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Custom Quote Generator Question - Archtops?

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  • Custom Quote Generator Question - Archtops?

    Stupid question...

    On the Jackson web site's custom shop quote form generator, there's an upcharge for archtops. Then, of course, there are also upcharges for the various figured maple tops, depending on the thickness specified. Are these addative? i.e., If you were to order a quilted maple archtop, you would include BOTH upcharges.

    I'm thinking yes, but I pretty much can't ever recall seeing a non-figured J/C archtop. So maybe no? ...Anyone know the answer?

  • #2
    Re: Custom Quote Generator Question - Archtops?

    The early Phil Collen models were archtops that didn't have figured tops. So are the newer archtop JJ's and import DKMG/T. Having one does not imply the other. You have to include both upcharges.


    • #3
      Re: Custom Quote Generator Question - Archtops?

      Good point. I hadn't remembered those. Yeah, it's got to be both.

      FYI, the old-style PC archtop is a different upcharge option altogether. As is the Roswell.

      Thanks, BM.


      • #4
        Re: Custom Quote Generator Question - Archtops?

        I was thinking about that too, from a slightly different angle, which is this.

        Isn't an archtop usually made of a carved maple cap glued onto the basewood, implying that it would have to be one of the thicker choices, instead of the veneer? Or would Jackson be willing to simply carve the archtop portion out of the basewood and then apply a maple veneer to it, giving it the appearance of a maple cap? I'm guessing the latter, since the form allows you to choose both archtop and the flame veneer, but I could envision it being the other way around, too (i.e., if you order an archtop, you must choose the thicker top wood, because that's what the arched part is made of). Anyone know the answer to this?

