consistent with my point. I did ask for a better picture in that thread. Hopefully he can take one for me. I did need to manipulate the DK so the frets lined up with the Soloist, which is not pictured completely face on. I'm actually finding it difficult to find era and perspective correct bodies to compare. Ian should pony up photos. lol

                    This is with some of the foreground removed, you can see the background Soloist is shot from the side which is why I'm calling this inconclusive.

                    Last edited by xenophobe; 04-14-2018, 05:05 PM.
                    The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                      You started with the ad homs about worthless opinions and being a flat earther and now you're trying to act better than that?
                      Definition: ad ho·mi·nem
                      adverb & adjective

                      • 1.(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
                      • 2. relating to or associated with a particular person.

                      What I actually said (italics added for emphasis): "Really, my friend, while this has been fun, the debate has veered off into strange land. Like flat-earther strange. "

                      So I was being critical of the debate, the position. i.e., Denying facts plainly in view was somewhat flat earth-like. I was not being critical of you, the person - ad hom or not. An actual ad hominem attack would have been something more like "Xeno, you're a flat-earther, so what would you know anyway?" There is a difference: people disagreeing with your opinion or position is not the same as them attacking you personally. So not my words, not my meaning. But, hey, it's internet argument nonsense anyway, so if you interpreted that way and took offense, I'll apologize regardless.

                      Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                      Apparently you think you know Jackson body shapes better than Mike Shannon.
                      Last I checked, Mike wasn't participating in this discussion. Just us guitar geeks in here. Read back your own statement, though - it seems to imply that you have the same level of knowledge as Mike Shannon does himself, or that you're somehow speaking on his behalf? No, I would never pretend to think I know anything better than Mike Shannon about guitar building or J/C's history. His little pinky probably knows more than I do. I don't even know what I don't know. I only know what I do from my own actual guitar collection (see: tracings) and playing, a background of ordering many custom Jacksons and Charvels over 30-plus years, and what I've learned from others here on the JCF.

                      Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                      And your anti-Jackson company comments makes me even wonder why you're a fan of the brand.
                      Again, saaaay what? Where did I say anything anti-Jackson here? Perhaps you mean the part about J/C trying to keep their customers happy? "The customer is always right"? I can't even remotely understand how that might be interpreted as negativity directed at J/C. It's just the opposite - that's what every company should do. It's praise for the company! Because sometimes the customer - even me! - is mistaken. And the faux conversation in the custom shop - that's just humor, right? Humor.

                      One final point on the debate, though - after the "is it an import" goads, you then post pics comparing to an import DK2? No, apples and oranges. (And, for the record: no imports. Every J/C I have is a custom shop guitar.) I agree the remaining part of the debate on the 22 fret Soloist vs. Dinky styles is somewhat moot, though. Too few 22 fret Soloists to prove one way or the other. Peace again, out again.
                      Last edited by shreddermon; 04-15-2018, 12:11 PM.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
                        So I was being critical of the debate, the position. i.e., Denying facts plainly in view was somewhat flat earth-like. I was not being critical of you, the person - ad hom or not. An actual ad hominem attack would have been something more like "Xeno, you're a flat-earther, so what would you know anyway?" There is a difference: people disagreeing with your opinion or position is not the same as them attacking you personally. So not my words, not my meaning. But, hey, it's internet argument nonsense anyway, so if you interpreted that way and took offense, I'll apologize regardless.
                        Yeah, I think you're arguing semantics at this point, but fair enough. My apologies if I mistakenly took what you said wrong and for my response. It happens.

                        Last I checked, Mike wasn't participating in this discussion. Just us guitar geeks in here. Read back your own statement, though - it seems to imply that you have the same level of knowledge as Mike Shannon does himself, or that you're somehow speaking on his behalf? No, I would never pretend to think I know anything better than Mike Shannon about guitar building or J/C's history. His little pinky probably knows more than I do. I don't even know what I don't know. I only know what I do from my own actual guitar collection (see: tracings) and playing, a background of ordering many custom Jacksons and Charvels over 30-plus years, and what I've learned from others here on the JCF.
                        My only point with that was that I actually had this discussion with Jackson, not my dealer, about 22 fret soloist vs dinky bodies when I spec'd my order... This actually caused a bit of confusion because if I didn't state it, I would have received the current 22 fret soloist body as I pictured. Whether or not that is exactly identical to a modern 22 fret Dinky body, or the last templates used at Ontario or Corona before switching to CNC is unknown. I choose not to assume either way.

                        One final point on the debate, though - after the "is it an import" goads, you then post pics comparing to an import DK2? No, apples and oranges. (And, for the record: no imports. Every J/C I have is a custom shop guitar.) I agree the remaining part of the debate on the 22 fret Soloist vs. Dinky styles is somewhat moot, though. Too few 22 fret Soloists to prove one way or the other. Peace again, out again.
                        That actually is a DK1, my mistake. Here's the full picture.

                        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                        • #57
                          Hello, i am new to this forum and i salute you.

                          I am a left handed guitar player and i would like my luthier to build a Warren De Martini Custom Shop Charvel "Frenchie" and that it looks as closed as the original one. My only problem is to find the exact size of the body that seems to be a Dinky one. I already own a Bomber one but the body is a San Dimas style.
                          I sent two emails to the custom shop of Charvel but no answer.
                          So my luthier will do the job but i need all the specs of this guitar ( body size and neck size). The pick ups will be the same even if this is very difficult to find a Seymour Duncan RTM. If you've got one i am interested in.
                          I will just change the mechanics into Kluson gold ones, and the Floyd into a Schaller gold one. I own all the decals, the neck plate so that it looks as closed as the original one.

                          If one of you have the exact plans of this body and neck guitar it would be very kind.
                          It's a pity Charvel does not answers to my emails.

                          You can contact me at [email protected]

                          Very best regards.

