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Catalog help

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  • Catalog help

    Does anybody have any older Jackson catalogs? (online link or other,ie; pics)

    I need to find one that shows the JRS-1 and another showing the JRS-2, namely description differences, color options. Pics would be cool too.

    I just bought a JRS model from the used gear MGR site a little while ago. They listed it as a JRS-1. I received the guitar today and it says "professional" on the headstock, so it's an import, and from my understanding a JRS-2.

    I called the store manager (the store is out of state) and he got 'quite' testy with me when I tried to explain the difference. He offered a refund, but I would eat it on shipping because of their mistake, that is when we had a problem because I felt it's their mislisting issue, they should issue full cost of refund, including shipping. Basically he told me he would take his time in researching the difference and blow me off in my 'complaint' of not wanting to absorb any loss for shipping costs. I tried to smooth his attitude over, and I also attempted to offer Kevin Easton's site as a reference, he really just basically said, "fine we'll take all the time in the world in trying to find it out"

    So if anyone has any Jackson catalogs from 1990's, let me know. Joe? you have info on these?

    [ January 08, 2004, 04:28 AM: Message edited by: charvelguy ]

  • #2
    Re: Catalog help

    I found one reference, in the 1997 Jackson catalog, but the print is barely readable.


    • #3
      Re: Catalog help

      Charvelguy: If he is being a prick about it, call him back up and basically tell him that what he did was false advertising and that if he doesn't absorb the fees involved with returning the guitar you will contact the local Chamber of Commerce and also the National Better Business Bureau.

      He is wrong, they listed it as something it is not, they are responsible for the costs IMO. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: Catalog help

        Bummer!! [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] I have been in a similar situation. I paid by VISA for a product that was falsly advertised. It was an internet purchase from a store in a different state. I got the same "run a round" from the manager.

        I called the bank that issued the VISA and told them the charges were for a product I didnt receive. I told them I would cancel the card if they didnt help me pursue the "fraud". I guess they leaned on the store manager because he gave me a full refund shortly after that. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: Catalog help

          yeah, I have thought of something similar to just that, only I was envisioning having a threat for legal action...which usually backfires if you're not going to back it up..but the BBB and Chamber of Commerce suggestion is a better option if it comes down to that. I put the downpay on a charge, but paid it off on a check.

          I do have the layaway contract that states JRS-1. He definitely was being a prick as the conversation went on, so something I said must have tested him and I told him I wasn't trying to be an ass about it, I just want the store to own up to what was offered, and if you can't, hey at least offer the entire refund. At first he said if he could find anything on it, they would do some kind of adjusted deal, or a refund but then he was like " well..what did you think you were getting?!! "(I only paid 200.00) "How much do JRS-1's go for?" I said probably about 350.00.. meaning, I shouldn't complain period because you got it for a good price even tho they list it as a JRS-1. "we did not list it as a USA Jackson" He also said it was a 1990 and I was thinking 'more like 1995-96' but at that point, I didn't want to get into another debate..he just left the conversation as "we'll look into it"

          Hence, the disagreement,..I thought I was getting a USA Jackson JRS-1 for dirt cheap. Hell if they would have used the lowly Harmony Central, they probably could have determined a JRS-2 is an import. It only tookme about an hour of link searching to find the catalog. Still, it's not a bad price, the guitar is very clean, very low wear, just not a JRS-1, hence, I was disappointed when it arrived.

          They were great up till this point. I may want to do business with the store again for another item I have viewed on MGR's website, so that is where it gets sticky.


          • #6
            Re: Catalog help

            While the USA and Japanese versions of that instrument are nice, neither is very expensive. Unless you absolutely had to have the USA version, ask the manager for a refund of some of the price. Perhaps 25% of the total back in your pocket would be fair since you got an import when you thought it was USA. You could probably always sell it on eBay or here on the JCF if you decided not to keep ownership. This way you can avoid the return shipping hassles. Just a thought...
            "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
            Gotta get away from here.
            Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
            Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


            • #7
              Re: Catalog help

              Those are good suggestions also Joe.

              The problem is he's turning the situation 180 degrees by saying he's got to be convinced that he sold me a JRS-2, but that on the other hand, he's not going to invest any time into researching it because it would mean forking out least that is the jest of how I gathered the conversation, whether that changes depends on his mood for the day I guess.

              I figure the Japanese and the USA versions are fairly similar, but I was anticipating a USA I think some kind of reduction is fair. again, whether he does will be another story because he may try to throw the "you get what you pay for" type of deal back at me.

              I guess I'll have to send him the page from the '97 catalog and play it from there. If you happen have it handy in your HD, please post it here. I may try to upsize the pic from this guys website so it's readable.


              • #8
                Re: Catalog help

                Is this guy going to NAMM? Maybe I'll give him a "gift" for you when I see him. A size 13 gift!

                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                • #9
                  Re: Catalog help

                  [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] too funny. I wouldn't know Ron, but if I can find out, I'll keep ya in mind. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                  Still looking for a readable PG.3 from the 1997 Jackson Catalog if anyone has one, please send along.

