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  • G.A.S.

    Ok ok I'm new here so I know already I'm going to hear about this one for awhile, but what the hell does G.A.S. stand for. I have a feeling I have it already because I've only been a member three days and I just pulled the trigger on a dk-1. I hope there were no members bidding on this tonight cause i got it in the last few seconds like an asshole. I'm sure this thread will be a mile long by the time ya all get through with me.

  • #2
    Re: G.A.S.

    GAS stands for Gear/Guitar Aquisition Syndrome... it's basically an obsessive need to get more gear, basically when you've already got what you logically need, and still crave and get more.

    For me, I've noticed, it seems to go in phases, I'll have GAS for a whole year, then the next year I slowly sell off what I want, to get other stuff, then I get back into it, and aquire new stuff.

    Right now, I could go either way, either not buy another thing for a while, or buy 3 or 4 items that I don't really need. My custom Rhoads, and a Jackson custom Fusion that I have my eye on. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    Anyways, welcome to the board and that's a nice dinky you got there. Probably close to high dollar on it, but I love those trans black guitars.
    The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


    • #3
      Re: G.A.S.

      Sweet! [img]graemlins/drool2.gif[/img] You didn't get a smokin deal but still a helluva lot better than buying one new! Then again who am I to talk, I paid $400 for a Charvel model 6 with chipped paint and no mid-boost circuit! Welcome to the board!


      • #4
        Re: G.A.S.

        Well I had to have it... I guess.. I had... I had G.A.S. alright. Seriously though I was going to buy this same guitar new in about a month from Kevin. Seen this one, thought I'd give it a shot. I would have spent much much more getting it new. How much do these things go for used?


        • #5
          Re: G.A.S.

          You got it for about the right price. I'd say they normally go for $600 to $700 depending on condition. No worries bro....


          • #6
            Re: G.A.S.

            You rat. J/K I bid 623 and got beat by someone else too. Glad you beat them. The thing went up 100 in the last 2 min.All I was willing to pay was 650 shipped and that wasn't enough.

            Sniping,BIN or backdooring is the only way you ever win anything on ebay. Nice last minute bid, enjoy looks like a killer guitar.

            Oh yea I did wonder who was beating me and checked feedback. Nice Gucci beanie.Your gonna look badass playing that new DK with that GUCCI beanie on. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

            [ April 26, 2004, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: LRGman ]


            • #7
              Re: G.A.S.

              LoL, holy shit that is funny. Its my wifes account. She was acually saying how people were going to thing that something was screwed up if they looked at that list. Can ya tell which buys were mine? Lets see here. Dior purse, BeBe shirt, Gucci hat, Mesa Boogie 50/50...

              I'm 36, can ya tell my wife is 22?


              • #8
                Re: G.A.S.

                Thats it at the next gig I'm going to wear that damn Gucci beanie.


                • #9
                  Re: G.A.S.

                  [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

