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Official save your butt thread :)

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  • Official save your butt thread :)

    OK guys. I just purchased two Ibanez Guitars in the last two weeks, a RG3102T and a USRG30.... why, because I liked them.
    The problem is now the lady of the mannor seems to feel it manditory to remind me of the money spent on this addiction everytime I want to buy so much as a pack of gum. "why do you need so many" "You can only use one at a time" "They all look the same" You know thw drill [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] Of course it's perfectly OK for her to purchase a $40K BMW because she "wants back seats" [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]
    So here's your chance to help your browbeaten brothers/sisters in their endevour to spend every available funds on guitars.
    How many do you own and do you "need" them all?
    I have 14 now and I know it doesn't match many on this forum. [img]graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]
    Do I need them all?

  • #2
    Re: Official save your butt thread

    There's no difference between wants and needs as far as I am concerned.

    I only have one guitar at present (with one on order and another soon to be) because I wanted to pare down the collection to guitars I really wanted rather than just what I kind of liked (and it turned out I didn't have much I really wanted).

    When I was married, I always used to wonder why my then-wife spent so much money on knick-knacks. Stuff like ceramic cows and the like. They seemed pointless to me, but she liked them, so I didn't protest.

    On the other end of the spectrum, my father owns roughly 40 cars at the moment. That's what he collects. And while I could never see myself colleting automobiles, that's his passion, so I support him (and he does have some cool ones).

    And for some of us, we like guitars, so we buy them. Personally, I love movies, so I spend a lot of money on DVDs.

    Nearly everyone I know collects something, collecting guitars is no different. It's just more expensive than some other collections.


    • #3
      Re: Official save your butt thread

      evry guitar sounds they play different (meaning YOU will play and sound different on them as well) guitar is or can be absolutely everything you want in an instrument...some sound better clean, some are better for rapid picking vs. legato...the list goes on...d.m.


      • #4
        Re: Official save your butt thread

        This ain't a commy country, LIVE while you can! [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

        Also collecting guitars isn't the most expensive of all collections, 40 cars [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: Official save your butt thread

          Ask her if she NEEDS all those clothes. They all do the same thing, what's the point? Well, you don't NEED them. You're not going to die without clothes (as long as you live in a temperate or tropical enviroment).

          At the largest count I had about 12 guitars, IIRC. They all sound different, have different setups, have different FEELS and different CHARACTER. Same reason she needs 15 pairs of shoes, yet only has two feet. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Official save your butt thread

            Ah yes, the wife does in fact have more clothes than Taiwanese sweat shop. And, of course, she does ask me why I need more guitars. Same stereotypical situation here. I have 4 guitars with another on the way. And the GAS is coming on strong.


            • #7
              Re: Official save your butt thread

              For the same reason people don't eat the same dish at every meal (or if you're tired of the beech's whining and want to get rid of her) for the same reason men have women on the side [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

              My Blog:


              • #8
                Re: Official save your butt thread

                just tell her to mind here own business...I'm a family man with a stay at home wife. My priority is my family but I have 13-14 guitars and enough parts for about 3-4 more to build. I'm responsible with money so it is not like we go without food or cloths for me to buy guitars [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                Also another thing you could say is "that $1000 geetar you just bought would have been a few trips to the tiddy bar" least you have an asset instead of just a non-tangible good time [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                • #9
                  Re: Official save your butt thread

                  My wife used to ask why I needed so many guitars but now she even jeeps an eye out for me. I don't really know when the change took place but I'm glad it did. Every now and then, she'll tease me about a new guitar she didn't know about but for the most part, she's 100% behind me on my Jackson buying. I've got aound 25 or 30 but I plan on sticking right around 20 once I move the ones I won't play as much. Maybe if you include her in the excitement of it she'll come around. My wife also got a new Bimmer last year (325xi all-wheel drive, she loves it)but that was a decision we made together. It's like the other guys said, each guitar sounds a little different; some are more sought after than others, but you've got to explain it all to her and include her in the whole thing. And don't be hesitant to show that you're willing to sell some too. If one or two isn't your cup of tea when you get them, move 'em. This way you can always have a revolving door of axes.
                  Not many people can collect something as expensive and cool as these things so I thank God every day that I can even do this as a hobby.


                  • #10
                    Re: Official save your butt thread

                    It's ALWAYS a good idea to float the "It's an investment" line. Open up an auction for an LTD Rhoads and point "See that? Those went for about $500 when they were new." She's not going to know they didn't, so you're good. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: Official save your butt thread

                      I think it's all about your mood in life, too. I have been at 40, and am currently down to 3. I was happy then, and i'm happy now.

                      Personally, I found it very difficult to properly maintain that many guitars. After a while you realize the ones your not that thrilled with are forever sitting in the case in the closet, so why bother having them?

                      I still feel it goes back to a player's vs. collector's mentality. I'd rather have fewer guitars that are absolute tone monsters that a whole bunch that I do nothing with, other than say I own them.


                      • #12
                        Re: Official save your butt thread

                        I have 16 (I think) after about five years, with one custom piece being designed (DRP McInturff - should get it started his month), one guitar on the way (hopefully, huntindoug said he was going to talk to the store about that Model 7 for me), and one about which I've just started talking to the builder (Koll RE 7/6, I'm thinking about going 8-string with it... ). Guitars are fun, and they're all different. Fortunately, I have OCD, so I've got an excuse that nobody can really contest. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: Official save your butt thread

                          I have 25 guitars and counting (mostly C/Js)- If it's your passion, who has the right to criticise it? (unless your not able to pay the mortgage / feed the kids or whatever). I drive around in a shitty car, I don't smoke, we have a decent house and I have a job I don't like but that pays well, so I at least want to enjoy the money!
                          I (and my wife) have accepted that I'll probably never stop as even when I have everything I want, there's still more colours out there!
                          Popular is not the same as good
                          Rare is not the same as valuable
                          Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                          • #14
                            Re: Official save your butt thread

                            Well, I had two guitars when I was with my wife. Since we're divorced, I've had about 10 or 11 at one time. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] I'm now down to 8 or 9... I forget, because I sold a couple, traded a couple more, sold another. Hmmm, now I've got cases and stuff in the bedroom, living room and basement and I've gotta go see what exactly I have.
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • #15
                              Re: Official save your butt thread

                              i bought my girl an SL500 convertible to offset
                              the guitars i was buying. i think i got up to 54
                              and then they left as the taxes and drugs won in the end. the mercedes only worked for a short while. when she would ask why i needed another, i would say- why does a stamp collector need another stamp? you will always get heat about buying guitars no mateer what you do, so keep buying and get a helmet. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!

