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Got my car broken into this weekend

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  • Got my car broken into this weekend

    Yeah, my company car, parked in front of my house. Only got my cellphone and my briefcase and PDA, but they f'd it all up trying to smash the column and steal the car. Weird, but they pryed up the handle fixtures and unlocked the doors, not smashing the windows, though there was a large rock in the front seat that I guess proved superfluous. No real harm done and the insurance will fix it, but my daughter, who is 4, is a little scared by the experience. It's been sitting since Friday but we discovered it this a.m.

    I tracked a bunch of calls starting this a.m. on the cell phone. Any idea how I could trace who these calls were to in order to do a little detective work myself, maybe deliver a little sicilian justice? Bastards. I hate, I mean I HATE, like I want to burn their eyes out w/ soldering irons HATE criminals.

  • #2
    Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

    Look up the #'s they are calling on and that will give you the address and name of the individual. You could always pay them a visit and try to get them to rat a buddy out. Me personnaly I'd let the cops make the visits.
    Oh and BTW you might want to have this thread moved to the Non Jackson/Charvel.


    • #3
      Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

      Originally posted by nonamemx:
      Yay, I dont exist! Yay!

      I went to that site, they couldn't find anything on me. . .
      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">You have to have a listed phone #. If the guy is making a bunch of calls then one of them is bound to be listed. Sorry I guess I should have mentioned that.


      • #4
        Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

        Huh, I checked a bunch of family and friends with listed numbers (my friend Chris has had the same listed # for almost 20 years) and most don't even show up.


        • #5
          Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

          You can also put the phone number right into google.
          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


          • #6
            Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

            For instance, I put Toejam's number in, and got his address....heh heh heh.
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #7
              Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

              Jim are you using the reverse lookup? I typed in my own since I have just recently moved here and it showed up [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] . I don't know it has always worked for me.


              • #8
                Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

                Try these. Ultimate White Pages Reverse lookup

                Good Luck! EJ


                • #9
                  Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

                  This site is the best, use the reverse lookup.


                  My old boss busted his wife using this site.


                  • #10
                    Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

                    Please let the cops have this one. I can understand the desire for revenge (or Sicilian justice, as you call it), but don't put yourself in a jackpot. After all, you don't want your daughter to have to see you in legal trouble.

                    If your cel phone has been active, that should be a GREAT start for the police to track down the perps. (Hey, kinda "NYPD Blue"-sounding...)
                    Takeoffs are optional but landings are mandatory.


                    • #11
                      Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

                      Although I have several very close friends that are cops, my personal opinion of them "in general" is that they're useless. (If any of you guys are in the police profession I don't mean to offend!) A few years ago my ex-girlfriend and I were being stalked by some FREAK who was keying our cars, slashing tires, making threatening phone calls etc...

                      We went to the police on multiple occasions and got nothing out of them other than some comedy. One cop spent over 2 hours making sketches of footprints left in the snow, only to discover they were from his own shoes. Unbelieveable...

                      Not sure if serving up some Sicilian Justice is the right move, but I wouldn't put too much faith in the police either.

                      Special deals for JCF members on Jackson/Charvel, Suhr, Anderson, Nash, Splawn, Bogner, LSL, Ibanez, Diezel, Friedman, Bad Cat, 3rd Power, Dr. Z, ENGL and more. FREE SHIPPING! 0% FINANCING!


                      • #12
                        Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

