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NYC guitar stores?

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  • NYC guitar stores?

    A friend of mine is going over to the big apple in a couple of weeks, so it would be cool if you fellas could give me the names of any guitar stores in central New York...
    Obviously J/C guitars are a priority, but also second-hand fender/gibson would be cool as well...anything you can think of!
    If you have suggestions then name/adress of the store and a phone no. would be much appreciated! Thanks.

  • #2
    Re: NYC guitar stores?

    2nd hand Fender/Gibson - 30th Street Guitars
    Not much for J/C stuff in Manhattan


    • #3
      Re: NYC guitar stores?

      There are some stores on W.48th St.near Manny's and SamsAss, and you have The Guitar Bar and Hoboken Vintage Guitars, in guessed it, Hoboken NJ.(1st town on Jersey side of the Lincoln Tunnel)
      Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


      • #4
        Re: NYC guitar stores?

        You can take the path over to hoboken from Manhattan in about ten minutes or so. Only costs a few bucks. There are about 5 billion music stores in NYC. You shouldn't have much trouble finding them.


        • #5
          Re: NYC guitar stores?

          Guitar Asylum.
          \oo/. .\oo/ @


          • #6
            Re: NYC guitar stores?

            Originally posted by McD - J/C HQ:
            Guitar Asylum.
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">McD, their locations are a fair bit out from the City proper. More on "the island", if you will. Nothing against Guitar Asylum, mind you.


            • #7
              Re: NYC guitar stores?

              I'll second 30th Street Guitars. Matt is an old friend of mine and he always has some nice stuff in there. He is an awesome luthier too, taught me most everything I know about repairing and modifying guitars. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: NYC guitar stores?

                There aren't too many good ones left. 30th is one of the best, but even Matt's prices are ridiculous at times. I have known Matt for awhile, but it is getting harder to find a deal at his store. 48th Street is a waste of time, don't even bother going. The new Guitar Center in Union Square is nice, but it is still Guitar Center. Matt Umanovs sucks, Carmine Street blows....sometimes First Flight is ok but I would go out of my way to get there. I think there is one on Houston that is supposed to be pretty good...Ludlow perhaps. Rogue is how you hit it. I have serious GAS and have a hard time buying anything here anymore. Even the shows suck. Almost everything I have has come from the internet at some point. I have a pretty good relationship with a few of the dealers here and if they see another of my guitars they always ask why I didn't buy from them. It always sucks explaining that I get way better deals elsewhere. USA Jackson/Charvel are not common in NYC so I woun't recommend trying to find any. You could always check Toy in the Attic in Westchester.

                Chelsea Guitar isn't too bad either.

                [ April 09, 2004, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: BigDaddyD ]


                • #9
                  Re: NYC guitar stores?

                  First Flight (1st Ave. & 10th St.) is cool but their selection is tiny and is mostly cheaper indie-rock hipster guitars. They are also dealers of Lace guitars, with the twisting fingerboards, and Koch amps. 30th St. (btwn 7th & 8th Aves.) is always fun, and the New York Guitar & Bass Boutique (746 9th Ave. (51st.) has a good rep- boutique stuff, vintage Fender & Gibson, even an '83 Dimas Charvel on their website. Ludlow has a big selection but the staff often seem annoyed by your presence, and the prices are high. The only places I see J/C's are Guitar Center, Manny's and Sam Ash, and mostly imports. Mandolin Brothers on Staten Island is a well-known vintage dealer- haven't been there myself, but definitely check it out online.


                  • #10
                    Re: NYC guitar stores?

                    I think it's mostly the same everywhere with used J/Cs.

                    In the Washington DC area (where I live), there are a couple of used guitar stores that will get J/Cs in--one has a small, but rarely changing, flock of USA Jacksons, and the other (much bigger) store, Atomic Music, has lots of played out import J/Cs, with the occasional USA (which I usually seem to jump on!).

                    Atomic used to have more USA Jacksons, but I think that eBay has really hit the higher-end used guitar market hard, since most folks with higher-end guitars don't want to take a big hit by selling them to a used-equipment store for half of their value. Obviously, there is still a lot of retail going on in the extreme high-end vintage stuff, but I don't see it as much anymore with the "normal higher-end USA" guitars like Jackson, Hamer, or even more recent Fenders and Gibsons.

                    And in Portland, Oregon (where I grew up), fuhgedaboudit! Apart from the rare item at Apple Music, you're down to looking at seedy pawnshops for J/Cs, and mostly you'll find real crappy stuff only.

                    Maybe L.A. is was used guitar heaven when I lived there almost 15 years ago, and not just for Jacksons. Is it still any good?

                    BTW, on my first trip up to NYC after I moved to the east coast, I did the W.48th thing...and was distinctly unimpressed. Lots of really average stuff priced outrageously, with lots of snotty, crappy attitudes from the "sales" people. Maybe I just didn't go to the right places. I don't ever get up to NYC enough to really find out.


                    • #11
                      Re: NYC guitar stores?

                      DO NOT GO TO NY GUITAR and BASS Boutique. Dude is a rip off artist. He was really cool with me so I sent a friend. He didn't realize the guy was my friend and really tried to rip him off. He backpedaled when he realized he was my friend..his bullshit cost him two customers.


                      • #12
                        Re: NYC guitar stores?

                        BTW, didn't intend to put a dig into NYC generally.

                        I think the 'unfriendliness' of New Yorkers is a myth. Folks up there seemed very friendly in my experience, probably more so than down here in DC. The only place in NYC I ever received a dose of bad attitude was the music stores.


                        • #13
                          Re: NYC guitar stores?

                          Let's not forget Matt.
                          Online Stage Gear
                          6138 So. Salina St
                          Syracuse NY 13205



                          • #14
                            Re: NYC guitar stores?

                            Syracuse is nowhere near NYC [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: NYC guitar stores?

                              It's just a "couple" of hours away from NYC... by car and a "couple" of months by foot [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                              Fong..can't stop laughing [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

