Finally I decided to order my custom guitar and would like to have some opinions which dealer to go with.
Since the price of custom shop will be real expensive(I am expecting $2500-3000&up)I would prefer to go with a dealer who can give me as much discount as he can(even $10 less will help.) and most important thing is customer service.
Please let me know who I should talk with.
This also will be my first full custom order with Jackson USA.
I am going with a custom RRV 1hum with non FLoyd and nice inlays.
Since the price of custom shop will be real expensive(I am expecting $2500-3000&up)I would prefer to go with a dealer who can give me as much discount as he can(even $10 less will help.) and most important thing is customer service.
Please let me know who I should talk with.
This also will be my first full custom order with Jackson USA.
I am going with a custom RRV 1hum with non FLoyd and nice inlays.