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Pawn Shop prices for used J/C's in seattle

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  • #16
    Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

    I'm thinking my pawnshop lefty find is a 475 DLX would that be a bolt on version of the 650xl?
    When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


    • #17
      Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

      no hoging the leftys there joe lol. actually thats a great idea i got a sweet lefty 475 from a pawn shop that scott vwall found for me. and mosh ya right on the south thing...very rare to find a charvel for sale anywhere here in the south.


      • #18
        Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

        All your pawn shop scores are belong to us.


        • #19
          Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

          Pretty much you get screwed or get lucky everywhere. If you are lucky you may find something but not very often. If you live in Hickvill there is really no selection. Here in CA there is so much competition if you have to run to the ATM you may miss out on something cool???


          • #20
            Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

            I picked up a rare 5 string model 2 a week ago at a pawn shop in Redmond for $20. They had it for $220, but someone dropped it and the hi E snapped right off the head stock. Just need a neck now off a f-up'd body.
            ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


            • #21
              Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

              Dude, those prices for a Model series isn't so bad... usually around here they have those tagged at $400+ in the Bay Area, at least for nice clean ones.

              Pawn shops are always good for haggling too. If they won't sell it for what you want, make it a weekly stop. Every time you go, ask them to sell for $20 less each time... I'm sure if it doesn't move, you'll get it for a good price, or share some good laughs...
              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


              • #22
                Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

                $500 including tax -
                $250 including tax -
                $116.60 w/ tax (since traded to Jack, dunno if he still has it)-
                $350 including tax -

                I also got an ADA MP-1 for $60 including tax, which I flipped for twice what I paid a week later. [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

                I'm currently stalking a few other things at two of the seven or eight pawnshops within 10 minutes of my house. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


                • #23
                  Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

                  [ QUOTE ]

                  $250 including tax -

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Why the finish wont last long on this one. Because shes bugging me a lot in a good way [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                  • #24
                    Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

                    I live in Seattle too.
                    Except for the example below, all of the used sellers here don't know **** about guitars. Therefore, their prices are stupid.
                    I got a a red Model 5a @ Geetar Satan downtown about 3 years ago. It was a 1989.
                    The were trying to sell it for $399 forever.
                    It was missing one of the lock down screws. I told them no one would ever buy it.
                    I walked out of there w/ it for $225. It was EXC+++.
                    At that time the so called butt rock guitars were not selling.
                    I think everyone sells on Ebay now.
                    Before GS got Les Pauls back, used beat to **** mid 70's thru mid 80's boat anchor LP's were $1700 - $2100.
                    Give me a **** break.
                    A friend of mine owned Music-Go-Round in Bellevue back then.
                    He had some kick ass deals. Got some great Marshalls from him.


                    • #25
                      Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      I'm thinking my pawnshop lefty find is a 475 DLX would that be a bolt on version of the 650xl?

                      [/ QUOTE ]475 DLxs have 22 frets, while 650XLs have 24. If it's 24 frets it's probably a Fusion; there are lots of different Fusion models with both Charvel and Jackson models.Also I saw a lefty DK-2 on Ebay the other day, though it may have been listed as a "reverse". Don't know if it's still up.Pawnshops usually sell an item for half what it's listed for IF you have cash in your wallet RIGHT NOW when you're dealing. They'll never make a deal like that if you don't have the $ on you though. Pulling the money out and showing it to them really does help, believe it or not. It's also helpful to know they've had the thing on the wall for a long time. Mention it in a polite way.For the Alabama guy, I saw a Model 4 for $149 at a pawnshop awhile back, but I'd just bought a Model 6 anddidn't have the $. They are out there, but you've gotta look in every sh1thole pawnshop to find 'em.
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #26
                        Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

                        Because it's non-original. Somebody stenciled and sprayed it on. The original documentation is in the case. It's supposed to be Arctic White.

                        Btw, all those scores were within a year, which is about how long I've been here. The good makes up for the bad in the ATL. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


                        • #27
                          Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          I live in Seattle too.
                          Except for the example below, all of the used sellers here don't know **** about guitars. Therefore, their prices are stupid.
                          I got a a red Model 5a @ Geetar Satan downtown about 3 years ago. It was a 1989.
                          The were trying to sell it for $399 forever.
                          It was missing one of the lock down screws. I told them no one would ever buy it.
                          I walked out of there w/ it for $225. It was EXC+++.
                          At that time the so called butt rock guitars were not selling.
                          I think everyone sells on Ebay now.
                          Before GS got Les Pauls back, used beat to **** mid 70's thru mid 80's boat anchor LP's were $1700 - $2100.
                          Give me a **** break.
                          A friend of mine owned Music-Go-Round in Bellevue back then.
                          He had some kick ass deals. Got some great Marshalls from him.

                          [/ QUOTE ]
                          You are right about here. Seen some strange deals with Charvels and Jacksons. I picked up a Crackle Fusion in great shape this year for $120 cash.
                          ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                          • #28
                            Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

                            I've bought Model 1, 2 and 3's for under $100 before, always used to see that in every pawn shop, charvels ment nothing to these guys.
                            I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


                            • #29
                              Re: Pawn Shop prices for used J/C\'s in seattle

                              I stopped going to pawn shops here locally in SW Florida. The selection is usually crap low end Squires and Korean crap, as well as the guitar thats been in their shop for 5 + years and the guy wouldn't budge on price even if you humored yourself to ask if he'd take less.

                              That said I did find some bargains in the early 90's. But even then it was mostly Japanese vintage 70's-80's guitars.

                              The last joke was going into a PS and the guy had one of those Essex goldtop Les Paul copies and asking like $249 and the guitar sold brand new for $139.99 3 years ago. I told the guy that and he said, "Well I can go a bit lower than $249." I laughed and walked out of that joint, never to return.

