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Jackson Pro Series DK2M White Bengal Splash Info

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  • Jackson Pro Series DK2M White Bengal Splash Info

    I recently purchase a Jackson Pro Series DK2M White Bengal Splash with the serial number 9820522. I cannot find any information on it. I contacted Jackson/Fender and was told production was prior to their acquisition and they had no info at all on it. Was it a special run? In one year? Was it produced for American Music Supply (rumored)? Any/ all info would be greatly appreciated.

    This guitar has a minor crack in the neck that I will have repaired. Are replacement neck and other parts available anywhere?[/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]vailable?
    Last edited by Grancru; 04-16-2018, 12:24 PM.

  • #2
    Not sure I'd call that headstock crack all that minor! Hope ya got a really nice deal on that one?
    Where was she built?

    Looks a lot like my MIJ DK2M that I got from MF in '09, but mine's got passive Duncans...


    • #3
      Those were made in Japan. I heard it was a run of 125 pc's for Sam Ash music stores. Got mine at a pawn shop in Reno for 400.00.


      • #4
        I remember those. Nice. I would just inject some glue in that crack and clamp it up. Should be fine after it dries. Especially if it hasnt gone through to the face of the headstock. Heres a little info.

        Last edited by Carbuff; 04-17-2018, 11:27 AM.


        • #5
          2007 ltd from AMS. J/F guys are idiots or lazy.


          • #6
            Yeah, 2007-8 serial. Fender have proven to be clueless time after time.
            96xxxxx, 97xxxxx and 98xxxxx serials oftentimes don't indicate '96, '97 and '98.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Carbuff View Post
              I remember those. Nice. I would just inject some glue in that crack and clamp it up. Should be fine after it dries. Especially if it hasnt gone through to the face of the headstock. Heres a little info.

              ^ this. Easy repair, especially if it's not showing on the front.
              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jacksonaxes View Post
                Those were made in Japan. I heard it was a run of 125 pc's for Sam Ash music stores. Got mine at a pawn shop in Reno for 400.00.
                I guess it was American Musical Supply.
                METAL, LIVE IT!


                • #9
                  Thanks for the info. Yes, I am not worried is the slightest bit about the crack. It is not through the front and I'll have my guitar Luthier/tech inject with epoxy stronger than original then do a full set-up.


                  • #10
                    I love mine. You can get any replacement DK2M neck, or any 24 fret 25.5" scale Jackson neck for that matter.

