just pulled the trigger on that sl2h-mah in natural finish over at easton. here's the pics from their site:

she's my first jackson. right now ive got a PRS custom 22 and a les paul custom, but neither of those are real player guitars you know...fat necks...not too great upper fret access. ive been eyeing jacksons since i first started playing though. i'm sure i wont regret the purchase.
i'll snap some more when she gets here in a few days.
i cant wait...so excited!

she's my first jackson. right now ive got a PRS custom 22 and a les paul custom, but neither of those are real player guitars you know...fat necks...not too great upper fret access. ive been eyeing jacksons since i first started playing though. i'm sure i wont regret the purchase.
i'll snap some more when she gets here in a few days.
i cant wait...so excited!