I had this grand illusion of putting a Floyd Pro in my SL1.
I thought I would make this my workhorse guitar and my heavily modded beast.
Well, First off, the Floyd Pro doesnt fit in the SL1 Floyd Cavity. Requires routing. I took it to a shop, had it put in, had the guitar set up. 60$
Go the next day and the tech said the guitar wont float, it sits on the base of the trem cavity and is at a slight angle.
So its set up and intonated, except im not sure if its me or if the aciton is WAY to high.
I measured the action at the 12th fret and at the 24th. It's 2 1mm picks at the 24th fret and a lil less (mebbe 1.5-1.7) at the 12th. Is that decent, or is that kinda high?
I havent had a solid guitar to play in the last 2 months, and im so god damn mad [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
I havent had pickups because I sold them. Today I got a Duncan Distortion from Jonsgon, its in mint shape, but he changed the screw size so I cant mount it in the ring. I dont know how im going to mount it either, I'll have to find some kinda new screws and re drill my hum ring and the pickup.
I need to vent, I just wanted my "dream guitar" and jus tlike every other guitar I have tried to make more playable, it ends up biting me in the ass and I wanna sell it all so that I can have a fresh, properly installed and set up guitar that isnt hacked to **** and ugly.
Anyhow, I dont have a tape measurer (nor any tools at the moment) so can someone please tell me decent action for the 1st, 12th and 24th fret in MM's?
I thought I would make this my workhorse guitar and my heavily modded beast.
Well, First off, the Floyd Pro doesnt fit in the SL1 Floyd Cavity. Requires routing. I took it to a shop, had it put in, had the guitar set up. 60$
Go the next day and the tech said the guitar wont float, it sits on the base of the trem cavity and is at a slight angle.
So its set up and intonated, except im not sure if its me or if the aciton is WAY to high.
I measured the action at the 12th fret and at the 24th. It's 2 1mm picks at the 24th fret and a lil less (mebbe 1.5-1.7) at the 12th. Is that decent, or is that kinda high?
I havent had a solid guitar to play in the last 2 months, and im so god damn mad [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
I havent had pickups because I sold them. Today I got a Duncan Distortion from Jonsgon, its in mint shape, but he changed the screw size so I cant mount it in the ring. I dont know how im going to mount it either, I'll have to find some kinda new screws and re drill my hum ring and the pickup.
I need to vent, I just wanted my "dream guitar" and jus tlike every other guitar I have tried to make more playable, it ends up biting me in the ass and I wanna sell it all so that I can have a fresh, properly installed and set up guitar that isnt hacked to **** and ugly.
Anyhow, I dont have a tape measurer (nor any tools at the moment) so can someone please tell me decent action for the 1st, 12th and 24th fret in MM's?