When he told me, (about a year ago) he made me sign a non-disclosure agreement so no one would find out too early. It's called San Dimas Guitars. I haven't had an opportunity to play one yet, but they look great. He said that his site; sandimasguitars.com will be up by the end of the week. Until then you can see some pics here: http://www.brooksguitarworld.com/whats_new.html
Scroll about halfway down the page.
He has already got 15 pieces made so far.
He told me that his idea was to have an online site where someone could spec out and order a guitar exactly how he or she wants it without having to pay a customshop price. Right now he only has bolt on's, but hopefully that will change in the future. Best of luck to him.
Scroll about halfway down the page.
He has already got 15 pieces made so far.
He told me that his idea was to have an online site where someone could spec out and order a guitar exactly how he or she wants it without having to pay a customshop price. Right now he only has bolt on's, but hopefully that will change in the future. Best of luck to him.