                        I was a cop for 12 years and had to retire after a car accident. I can say, without reservation, that you are correct in your statements. Personally, I can't stand most cops and I felt that way while I was one too. The whole, cop persona/attitude/arrogance/whatever, is really fairly disgusting, especially when you are looking at it from the inside. But to keep this thread on the right track, I would very much recommend that he make sure to contact the PD several times a week to see if any progress has been made....get a copy of the report(s)....see if they recovered any evidence and what they did with it (lab, evidence locker, etc). If the suspect(s) got into your glovebox, and they almost always do, the cops should have taken the top and bottom papers if, in fact, you had a stack of documents in there like 99% of people do. I pulled prints off of paper many. many times and it is quite easy to do. If they handled any of the docs, the top and bottom ones are most likely to have prints....offer to come in and provide elimination prints which, if they took any prints as evidence, they can eliminate yours from any suspect prints. Anyone else who may have access to your car should also provide elim. prints. Did the cops dust any part of the car? Whenever we had a BFA (burg from Auto), we always made an attempt to dust likely areas. If we didn't, we'd get our asses chewed. All of us had small printkits we carried in our squads.
                        When you call them, see if any of this was should be documented in any report that was made. Ask if anything was sent to a lab for if any prints were run....Be polite of course...see if the report was assigned to a detective. I don't know how big the city is where you had this happen but many larger depts don't take things like this as far as they could. My wife's sis had her car broken into in St Louis and I was shocked at how little was done by the patrol officer who took the initial and what happened to the perp (literally nothing)
                        Breaking into a car is burglary in Illinois and, if I recall correctly, a class 3 or 4 felony. Big cities will write it off as a criminal trespass misdemeanor and do very, very little to either solve it, make an arrest, properly process evidence.
                        The secret is to make it a big deal by following up, making phone calls, asking questions, and offering free cooperation. Although it'd be fun to handle things the Charles Bronson way, it can only lead to trouble. Of course, it's easy for me to say this but if it were me, I know that I wouldn't hesitate to "handle" things myself. That's just my Irish temper though.
                        Good luck. If you want any other help or if you have specific questions about anything having to do with this situation, I'd be glad to help. Drop me an email if you'd like.
                        [email protected]


                        • #13
                          Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

                          If the police in your town are anything like the ones in my town, they'll have framed a Mexican immigrant for the crime in no time.


                          • #14
                            Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

                            Actually..I was an NYPD cop...YOU should stick to your guns!! Burn their eyes out with a soddering iron.....NOBODY messes with a bonafide JCF member and gets away with it.


                            • #15
                              Re: Got my car broken into this weekend

                              Originally posted by tmdiamond:
                              I was a cop for 12 years and had to retire after a car accident. I can say, without reservation, that you are correct in your statements. Personally, I can't stand most cops and I felt that way while I was one too. The whole, cop persona/attitude/arrogance/whatever, is really fairly disgusting, especially when you are looking at it from the inside. But to keep this thread on the right track, I would very much recommend that he make sure to contact the PD several times a week to see if any progress has been made....get a copy of the report(s)....see if they recovered any evidence and what they did with it (lab, evidence locker, etc). If the suspect(s) got into your glovebox, and they almost always do, the cops should have taken the top and bottom papers if, in fact, you had a stack of documents in there like 99% of people do. I pulled prints off of paper many. many times and it is quite easy to do. If they handled any of the docs, the top and bottom ones are most likely to have prints....offer to come in and provide elimination prints which, if they took any prints as evidence, they can eliminate yours from any suspect prints. Anyone else who may have access to your car should also provide elim. prints. Did the cops dust any part of the car? Whenever we had a BFA (burg from Auto), we always made an attempt to dust likely areas. If we didn't, we'd get our asses chewed. All of us had small printkits we carried in our squads.
                              When you call them, see if any of this was should be documented in any report that was made. Ask if anything was sent to a lab for if any prints were run....Be polite of course...see if the report was assigned to a detective. I don't know how big the city is where you had this happen but many larger depts don't take things like this as far as they could. My wife's sis had her car broken into in St Louis and I was shocked at how little was done by the patrol officer who took the initial and what happened to the perp (literally nothing)
                              Breaking into a car is burglary in Illinois and, if I recall correctly, a class 3 or 4 felony. Big cities will write it off as a criminal trespass misdemeanor and do very, very little to either solve it, make an arrest, properly process evidence.
                              The secret is to make it a big deal by following up, making phone calls, asking questions, and offering free cooperation. Although it'd be fun to handle things the Charles Bronson way, it can only lead to trouble. Of course, it's easy for me to say this but if it were me, I know that I wouldn't hesitate to "handle" things myself. That's just my Irish temper though.
                              Good luck. If you want any other help or if you have specific questions about anything having to do with this situation, I'd be glad to help. Drop me an email if you'd like.
                              [email protected]
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">wow, just got back to this thread. yeah, the've assigned a detective, but they didn't dust at all. They never even came to check out the car, in fact the only evidence they have is the list of calls I provided. Tits on a Boy if you ask me, what the point of my tax dollars is I'll never know. Thanks for your support guys, but I'm probably just taking it in the ass on this one. That's ok, this dish will taste better cold.

